Good Luck Ragnarians!!!!
Today begins the epic journey of teo CFSBK Ragnar Relay teams across the mighty Adirondacks Send them good vibes, sbk’ers! You can follow their journey via twitter posts between Joe Williams, Asta Fivgas and Keith Walters (@astafivgas, @josephcwilliams, @commandoism) – #ragnaradk #skullandborg
12 people, 2 vans, 200miles, non-stop relay race..
Or.. from the website: Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar.
We have rerouted our former NY course to capture the beauty of upstate NY in the fall and the incredible terrain of the Adirondacks. The new relay starts at the Saratoga Spa State Park in Saratoga Springs, skirts along the Hudson River, passes through the Lake George region, up the southern side of Lake Champlain and ends in Lake Placid, the home of two Winter Olympic Games.
September 28-29
CFSBK Skull & Borg Team 1:
Asta Fivgas
Leslie Bolton
Hana Akselrod
Joe Williams
Dan Reshef
Kate Denny
Randi Huo
Marco Diadezzio
Steven Florio
Ian Landau
Juliana Aguedelo
Keith Walter
CFSBK Skull & Borg Team 2:
Jay Reingold
Jayme Lu
Corissa Briglia
Emily Ashton
Alyssa Schwartz
Andrew Migdail
Kryn Miner
Kevin McDonald
Ryan Joyce
Marian Lai
Courtney Hart
Cindy Firman
CFSBK Strength Cycle
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus it’s pretty badass.
We are offering four 8 week Strength programs that will involve the following:
* Small group training designed to increase your competency with the lifts.
* Consistent and repeated exposure to the powerlifts along a linear progression of weight
* Short and intense complementary conditioning workouts.
* Group discussions on lifting topics including: planning warm-ups, the mental aspect of lifting, and elements of the adaptive response to strength training.
*New PRs.
A Cycle- Novice Cycle
October 8 – December 2
Monday, Wednesday at 7pm, Friday at 6pm
C cycle–Morning Novice Cycle
October 8 – December 2
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
Cont Ed
October 8 – December 2
Monday and Wednesday at 6pm
Register Here!
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I haven't been coming in on Fridays for the past couple of months, since during marathon training I've been subbing in Active Recovery instead of a third day of training. (Best decision I've made all year.) But, because my client decided to mess with my schedule this week, I came in today instead of Wednesday and I'm SO GLAD I did.
At Tough Titsday my squat and deadlift numbers were not even close to what I did after my second strength cycle. They weren't even as good as I got after my first strength cycle. So I felt like I'd lost about 15-20 pounds' worth of strength since going back into group classes.
Today I hit 185 for a single, which is only 5# off my PR after two cycles, and 5# more than a lift I failed at Titsday! That makes me feel SO much better that, in fact, I have not turned to an atrophied ball of jelly and that I just had a bad day on Titsday. (I also now have a pretty good theory about why I had a bad day then, which makes me feel better too.)
Now I REALLY can't wait for the marathon to be over so I can jump back into strength cycle and start chasing that 200 squat again!
Spoiler alert: tomorrow is squat day.
I worked with Peter to find a heavy single and we both ended up setting PRs. I got 365, which was +10lb from the last time we did a long Wendler cycle. I didn't feel great coming in and wasn't even thinking about approaching a new 1RM today, but it was just an awesome, relaxed vibe in the gym this morning. I didn't feel any pressure and didn't over-think anything – we just kept adding weight to the bar and successfully hitting our reps (until the last attempt anyway). Maybe we were a little too relaxed because we didn't have any time left for the accessory work.
That's OK Betz, neither did I!
Forgot to mention: KH is a totally awesome bar partner. Especially when she PRs her squat and does a little dance while crowing, "Eat it, y'all!" (Okay, that's not what she actually said, but just in case there are kids reading this blog ;))
last night agility ladder with the Ryan youngsters. we can all work on our footwork! Also did a once over with foam roller and a little lax ball work. Played two hours of squash wed night. was soaked to the bone after the first hour. second hour emptied the whole tank. There was zero chance of deadlifts afterwards. I just can't have it all. I did sneak some presses in somehow.
Made some AWESOME spicy lamb meatballs with some of the csa ground lamb. 5-spice slow cooker ribs in the queue for this weekend.
Not looking forward to Giants Eagles. Is an offensive line important?
Have a great weekend, folks!
Jim,- Vick plays like he doesn't have an o line anyway, so why even bother. Damn I'm psyched for Sunday. Any JR-DH3 wagers for the game?
I will refrain from saying anything foolish about the eagles for now.
Betz congrats on the PR!!!!
Make up post from last night:
Thanks to cfox who let me borrow his sneakers for those runs.
Was decently suprised to be able to complete that wod rx'd. 12:14.
Wasnt Mobina or someone in 5pm supposed to buy Pizza if the heat finished under 15?
165# BSQ!!! PRed by 15# – WHAT?!?
Stella, I definitely didn't not say "Eat it, y'all." But I appreciate the G-rating makeover you gave me. And I heart sharing a bar with you.
I think hearing some Tears For Fears definitely bumped my numbers up… It's '80's Friday with Coach Nick!
6am with Nick.
Squatted with Betz. I was feeling pretty tired this morning from the work week and bad sleep last night. It didn't seem to affect me. Work sets at 295×1, 315×1 (PR), 325×1 (PR), 335×1 (PR), 345x1F. The 335 is a nice 25# increase over my old PR.
Nice job on hitting 365, Betz. But don't relax, I'm coming for you.
With a little encouragement from Fox I decided to do yesterdays WOD. Why did I listen? Looking at the workout I expected around 15:00 and came in at 14:58. Did 95# and rowed instead of run because my knee has been bothering me. It was as horrible as I expected, first group class in close to 2 years. I was able to keep up with everyone for the first round then I fell off the anaerobic cliff of death. The weight wasn't a problem I should have done 135#. But damn I was wasted, took breaks between deadlifts, cleans and presses. No gas in the engine at all. Katie asked me a question in between rounds and I think I just grunted, I was so out of it (Sorry Katie). By the end I just wanted to curl up into the arms of "The Sweet Baby Jesus™" and sleep.
After a lengthy recovery I did 10 minutes on the erg dropping pace by 10 seconds every 300. Can't embarrass myself too bad at the CRASH Bs. All in all about how I expected the first class to go. I was looking at the platform longingly.
Nice, Stella!
Did yesterday's WOD as Rx in 11:54. You may or may not have already realized this: I cannot lift weights silently. I apologize if I have scared anyone and/or their children.
@stella JR Can have a repeat bet any time he calls. But not for an early season game. We'll leave the pie for the big games.
However, JR Ill bet you 50 burpees on Sunday nights game….
I was hoping no one would remember 🙂 but sure! Not pizza, but I do promise to bring in an equally-sinful if completely-different treat (cookies! much easier to carry) to the gym next Thursday. They will not be paleo, nope, not even close…
I am going to have to pick my spots on this. No offensive line, Maclin coming off hip pointer, it's not going to be easy. I think I'll take a pass on this one.
Of course if the eagles somehow pull out a win on the night that they retire #20 for B-Dawk, I'll be doing lots of chirping anyway!
Serious dance party at 7am with Nick and McDowell, Stella thank you for just laughing at me and not pointing and laughing. Anyway, up to 103 for 3×5 – getting my legs back. This is good. Nice to see Sideshow Bob! A treat.
Re: The question this morning and using my dogs Wu-Name: Regretful Ninja, c'mon.. I can't do math that early!, I'd to complete with:
NPR: Julien Mahahual
Porn: Chrissy Green Cove Court
I am pretty sure that I have the best porn name. Ribs Brookwood.
@DH3! This mornings question was your choice of sharing your porn name = your first: pets name and street OR your npr name: letter out of middle name added to first name with the smallest place you've ever visited as your last name.
Re: WU.. my dog is a member of the Wu Tang fan club and that is her given Wu name. She gets birthday greetings every year, Ghostface Killah kind of loves her.
I had never heard of the NPR name game, but it's pretty awesome. I'm Stellac Kolbermoor, which totally works.
We were laughing through our DROMS this morning because…yeah, "what's your porn name?" obviously leads to some amusing conversation. I mean, how am I supposed to do hip circles when I find out that Nick's porn name is Vandegraff Bilbo?!
also utterly perfect.
couldn't come into the box today and have to work by a computer. double 🙁 but this means I've been watching the blog like a HAWK…
porn name: Natasha Montesquieu (was it your street growing up or now?)
also on a FGB note…. porkchop express is killing it in fundraising. and just under $5,700 is so awesome. time to step up my solicitation game.
Rep out felt good.
170x5x2, 7
Rep out felt better than the first two sets.
Axle Curls
75×15, 80×15, 85×10
Forearms in pain the last two sets.
Dumbbell Bench Press
80×5, 100×5, 110×5
110 dumbbells were tough to get into position
Bunch of tire pulls. Just kept adding weight until it felt real shitty.