Thanks to Joy M for photographing this weekend’s CrossFit Total!
To see the entire album, click here!
MEAT CSA MEMBERS! Give the farm your feedback – take the online survey!
Fight Gone Bad 26 days away
Team Captains, all of you recieved an email yeterday detailing what you guys need to do. Below is a summerized reminder of the tasks at hand:
1) Create your Team on Crowdrise (overdue)
2) Invite your teammates to join your team on crowdrise (overdue)
3) Decide on a Team Name (overdue)
4) Decide tshirt options (deadline 10/1)
b) font style
c) text color
5) Organize any practices/gatherings/happy hours/costume making parties (ongoing)
6) Determine which teammate will start at each station (deadline 10/20)
7) RAISE FUNDS! (ongoing though the last day to donate will be on 10/20)
So far we’ve raised $1,700! That’s about enough to have funded the following program:
Description: BAM Dance Africa nine-session, arts residency focused on indigenous African dance and music how these traditional art forms inspired contemporary music and dance styles popular among inner-city adolescents.
Grant Amount:
$1,775Neighborhoods Served: Bedford Stuyvesant
Ages Served: Middle School Students
Fund: Arts for All Fund
Help The CFSBK Book Club Pick Their Next Book
So far we have 4 book suggestions:
switched it up a bit tonight. hour of squash, then back down to gym for tris/bis light day. My body is just shot, but I mixed it up and went close grip and then some dumbbell curls. 3 days of the gym and I am just toast. Lots of fish oil this am, will have to do some mobility work at home tonight and get another good night's sleep.
Booze intake has been down conderably for quite some time now. Sleeping a lot more.
– Rip Van Jimmy
Midnight's Children (granted, it's the only one I haven't read). Cloud Atlas is great and I read Girl Gone for another book club, it made me paranoid. 😉 The Things They Carried is a throwback to earlier days reading wise.
@asta have you read anything else by Gillian Flynn (gone girl author). ALL her books will mess you up.. chick knows how to give just the right amount of creep. Eesh.
MGMT yet again I left my copper coloured Sigg with the CFSBK sticker on the bottom. Apologies and will grab when I'm back down again. Threatening myself with burpees apparently didn't help me remember.
Weirdly enjoyed Wednesday's workout even on no sleep. Could of gone heavier but overall pleased. Skype calls with partners traveling out of the country and 14 time zones ahead makes for a very blurry yet interesting morning. Nice to see my KH and bonus appearance of Luca – he had good stories today.
7 PM with Melo and Laurel last night.
Cramped up in the groin area after a run around the block prior to the start of class. Stretch it out the best I could but movement was still limited.
DL: 315 Felt good.
WOD: 2 rds 15 DU Excited that I was stringing together sets of 20 DUs. The burpees were horrendous because of the cramp.
Fun WOD. Got the heart beating real quick.
Got in early on tomorrow's WOD
Squat : 245 – pretty tough but felt like my positioning was good.
Broke the chin-ups into sets of 5 in the last two rounds and was between 1:30 and 1:40 on the rowing pieces
Monday: Worked out with Coach Josh. Got my first EVER unassisted skin the cat! Woot woot! Worked up to 175# for a heavy triple on the dead lift (previous 3RM was 170#) and then did some absolutely horrible assistance work involving pull ups, chinese rows, and front levers. It was hard and I didn't like it at all.
Today: BSQ with Coaches Jess and McDowell. Worked up to 125# for a set of 10, which was awesome because at the beginning of this cycle I was squatting 125# for a heavy 5. 125# is about 83% of my 1RM and felt totally appropriate – hard. Doing chin ups was torture after everything I did with Josh yesterday, so I used the green band and after the first two rounds scaled to 7 instead of 10. My best 250m row clocked in at 57.6 seconds.
And tonight…Sludge Metal with JB and some other fun people. What did I get myself into?
KH. I never disappoint when it involves adventures and I promise tonight will be right up there. Anyway, everyone needs a little Sludge-n-Doom in their lives. And a Jaeger machine. Which will be in attendance tonight. Hooray!
Make-up post for yesterday's 6pm with MeLo and DO.
Little run down from first day coaching soccer at work. Little tight in the legs coming into class, shoulders still a bit shot from the jerks.
Scaled to ring-rows after round 1 on the warm-up. KB with 20kg and hollow rocks.
[115×5, 165×5, 205×3, 235×3] 265×5
Foolishly did not follow the rep scheme I came into class with, and that and the tired body made these DLs really rough. MeLo said the speed was there, but need to work on back position the whole way.
WOD of 2 rds, burpees, and 18 DUs. Was not a DU day for me, so scaled to 20 per round. Wanted those last two bad.
Bench LP keeps rolling
3×10 Prisoner style
165×8, 195×8, 210×8
DB Uni Press
3×10. Tried to do these KH style.
Woo! Fundraising total up to $2,324!
I want to read Midnight's Children with people, so I'd be down for that one…
Midnight's Children won the Booker Prize for "Best Book of the Last 25 Years." Just saying….
Ok, tonight was kinda big deal for me..mostly on the mental games I play with myself regarding my deadlift. I've grown scared of it this year.
Anyways, tonight went really freaking well. Pulled heavy triples in comp class.
225×3, 245×3, 265×3(PR- that was my current 1rm!)
Fox said he could see that I was activating my hamstrings better, I was really trying to be conscious of that.
The wod was hellish. I didn't really count- but was doing 3-5 pullups and 6-7 burpees in the last 5 rounds or so.
Here I come 300# DL
Set a new 3rm in the deadlift today at 385. Feeling really good about speed here. going to focus on making my back super tight and make sure my chest is up for next go around.
I feel like the speed work has done wonders. The banded work in general has made me feel a lot more explosive with all movements.
I have been meaning to read Midnight's Children for years – this would be great encouragement!