Stage 1: Relay Race
For 15 minutes, run as many alternating laps as possible with a partner around the block. Each full lap around the block is 1 point. There is a strict 15 minute cap after which we’ll transition to Stage 2.
Stage 2: Shoulder to Overhead
In 10 minutes, find a best shoulder to overhead. Partners have to alternate attempts and should work as a cohesive unit communicating weight changes and time management. Use the guide below to see what style you’ll be performing.
Performance: 1RM Push or Split Jerk
Fitness: 2RM Push Press, Make the intent to learn how to move heavy loads off your shoulders using your legs.
Post partner, points and best load overhead to comments.
Coaches McDowell and Josh do an afternoon WOD
Book Club Today
CFSBK Book Club Meeting at 5pm at Pacific Standard
CrossFit Total Today
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cyclers will wrap up their 8 week cycle today at 1:00pm. The following lifters will be testing the last 8 weeks of training as they attempt 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by and cheer on the lifters. Rumor has it we’ll be seeing our Back Squat leaderboard change up after today!
Avi S
Kabir S
Cloyde M
Santee D
Laurent G
Max S
Susan C
Dan E
Deepak T
David T
Dave B
Rob I
Michele K
Mel L
Rahsaan C
C.R.A.S.H-B’s Info Session Today
Is the erg your friend, or your enemy? Either way, compete at the world’s biggest indoor rowing competition, CRASH-Bs, in late February, and make the erg your bitch – or at least your frenemy. Coach Nick is going to train athletes from now through CRASH-Bs using a program modeled on his training for the Olympic Team. Participants will learn proper technique and race prep strategies, and improve their stamina. If you’re interested, join Nick for a brief meeting this today at 1:15 to learn more. RSVP to nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] org, or just show up!
I'm sure mgmt would have posted, but just to be sure…. Is there still open gym tonight even though the total is happening?
Oh yeah JJ, Open Gym is on at 6PM!
Another fun-day Sunday!
WOD with Ryan, we made 7pts the goal on the run and hit it with 1:30 to spare.
Hoped I could PR on the push jerk as I've set a certain clean and jerk goal/challenge with a friend before years end, and barely did by 5lbs at the last second!
145×1 155×1 165×1 175xF 180xF,1
Working 1RMs on jerk feels a lot easier for me than doing any higher volume sets due to the stress on my wrists that re-racking to the shoulders causes. I've taped them up a couple times and it seems to help a little. Should I try out some wrist wraps or just suck it up and train re-setting to front rack with submaximal loads more often?
Great 9AM with The Bear.
Partnered with the awesome Jay; we got three rounds each (I was rowing 650 m and Jay was doing laps of the block.)
Later, on the push jerks: 95×2, 115×1, 125×1, 135×1, 145×1, 155×1, 165×1. I think I had 175 in time but time ran out.
12pm (aka The Hangover Class) with Coach Nick. Was partnered with Jonathan and we got 3 rounds each of the run, and I worked up to 115# on the split jerk, which was a 15# PR but man, was it ugly. I hit it twice then dropped back down to 95# and worked technique for two more rounds.
Stayed to watch the squat portion of the strength cycle. Damn, those were some heavy weights! It was great to see Melissa, David T, Cloyde, and David B hit their lifts, along with all the others, some of whom I don't know personally. But it was especially awesome to see my FGB teammate, Mr. Dan Evans, hit 515# on his squat – a 15# PR! Go Porkchop Express!
12 pm with Nick. It was of course the best way to spend a beautiful Sunday. Next time I hope to roll out of bed and eat something before I show up to class. I definitely was unpleasantly reminded of last nights drinks on that run.
My awesome tall partner Julie and I worked a lot of toxins out of our bodies together, made 3 rounds each, and hugged.
I got 93 pounds up for 2. Time ran out and I rushed into 103 and hadn't committed to making it happen, so it didn't. Last weeks open gym I was doing clean and jerks and 83 was a 20 lb pr. I'm starting to chase bigger numbers. It's fun.
Congratulations to all the totalers. You guys and gals were awesome this afternoon!
I did a quick visit to the total, and was very impressed with the lifts I did see – and clearly everyone had a good time getting there, too. Rashaan, my son Ben saw one of your lifts, and he went bug-eyed, and said, "That guy… he's awesome!"
10 AM with Josh – great WOD, perfect weather, and only six of us rats! Good stuff. 145# split snatch – a PR. Must work on making my step forward and my step backward longer. I know I can go heavier. Fun.
12pm with Nick.
7 rounds, 195# jerk (PR!)
If you ever do relay with Marco don't listen to that "who should go first" shit. He should, he's fast. I did 4, he went 3. PR'd on the jerk and feel like I have a little more. Felt great to stay in last night and sleep in today for a change.
Crossfit Total was great to finally see, wish I could've stayed longer. Great work!
Got back to the comp class after working on some much needed mobility for an hour.
Comp class with David:
Strict muscle up work: lost track but I think I hit 26-28 in the 15min cap…
Need to work in over extending at the top, thanks DO for the tips
Handstand press out work, good to check on these skills as they're not everyday wod movements.
Then some cash out ghd's…great job team!
Several make-up posts to get through here.
Thursday's cleans and presses: 125×5, 145×3, 165×2. Lots of improvement on this movement since the beginning of last cycle. First rep at each weight felt a bit wonky, but hit one or more at each weight I felt happy with. 40lb DB for the presses, which held up surprisingly well.
Did a partner WOD in my hometown CF Garden City. Played with 200m farmer's carries (@ 2pd), ring push-ups and rope climbs. First time on the rope–got up and down 5 times. Glad they've got low ceilings there, though.
Noon class with Nick and Josh. Partnered with Todd for 7 laps in about 13:30, then hit the shoulder-to-overheads.
[45×5, 95×4, 135×3] –stage 1— 145×1, 155×1, 160×1, 170×1, 175×1, 180×1
Everything after 155 was absolutely unchartered territory. Thrilled with a 25lb PR, especially since I stuck to the push jerk throughout. Felt like I could've even gone farther, so excited to see something like this show up again in the future.
Fantastic to see so many people (especially Supple Leopards) at the CRASH-B meeting, and to get to watch a couple minutes of the Total, too.
What KH said. Ow. Crystal rules, we had a good time – girl is fast like bunny. Crash B's is on, weirdly excited about the entire program, Supple Leopards and bonus other awesome peeps. Stayed for the squat portion of the Total. All of you were amazing but Cloyd? To see you in "official" action after all these mornings of being all strong and shit? Truly outstanding.
Tom, your son is my newest, favorite person at the gym. Tell him I think he's awesome right back!
I'm happy that I bested my last Total Score by 10. Annoyed that the 405 squat continues to evade me and that my DL PR remains the same. That being said, let me correct myself, I feel more challenged and humbled than irked. Everyone was absolutely fantastic. And as you all know we have such a great, supportive family at our box. One of my non-CFer friends saw my vids on Facebook, and was like, "Are all those people in the background cheering for you." I was like, "Yeah, man. That's how we roll at my gym."
Squat: 380 new PR
Overhead Press: 165 new PR
Deadlift: 465 existing PR
Total Score: 1010