Fitness: 4 Warm-Up Sets then your next 3×5 LBBSQ exposure. This should be getting hard.
Performance: 4 Warm-Up Sets then: 2-2-2-2-2
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e4/6 compare to 9.15.12
3 Rounds for Time of:
40 Air Squats
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
20 Box Jumps 24″/20″
If you can’t perform 15 Kipping Pull-ups, perform 7 Strict Pull-Ups or 15 Jumping Pull-Ups on Rings.
Step down on your Box Jumps
Post time and Rx to comments.
Suggested DIY Cool Down: Foam Roll lower body, 2:00 Couch Stretch each leg and/or 2:00 Super Frog Stretch
Happy Birthday, Coach McDowell!
- We’re hosting a C.R.A.S.H.-B Info session with Coach Nick tomorrow at 1pm
- Come for the info session, stay for the CrossFit Total for Coach Jeremy starting at 1pm
- CFSBK Book Club Meeting at 5pm at Pacific Standard
Good Training Habits, Part 1
David Osorio
While it’s our responsibility as coaches to teach you movement, program intelligently and keep you safe, it’s your responsibility as athletes to develop good training habits. Here is an overview of three great habits that will significantly enrich your training experience.
Be Proactive With Your Movement Prep
Everyone needs to do a little personalized maintenance on their bodies. Even 10 minutes of DIY movement prep before class can go a long way in keeping you fit and pain free. After you’ve signed in and changed, take advantage of the time you’ve got and start moving.
Row an easy 300-500m on the erg. Get your heart rate up a little and try to get a light sweat going. We recommend holding 20 strokes per minute and rehearsing good form.
Stretch/Foam Roll
Many of us know where our tightest areas are, they’re the ones that make it difficult to squat below parallel or press a barbell overhead. Spend 5-10 minutes stretching out or doing some soft tissue work (foam roller/LAX ball etc) on your “problem areas”. If you don’t know where to begin, ask a coach what you should be prioritizing and we’ll help you out. We also regularly refer our members to the MobilityWOD Blog. This is great resource for folks who need simple, effective strategies to help them move better.
Log all your Workouts
Training without logging is like driving without a road map. You don’t know where you’ve been or where you’re going. Taking notes on each training session helps you track your progress and helps us make informed decisions about how to assist you in choosing weights and scaling movements. Each day should list some quantitative and qualitative notes about your training session. Here is an example:
10/17/10 Sunday, 10am
200m jog, LAX ball’d both hips and glutes
Group Droms, clean and jerk practice @ 65lbs
3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
6 Clean and Jerks, 85lbs
12 Ring Rows
cooled down on Foam Roller.
Right knee bothered me a little first run, then felt fine. Clean and Jerks felt really heavy but good. Less rest between movements next time.
You can track your workouts in a journal or on line. Us coaches LOVE to read the details of your workout in the comments section. It gives us a deeper perspective into your training and the programming in general.
Start Slow and Maintain Perspective
We take our training seriously at CrossFit South Brooklyn and with that comes with a good deal of responsibility. Our movement pool uses serious strength and conditioning exercises in order to develop a broad, inclusive fitness. If we don’t treat these movements and workouts with respect, training plateaus and injuries are sure to follow. The best way to ensure your success and training longevity with us is by starting slowly and developing a rock-solid technical base. In fact, the first few months you start CrossFit, intensity should not be a significant concern. The movements are potent enough that just consistently performing them will create a favorable adaptation. After you feel really comfortable with most of our exercises and have a working knowledge of your weights, only then should you start ramping up the intensity.
Training with a life long perspective is incredibly important, remember that you’re here to build yourself up not break yourself down. Scaling workouts properly, listening to your body and checking your ego at the door will allow you to workout successfully for years to come. Most importantly, have fun with this stuff and enjoy the process.
Mobility Is About Position, Stretch With Purpose, Not To Warm-Up Mobility WOD
Please do not watch any cheesy rowing movies without a HOUSEFUL of us.
I believe I speak for many, many SBK'ers when I say it would be an honor to watch you lose your shit over a cheesy rowing movie.
While playing drinking games.
With us.
And Linus*
That is all.
*exempted from drinking
I second Michele
Been one of those weeks where early on I got some bad sleep and missed a few workouts and have been just chasing my tail for the rest of the week to get rested and make up work. Here's some highlights, most of which were made up in sessions squeezed in around other stuff:
Tried to make up my LBBS doubles early on Monday after a weekend in Madison, WI (aka heaven) where I ate brats, ice cream, and drank roughly 5,000 beers. Then spent the day on a plane as my squat prep. Lo and behold, after grinding through 3 reps at 265 (I did 260x5x3 a few weeks ago) I got 2 in the next set, then backed off to 245 for 5. I deserved that.
Tried the OHS singles on Wednesday, again behind the 8 ball on sleep, also without any food in me, and at 8am. I think I got through the first week or two of morning workouts in a fasted state on pure enthusiasm, but I'm realizing I workout better later, and with some fuel in me. Hit a single at 175, failed the push press at 185 (half assed it) then realized I was late for work and ran. Made up my DE Deadlifts and WOD that night, which went fine.
Yesterday at OG made up the EMOTM Clean and HSPU. Cleans felt a bit janky, went 2@155, 2@185, 4@195 (couldn't hit one I felt really good about) hit one at 205, then failed my last clean SPECTACULARLY- first by falling ass over teakettle backwards, then by catching so low in a squat that I think my butt was touching the ground- unable to stand it up. I was really psyched about getting strict HSPUs through almost the whole workout, until my very last one turned into a flaming hot mess. Went down, tried to kip it up, fell off wall. Kicked up, went down and collapsed into a pool of fail and laughter.
One of those workouts that went pretty well and then just gets away from you so bad you have to laugh. Left the gym feeling whimsical and lucky to get to play around with all this stuff.
Happy bday McD, I'm going to get you a Jamarcus Russel jersey for your present, along with some SIZZZZZZZURP.
Happy birthday McDowell!
I cannot wait for Active Recovery today.
Thank you for the birthday wishes, although my birthday isn't actually until the 24th. I will, however, accept all early wishes and gifts–especially if it's some purple drank from Noah!
9am with DO. LBBS 80# +5 from last week. Time was 11:13. Used the 20" box, which I'm not super comfortable with and had to switch to the 16" for the last round. I forgot how hard box jumps are after squatting! My legs feel like jello. Good workout, although I showed up hungry and left ravenous!
Also, I recovered my lunch box! Thanks to whoever put it in the fridge for me 😀
Noah 🙂
Great 10AM class with Josh.
Squatted with some great partners today – Zubin and Jared – thanks guys.
225x5x3 (third rep shallow in first set, was happy to get them all in the second and third sets, with lots of folks watching! Including the squat whisperer hisself, Jeremy)
Accessory WOD Rxd (er, at 7 strict pullups): 9:03
DIY Press: 97.5x2x5 (did not have time for third set, so repeat next time)
LBBS: warmed-up to 205x3x5. Had to fight a bit, but room for 10# next time.
WOD at 12:00. Grip is really a big limitation on the kipping pull-ups. Maybe next time these come up in a WOD, I'll try wearing an old pair of weight lifting gloves I have in my gym bag…
Worked up to 290 on the back squat today, which I did for 2 sets of 2. Felt a little heavier than I'd like, but still have a little room to go up next week.
7:32 on the WOD – definitely happy with my progress the last few weeks on metcons
Good working with Nick today
LBBS: 145x5x5 across. First time adding weight felt good. Form was improved after 1st set.
WOD: 5:53. RXd besides pull-ups. Did 7 strict pull-ups easily and want to work up to kippings in next few weeks.
Thanks for the workout today! Always fun to visit!
Felt good to be back after working out solo the last few weeks (boo to schedules).
LBBS: worked up to 265×2, which was very hard but felt good.
WOD: 8:24 RX
I felt phenomenal on this WOD. I had a butterfly kipping pull-up revelation today: start the motion with your feet. I had learned the butterfly kip about 2 years ago, and while I could string together maybe 20 or so before having to reset they always felt a little tenuous (and after reset I could only get 4-7). Today I realized that I was still starting the movement at my shoulders, like I did to learn the circular motion necessary for this kip. By switching my mental focus to initiating with the feet the pull-ups felt about 50% easier. I ripped through each set of 15 unbroken in record time. I'm going to have to try a test, but they felt so much easier I feel like I might be able to get 40 unbroken now (could be a pipe dream…)!