Weekend Reminders
- Don’t forget about the C.R.A.S.H.-B Info session with Coach Nick this Sunday
- We’ll also be hosting a CrossFit Total for Coach Jeremy
CFSBK Book Club Meeting This Sunday
Did you read this month’s Book Club book? Come discuss Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 by Hunter S. Thompson with some other CFSBKers at Pacific Standard this weekend. Flex those mind muscles!
Meeting Details
Date: 9/23/12
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Pacific Standard
Contact Person: Peggy pjeanlouis1(AT)gmail.com
The Brooklyn Community Projects Series
We’ll regularly be showcasing some of the awesome projects that the BCP has funded right in our own backyards. Enjoy!
Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health
Grant for the Health Science Academy to provide college level science education program to 160 minority high school students & prepare them to pursue careers as health professionals. Students work with doctors at Downstate & perform hands on dissections.
Grant Amount: $20,000
Neighborhoods Served: Boroughwide
Population Served: Youth
Ages Served: High School Students
Fund: Arts for All Fund
Can you tell which coach is coaching based on what music is playing?
Virtuosity With Dusty Hyland: The Grip Breaking Muscle
15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy The Daily Good
Sprint and Rope-Sled Event Photo Gallery CrossFit Games
Often yes. A rough guide:
Doom Metal/stoner rock: David
80's: Laurel & Nick
Metal/Black Keys: Fox
Rap: MeLo
Beasties: Josh
Margie: Bob Denver
Josh: Beastie Boys Radio
Fox: Black Keys and if House of Pain comes on? Yup.
Nick: Good 80's and punk
David: LoFi, Doom.. loud, low, crunchy
Lady Fox, McDowell, Noah, Melo I have yet to attach anything in particular.. yet.
Deadlifts last night. Snuck in there before going out. Continue to increase the workload, and at this point, I can't perform well after playing something and running around. I either have to do deads beforehand, or on a different day. Tonight, presses, then round robin.
These four are the most distinctive!
Margie: David Bowie station on Pandora
Chris: Black Sabbath station
Jeremy: Motorhead station
Nick: Depeche Mode station
Does Josh always have the Beasties station on? I gotta pay more attention.
By the way, I'd be cool with having more New Order in the box.
I know DO's music and Nick's music, for sure. '80s Fridays with Nick are my favorite!
Although, there's been a lot of funk on Saturdays lately, which I quite enjoy during the pain/ecstasy that is Active Recovery.
Make up post from Weds and today:
OHS – PR at 165 and felt like I had at least 10 more lbs but ran out of time
Row – 3:18 – this was a little slower (and tougher) than I had hoped
Power Clean – Worked up to 215 – Can't seem to get under it and keep my feet from coming apart into a sumo stance. Definitely had at least 10 more lbs but didn't want to try it without getting that under control
HSPU: 50
PS, if Rickke were ever to pick the soundtrack to a class, I'd totally be there. Just sayin'…there ARE some of us in the world who would do heavy deadlifts to Whitney Houston!
6am with Nick. Low bar back squats at 255×2, 275×2, 285×2, 295×2, 300×2. The ligher weights felt really good with a nice bounce out of the bottom. Still hesitant when the weight gets heavier, though 300×2 was not a problem. Should have gone for 305. Finished with a nice little metcon in 7:59.
Jess Bailey and I are going to Whitney's dance performance tonight at 7pm and you should too!!
Full information was posted on the blog on September 1, but here are the Cliff's notes (when, where, and how much):
When: Friday, September 21 – Show at 7PM & 9PM
Saturday, September 22 – Show at 7PM & 9PM
Where: Ailey Citigroup Theater
405 W 55th Street at 9th Avenue
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door.
P.S. If you're going at 7pm tonight, let me know katie dot mohrhauser at gmail.
-Misfits – D.O.
-I feel like I've heard the song "Sail" by AWOLNATION several times in Noah/McDowell's class.
-And if it's anything from the "Rocky IV" soundtrack, Jeremy is probably involved.
7 AM with Nick and McDowell:
Worked up to 295# on the low bar back squat – these felt fine coming up but I'm still sort of gingerly lowering myself into the hole, then hanging out there for a while…Not good.
8:24 on the WOD. Keith and I ran over with our squats (my fault – I really wanted to get the last one in), so we jumped right into this without much rest. Not too bad, though. Still holding myself up at the top of my kipping pull-ups (because I feel like I lose my momentum when I immediately push away from the top)…Also, stepping down from box jumps always feels weird to me.
ALSO – listened to the Professor's radio segment on my way into work. Really interesting conversation about male intimacy, plus awesome Australian accents. Recommended.
6am with coach Nick to make up yesterday's EMOTM work. Got up to 215 on the cleans but failed miserably at 225 on the last attempt. I did a stupid workout with a ton of aiir squats yesterday and I've been walking like Frankenstein all day. Apparently Frankenstein can't clean for shit. Did 5 HSPU per round, all strict and unbroken until the last set when I had to kip a few.
It sounds like I need to make it into the gym when Jeremy's controlling the music.
if it's this week and it's gangnam style, you know melissa is involved.
i'm going to heighten my awareness of the music choices from now on. i know that someone likes to throw europe's "the final countdown" in the mix and i'm a total fan of that.
"they're illusions, michael!"
@Andrew M you forgot Pixies or Fugazi for Nick. Every Friday.
This morning was fun and I was in a stupid good mood. Kept things light and easy as the 5th Avenue Mile is tomorrow and I wanna be like the wind. Aaand here is where I get all gross and mushy to explain why. Ahem.
I'm running the 5-A.M. tomorrow as a celebration as this time last year? Hot mess. As many of you know I was in pretty bad shape healthwise. Being stubborn I chose to ignore that walking up stairs was becoming difficult and a bunch of other bullshit. Not being able to remember where I lived and finally to the doc I went – acute anemia was my nemesis. A year consisting of blood transfusions, shots, and a surgery = I'm almost back.. so watch out.
Yet again I thank the coaches and all my buddies for the support and help during that effed time. 7am you have my <3. I adore all you coaches but in particular I want to thank DO as you were the first to notice the decline and for keeping tabs on me. Fox for keeping a tight eye and for making me verbalize "I am ok Fox" during workouts to gauge where I was. Nick for the fun changes to METCONs and such. Margie for all the tricks to add weight back on. None of you had to do this, but you did, and that's huge. HUGE. From the tips of my toes on up I want to say with all I've got.. thank you.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Hit 6 PRs this morning… Wait what? yup
I was hanging out at the 205-210 back squat for a while and today my last 3 sets of 2 went 212 217 and 222.
The last set was a bit squirrelly when I broke focus. I heard the break down your bars and panic set in.
I can tell from the music for sure…
David has the dark/death metal and punk playing.
nick has some over lap with a little punk, surfer skate rock and 80's
josh has Immortal Technique and Rap going
Fox has metal motorhead, slayer, iron maiden, etc
I could be down for some more electronica for the faster movement wods and chippers to keep the pace.
Has anyone seen this or done this?
Not sure if I will but thinking about it.
Oh and one of my favorite WODs
8:32 for the squat/pullup/boxjump at RX
I think if I was not so gassed from hitting the squats hard I would have been much faster.
Thanks Andrew for the spotting and Noah for the pointers on the second to last set.
Seeing some great progress with people around me and that makes me smile!
Keep it up everyone.
I also put on Dub (not dubstep) and indie catcy jamz
6 a.m. with Coach Nick for yesterday's workout. Got up to the same weight as Betz . . . less 100 lbs.
All true. Also if you hear the LMFAO or Flo-Rida stations it was himself. ,
I have heard Fox play some seriously awesome CCR, and Jeremy is reasonably open to requests that have the potential to add 25 pounds to your squat, such as anything that involves Angus Young.
Great pictures from the sled rope event. Fierce one of Annie!
PR today by backsquatting 150# for 2 reps, which is my previous 1RM!
WOD at 9:05, subbed jumping pull ups for kippings.
There is a freaking rowing movie out starring what's his face from Dawson's Creek. It's called "Backwards." Perfect. It looks so cheesy I want to see it.
oh man, james van der beek, his presence will probably send this straight to DVD, but then we could screen it at gym movie night!
Just to clear all of this up, the stations I stick with for group classes are (on Pandora)
1 – Rap Strength Training
2 – Fort Minor
3 – Rage Against the Machine
4 – The White Stripes
Searching for @Rebecca who posted yesterday that she was looking for some community-based trips for her small class? I reached out to a friend who is deeply involved with the City Reliquary a not-for-profit community museum and civic organization located in Williamsburg. The space holds permanent displays of New York City artifacts and rotating exhibits of community collections, et al. Just stuffed full of local historical artifacts and memorabilia. I asked if he would give you all a tour and he agreed. Matt Levy, who would be your guide, is amazing and the kids will have a wonderful time – he's a firecracker. Please email me at julie.barnard "at" gmail.com so I can send you the info. PS: He and the president both said what others did, that Firehouses are always a go 🙂
Open Gym today, and took it easy on the legs since yesterday's workout at the Black Box was a little brutal (max front squat and a WOD of heavy deadlifts and burpees) which meant not doing yesterdays power clean workout, sadly. It was definitely fun lifting with my coworker in their huge (and crowded) new space, but the experience really drove home how awesome CFSB is in every way…
Did some extra rolling and mobility last night, this morning, and before working out today to keep the blood flowing, then warmed up with 100 double-unders.
Went back up on the rings for some muscle-up work, finally strung together a couple doubles while kipping, and got my first strict one by some miracle when all systems decided to fire correctly and I hit the transition successfully!
A few sets of the banded-kettlebell bench press work Josh showed me last week and a few sets of GHD situps were enough to call it a night. Cooled down with an easy 5 min row, concentrating on form and steady rate with each stroke.
Regarding the tunes, I've never heard something I didn't appreciate in the gym, even though my personal lifting tastes lean towards the metal/punk/hardcore end of the spectrum recently. Wouldn't mind hearing some crazy industrial or harsh noise during heavy lifting sessions, something that might not be easily differentiated from the sounds of the bars dropping. Actually, who wants to start a band using only field recordings of plates clanking, bars dropping, and lifters grunting?