Fitness: 4 Warm-Up Sets then your second 3×5 LBBSQ exposure. Bar speed should remain quick.
Performance: 4-5 Warm-Ups sets then a heavy 3×5. Next week is a 3×3
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e2/6 compare 9.1.12
For Time:
Run 1/3 mile
21 Strict Ring Dips
Run 1/3 Mile
15 Strict Ring Dips
Run 1/3 Mile
9 Strict Ring Dips
For Time:
Run 1/3 mile
21 or 42 Push-Ups
Run 1/3 Mile
15 or 30 Push-Ups
Run 1/3 Mile
9 or 18 Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Athlete Of The Month
Barbara Kryszko!
Wow…what a long way Barbara has come since walking in to CFSBK. Some people don’t make it through Foundations, and some people decide after a short while that Crossfit isn’t for them for whatever reason. Neither of these fitness fates was to be for her. The self professed non-athletic vegetarian was up for a challenge and saw something else in store for herself. We’re glad she did.
Fox – (whispered) Barbara, you’re Athlete of the Month…
BK – Yeah, nice joke. Isn’t there a rule that you have to eat meat or something?
Fox – Haha! Nope, tell me how you found CrossFit South Brooklyn and why you stayed.
BK – Well I had a friend who was talking about signing up and I figured “If she can do that, I can do that”. I don’t know, I think it was just the right time in my life and I was up for a challenge. To be perfectly honest I had “donated “ more money to gyms and health clubs over the years than I care to admit. CrossFit just clicked for me.
Fox – What was it that clicked?
BK – Well believe it or not I used to be about 40 lbs heavier than I am now. I cleaned up my diet a bit and started walking and was able to lose weight, which is great. The bad part is that I did that twice. I lost a bunch of weight and eventually gained it back. I decided that I needed to be healthier and felt like this was going to be a part of it. The community aspect of the gym, the non-judgemental attitude of coaches and athletes alike, the support systems in place, these are all reasons why I stayed in the beginning. Then I started seeing results and understanding that there was an intelligent process at work here. I love that there’s always room to grow.
Fox – I’m so glad we have been a part of that, and I can’t even begin to picture you 40 lbs heavier! Tell me about this “meat free” diet of yours 😉
BK – I knew you’d want to talk about that. Well, I’ve been a vegetarian since high school. My (well meaning traditional Polish) parents used to try and get me to eat meat with little success. By the time I was in high school they understood that this was my choice, or at least they (almost) gave up on trying to get me to eat meat. I gave it up for Lent under the auspice of religion. My Catholic parents couldn’t argue that one and they let me be. I’d first made the decision as a child while in Poland on vacation with family. I remember playing with the chickens that kept in the yard, and then being served chicken for a family meal, and putting it together.
Fox – Being a successful CrossFitter on a vegetarian diet can be a challenge. How do you go about getting enough protein to recover?
BK – I eat lots of eggs, like a few dozen per week. I also eat lots of lentils which I soak and supplement with protein powder too. Unlike many vegetarians I eat no grains. Going gluten free was one of the best things I’ve ever done for my health and now I avoid all grains. To make up the difference in calories I also eat a ton of fat.
Fox – Smart choices! I love it. Tell me a bit about you outside of the gym. Where are you from? What do you do for work and fun?
BK – I’m from the Detroit suburbs. I grew up there and went to college an hour away. I was born in Detroit proper though and went to school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, so I consider myself a city girl. I had a pretty traditional Polish Catholic upbringing, which meant Polish language school and folk dancing and all. I came to New York on a family trip when I was about 13 years old, loved it, and knew I’d live here. I moved to Brooklyn when I came to New York and have been here since. I work as a public interest lawyer, i.e. the kind that doesn’t make tons of money but has a lot of meaningful and rewarding work. For fun, besides CrossFit I like to spend time with friends, eating a great meal, enjoying a good glass of wine and exploring what NYC has to offer. I also recently started meditation and am really drawn to it. I find it to be a nice parallel to CrossFit.
Fox – What do you see as your strengths and weaknesses in the gym?
BK – I’m working on getting stronger with weights, and finding it in myself to just let it rip every now and then. I think I do better on longer, chipper style workouts. I can really tune in with myself and keep moving. I find this to be somewhat similar to meditation.
Fox – Really interesting stuff. Last question. What do you think we should look for in a future AOM?
BK – Someone who is balanced and has a spirit to persevere. Someone who is enthusiastic about not only their own process but also about others. Something I really love about CFSBK is that it fosters both individuals and the community to be the best they can be.
Huge congrats to Barbara. We couldn’t be prouder to have her as a member of the community, and to see the progress she’s made in sticking with the program even while the friend who prompted the challenge that brought her to us bowed out long ago. We look forward to still more progress and to seeing her ‘let it rip’ on a WOD every now and again. And, to seeing her demo some of the traditional Polish folk dance.
woooo hooooo!!!! Congratulations Barbara!!!
great choice for AOM.
Congrats to Barbara! We did foundations together, and holy ######## she has come an awesomely long way. When we have the privilege to squat during the same evening class, seeing her ROM, her technique, and the weight on her back is awesome to see. Great great choice.
Barbara! Partner extraordinaire! I loved reading your interview. Next time we finish our sets early I want a dance lesson.
I think this was my first Saturday at the gym. I wish every Saturday could be like this, but then I guess it wouldn't be constantly varied. 21-15-9 and I came home and did some more because I feel like a tough guy!
Congrats Barbara! Great interview too!
Damp and sweaty one today…
Baby jump to 205 for the 3×5 squats. Took some time between sets but squeezed them all out OK.
Performance WOD rx-ed in 9:45, still concentrating on running form and haven't done over a mile in a month or so. About time to take this revamped stride for a spin around the park to see how it feels, though.
Congrats Barbara, who has been a joy to have around since Chris and I taught her Foundations. She has come a long way and done it with grace and humility the whole time.
WOD looked fun today, but I'm still nursing a slightly tweaked groin from softball yesterday- most likely from "The Throw." Hope to hit it tomorrow.
Barbara has been on my mind for an AOM candidate since I eavesdropped on her giving sage advice to a new CrossFitter about sticking with it and how she felt unequipped when she first started too and just by being consistent you get better and begin to like the discomfort of WODs.
Hurray for BK$
Barbara is one of my favorite people in the gym, and a pleasure to have in class. BK$ indeed!
Horror fans!
I saw cabin in the woods last night. Soooo good! Go see it!
So happy to see Barbara honored as AOM. She was one of the first people I talked to at SBK after my Foundations class, and kept me from freaking out about Murph (which was my second group class). Congrats!
Got my lifting and WOD in last night at a crowded (but electric) open gym.
700m row, DROMs, with emphasis on the hips and hamstrings.
[45×5, 115×5, 155×4, 185×3] 210(3×5)
Plus ten from last week and, like the deadlifts, felt easier than the first exposure.
Hamstring and calf mobility but the fitness WOD (42-30-18 version) in 14:52. A slower time, sure, but I paced the push-ups really well and kept the sets much larger than the last run/pushup workout we did. Used the runs to give myself plenty of time to recover. Happy with this one.
Work emergency so I had to skip class today, but made up the squats and 3x max reps strict dips.
Squats: 275 3×5 – felt pretty good, room to go up for sure
Dips: 21,16,15 – these were harder than I expected. Didn't have rings and the bars were a little wide so it felt like a lot of strain on the shoulders
Congrats Barbara! It's been great to see your progress.
Excellent choice! Congratulations Barbara!!
Barbara! WHEE! Congratulations!
great aotm! way to stick with it Barbara!
i love reading people's stories. even learning where everyone was born and grew up was fascinating at todays' 10am droms.
lbbs 230x5x3 (+5#)
wod in 16:10. strict rdips were tough and i kicked a bit to lock out at the top in late reps (rain was fun). thanks for encouragement Christine G (love of my life), Kate and ? (too delirious).
Thanks everyone! I'm humbled by all your comments. Extra gratitude to all the coaches for helping me come such "a long way," as both Fox and Noah so kindly describe it.
Congratulations Barbara! Well done.
215x3x5 (partnered with Brett, who looked rock solid on his squats today).
Then, 12:22 on the accessory WOD @15-9-6 strict dips.
Congrats Barbara, my On Ramp partner-in-crime! So awesome to see how far you have come 🙂
Great choice! Congrats Barbara, very well deserved! On Ramp crew representing!