Matt Ufford and Fight Gone Bad 2010
Fight Gone Bad 2012
As of last night, we have a total of 56 athletes signed up for FGB! Last year we had about 100 so we’re over halfway there. Now we understand that some of you are new to FGB and might not be sure what you’re signing up for so we thought we’d answer a few questions here about it:
What if I can’t attend on Saturday 10/20?
Sign up anyway and select the option to be on Fight Gone Belated! We’ll do our best to coordinate a make-up date with those athletes that can’t attend so that you can still participate in the fun! You’ll still get to create a team name, participate in fundraising and get a FGB tshirt!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB Fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities. And because Brooklyn has been good to us, we want to help give back to the very community CFSBK is proud to call home. That’s why we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation. If you haven’t already, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re lazy at least check out their list of Grantees and we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you!
Will there be a fundraising minimum?
While we’d love everyone to make attempts to raise funds, there will be no fundraising minimum to participate. However, as in years past, there will be prizes awarded to the top Individual and Team fundraiser!
Ok, you keep talking about fundraising but how should I do this and when should I begin?
Once our registration deadline ends on 9/11, we’ll create teams consisting of 5 athletes. Shortly after, athletes will get an email from us with their team assignments and all of the details to set up your fundraising page. We’ll be using Crowdrise as our fundraising platform and participants will have individual fundraising pages that will be super easy to share with friends and family!
What is this workout again? What if I can’t do the workout Rx’d?
Here’s a description of the workout. And don’t worry, we’ll have scaling options available!
So the day begins at 9am but how long will it last? When will my team go?
The length of the event will depend on how many total athletes/teams we have. We will run 2 teams through the workout simultaneously and will have new heats starting about every 20 mins. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to tell you exactly what time your team will be going until closer to the event. We hope though that you plan on spending a few hours with us, not only competing but also supporting your fellow teams. And as usual, we’ll have some tasty adult beverages to enjoy!
Ok, I’m sold. Where do I register?
Sign me up for Fight Gone Bad 2012!
The Revolutionary Guide To Manly Short Shorts 70s Big
Gillian Mounsey Bench Presses Body Weight For 30 Reps GM
Institute for Justice takes the case of paleo blogger, files suit Hunter-Gatherer
Comparing Mortality Rates Between NFL and MLB Players Grantland
re: mortality rates of baseball players and football players, I am friendly with the author, and I wrote him (and he agreed) that there is a huge covariate missing in the piece, namely tobacco. Baseball players chewed a lot of tobacco during that time period, and could play their sport while smoking. Football players didn't, and couldn't. I'm willing to wager a good amount of money that deaths from lung, mouth, and throat cancer explain a lot of the difference in mortality rates.
uh, the grantland article should also control for the length of career; if you retire younger you're likely to live longer past the date of your retirement. plus as Joel says, looking at cause of death may be enlightening….
mostly just by came to thank other posters yesterday. I wasn't planning on going but after reading about t-rex arms and the mysterious new plank move I couldn't resist! I don't understand why I'm not more sore this morning.
am i the only one who is consistently distracted and freaked out by the photoshopped arm on the icon? sometimes that arm makes it hard to focus on the fabulous and amazing content of the CFSBK blog.
speaking of which, i love fight gone bad! so fun! everyone should sign up.
6am with Jess. Low bar back squats at 255x3x5, plus 10# from last week. The last rep of each set was a bit tough, but the reps felt good overall. Probably could have gone higher, but my quads are still a bit fried from the wall-balls earlier this week.
9:25 on the metcon. Two movements in my wheelhouse. Positively relaxing in comparison to Wednesday's and Thursday's WODs.
Chris Fox is the only man I know that can wear Jorts effectively. I tried….
My goal for September is to post regularly on the blog, starting…now.
7 AM with Jess and McDowell. I thought foam roller plank pt. 1 last night was pretty gnarly but pt. 2 this morning was even more unpleasant…
Low bar back squats: 4x5x235 (I did an extra set because I wasn't paying attention.) Still getting reacquainted with the low bar position but once I found the right spot on my back, I remembered why I prefer these to high bar.
11:40 on the running and ring dips. Like HSPU, once I lose my ring dips, I really lose them – was reduced to doing singles by the end of the workout. Still, I liked this one.
Good luck to the softball team! I will be cheering you guys on in spirit (although not in body – I have things to do…)
Anyone want to go to Riot Fest in W'burg tomorrow? I bought 4 tickets and there are but 3 of us…
$55 after stupid fees. Call/Text me 347 623 4795 if interested
Doing yesterday's workout this morning was brutal. I was not going to do RX at first but I tried my Partner's (Dave) 24kg bell and figured I could do it for all 5 rounds. oof
I can't remember all my numbers but the most DU's was 68 and the most KBs was 23 (I think) lowest was 41 and 15 KBs
Almost up to 50 unbroken DUs the first round so close to my goal of 50.
That weird forearm muscle pain pop up when I was doing the chinups near the end. Might have to go easy on myself. When I switched my grip to facing me there was no pain.
That foam-roller plank that def. arduous.
I also read the board from the other end of the gym and killed 160 situps before I realized it said 2:00 minutes not 200 situps.
Making up Monday tomorrow is going to be brutal.
Keeping paleo has also been going pretty good. We will see what happens on the company boat party next week if I can not drink :-/
Row easy 50 Calories
3 Rounds
10 Glute Ham Raises
10 Push-Ups
8 Each Side Landmine Rotations
Foam Roll/Lax Ball
5 Rounds of:
1:00 Row
1:00 Wall Ball 20#/10'
Then a Hard 400m run once I was done
Thanks to Jess for the encouragement during the couplet. I'm calling that one "The Chupacabra" since Wall Ball and Rowing are both Goats of mine..
Considered attempting the noon class but I have yet to eat and am totally drained. All caught up except for Thursdays workout..
Fun WOD today – Best/Worst DU and KB 92/54 and 35/32 respectively
Looking forward to squatting tomorrow!
I love fight gone bad!!
And I agree w/Ellie regarding the creepy reebok arm. Should be a kitten.
It appears to be a standard issue arm to me. What am I missing?
It definitely is a cgi arm.
Good open gym. 230x3x5 backsquat
Malcom and Noor report that I did 6 reps in my second set, which I didn't realize. I was getting pretty worn out and must have lost count.
Knees dove in too much on much of the last set. I really need to do some accessory work to clean that up and improve my form. (this is showing up in my cleans and snatch as well, so must focus!)
Got lazy after that and just called it a night. Been a good week.
Week Recap: 215# front squat (10#pr) 81/84 row/wb@16#
23 kb swings, 50 du
Comp class: 120# speed DL w/green band four rounds of 21cal row/14burpee/4ring dips w/ dh3
That's about it.
Stuck to my coaches programming:
Squat Clean and jerk, load to heavy single : 220, felt pretty good, loaded up 235 but moved on.
Snatch complex: double from below knew hang position, hit 145, missed 155 on the 2nd rep
wod: 30 seconds between each set, 5 rounds total
30# wall ball until failure
2 pood swings until failure
pull ups until failure
…been a while since I've been back at the box, was good to see everybody going at it!
Hopefully the softball team kicked some ass!
Came in with a loose OG plan, lots of folks in, was a fun one!
Rolled/mobilized for a good 30 minutes, I've learned how to do some amazing and terrible things to myself with a roller and a lax ball. I might be addicted. (I just rolled the length of my spine with the double lax ball at home for 20 min too).
Did some ring work since I'm going through rings class withdrawal, 5x skin-the-cat to :10 L-hang complex, and only a few muscle-ups, since I had to save juice for tomorrows WOD.
Wanted to do something overhead so decided to clean and push-jerk to see where I'm at with the movement. Worked up to 175 for a single and managed a clean at 185.
Tried some SDHP for 3×15 to feel it out for FGB and then 3×15 toes-to-bar to close out the day. Tomorrow looks fun!