Fitness: Perform 3-4 Warm-Up Sets then a 1×5 Work Set 5-10lbs heavier than last week
Performance: Perform 2-3 Warm-up Sets then 1 Speed Deadlift performed every :30 for 8 intervals.
Band tension at the top of your pull should be about 20% of your true 1RM. Use the guide below to select
Band Tension Guide:
350-400+lbs: Thin Green
300-350lb: Blue Band
250-300: White
200-250: Red
Less 200: No Tension
Please Re-Read the Dynamic Effort Deadlift article if you think you want to do the Performance programming this cycle. Remember, unless you’ve got 9+ months of accumulated deadlift training, you’re better off doing the heavy 5’s in Fitness.
Post loads to comments.
DL e2/6 compare to 8.27.12
4 Rounds NFT of:
6 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
Accumulate :25 in an L-Sit
Performance folks can load the RDL around 60% of your true 1RM, fitness folks can load it around 60% of today’s work sets. Use a double overhand grip.
Announcing Fight Gone Bad 2012!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called “Fight Gone Bad”. In the past we’ve raised funds to serve such charities as Wounded Warrior Project and LiveStrong. This year, we wanted to keep our support local and will be raising funds for the Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking and community service.
Saturday, October 20th, beginning at 9am.
What is Fight Gone Bad?
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20/14lb, 10ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps)
Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of “rotate”, the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
How do I sign up?
Just click on the link below to register! Once we’ve got folks registered, we’ll then assign 5-person teams and send you info on how to start your fundraising efforts!
Sign me up for Fight Gone Bad 2012!
Registration deadline: 9/11
Feel free to post any questions to comments.
Keeping your Gym Environment Strong Cathletics
Happy Birthday, Coach Margie!! says
In years past, I know the FGB fundraiser was organized such that participants raised funds on their own. Is it structured like that again this year? Thanks!
Noah says
8am with Coach Jess.. I own the morning.
Took thinks a bit light and set my DLs off a theoritical 345# 1RM (155#). I've done more, but not prettily. Speed Deads felt good, and loved the assistance work.
Feel bad for bailing on Dan Betz on the Quest to Own Diane. His effort really inspired me, a very tough fight through some movements that weren't his favorite. I'm hoping that at the end of this cycle I can take a crack at that salty old girl and make it happen.
Peter says
6am with Jess. Banded deadlifts at 175# with thin green band. Interesting movement. Did not feel at all natural, but I recall regular deadlifts felt that way initially. Accessory work at 230# on the RDLs was a grip challenge. Ring L-sits to spice it up.
Nice work on the massive Diane improvement, Betz.
6am crew and coaches and anyone else I interact with regularly at CFSBK: my wife and I are throwing a small party to celebrate the end of summer on Saturday, September 15, from 6-8pm. Outdoors, weather permitting. There will be libations and hors d'ouvres. RSVP to petermattis(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send you the remaining details (i.e. the address). If you RSVP and don't hear back from me, bug me the next time you see me at the gym. says
6am with Lady Fox. I've been squatting on tuesdays so this was my first DL day. Did 105 with the red band, wacky movement. Loved the acc work. RDLs at 145# definitely a grip challenge. I have lost my L-sit, sad days. Of course it was also harder b/c I somehow decided we were doing 45" of L-sits, not 25"…still, there was no way I was getting my legs extended. Was very impressed by Ms Joy's beautiful L-sit and all the ring-sitters. says
7 AM deadlift shenanigans! With Julie and KH, no less.
This whole workout felt like it wasn't that hard when I was doing it. But my shoulders (those damn planks again!) and legs have felt pleasantly exhausted all morning.
Banded deads at 100, RDLs at 125. Really hard to keep the bar close on these!
Joel W. says
7 AM class. 7! A new leaf. I did the DLs at 185, and RDLs at 235. Both stunk in terms of grip. I think it has to be a new goal, because I don't want to limit my work capacity through it. I like that we are being encouraged to use double-overhand but I think it will be better for me (and probably others) to train the grip separately as well. On the DLs I could feel the band pulling the bar out of my hand as I stood, and on the RDLs I was simply unable to hold the bar for more than 3 or 4 reps at a time, and 1 or 2 by the end. says
Part of the reason that we're going double overhand on the RDL is because it causes an asymmetry at the shoulder girdle that the lats are less optimally positioned to buffer. In the DL your lat can keep the bar tight to your body and better anchored than in the RDL. Also, cause grip strength is importantz
60% may have been a little aggressive for many on RDL rx. Drop back if needed.
Joel W. says
Thanks DO. says
DL with Charmel – tried to keep up at 215 + green bands, which was more like a little over 50%. Felt pretty good though.
RDL was tough mostly due to grip – worked at 225. says
6am with Jess and McDowell. Penultimate morning class before the school year begins.
(pre)WU: 3 minute row, inchworms, foam rolling, then [10 ring rows, 10 power planks]x3. Forearms are scarred from all the recent planking.
Fitness version of the DL. I tried to be more deliberate in finding a good starting position so I could move faster through the movement itself. Also tried to pay attention to the weights and rep scheme of the WU sets.
[95×5, 145×5, 185×4, 215×3] 235×5
Felt so much better than last week at 225. Could just be the body getting used to the movement again.
Accessory work at 140, with :25 tuck on bars.
Joy was killing the L-sits this morning. says
Yes, first we're doing general registration then we'll make teams and sign up on the fundraising site. Like years past, everyone will create a page and fundraising goal. says
Happy Birthday Margie.
Dynamic Deadlifts at 225 + green band.
DO says I need to be faster.
Romanian DLs at 205–grip was the limiting factor.
Jeremy says I have pussy hands.
lady fox says
Got this in this morning after the AM classes.
hip and hamstring
Warmup-3 RNFT:
10 ring rows
10 power planks with :05 hold on forearms (harder than anticipated)
Speed Deadlifts:
(95×5, 115×5, 135×3 with white band)
work: 135x1x8 every :30 with the white band
-didn't really feel like I did work. felt like I was fast but was a little concerned with hyperextending at the top in order to get my hips fully open.
Acc Work–4 NFT:
6 Romanian DL's @ 180#
:25 L-tuck hold on parallettes.
-as all my morning folk shared to me during classes yes grip was the limiting factor. even using a hook grip, I had to break the RDL's into 2 sets.
-L-tucks were unbroken but damn are they hard. The minute I try to extend a leg my hip flexors and quads so no f'ing way.
Todd says
6pm class with Josh
Really felt those Power Planks!
155# and blue band for speed DLs, focused on popping the hip and squeezing at the top.
170# for RDL and Ring L-Sits for the workout, nice balanced mid-section thrashing. Went unbroken on both for all 4 sets, even though the L-Sits got a little soft at the end. Kept good externally-rotated ring support though.
David osorio says
1:02 handstand pr! says
125# DL w/ white band
#160 Romanian DLs w/ L tuck on parallettes
Legs feeling very quadtastic after doing last week's LBBSQs on Monday