Fitness: 4 ascending Warm-Up Sets then your first 3×5 LBBSQ exposure. Bar speed should remain quick as you’ll be adding to this start weight for the next 5 weeks.
Performance: 4-5 ascending Warm-Ups sets then some heavy 3×5 Work Sets across. Leave a little room to add weight next week as you’ll be seeing one more exposure of 3×5 before we move to triples.
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e1/6
With a partner, perform about 4 Rounds or 20 minutes of:
3 Wall Walks with a :10 Hold at the top (alternate people)
8e Weighted Reverse Lunges
1:00-2:00 Plank or weighted plank
3 Headstands on AbMat. Hold the top for :05-:10
8e Weighted Reverse Lunges
2:00 Plank or weighted plank on your forearms
Headstand Video 1
Headstand Video 2
Every year for Labor Day weekend I come down to Virginia Beach and visit Christy, my best friend from college. She is actually the one that got me started in CrossFit. I got to go to her gym today and do a WOD that was appropriately titled the Birthday Sh*tstorm (they do one wod a month for the people who have a birthday in it) and it was a doozy. I just wanted to share my experience at CrossFit Unrivaled. Everyone was awesome, the wod was crazy and Britney our coach was great! Highly recommended if anyone traverses to the Virginia Beach area. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend! – Shaye L
Attention Mobility Fans:
As many of you know, Kelly Starrett, creator of the infintely useful MobilityWOD is coming out with a book. This mamoth hardcover book will be 400+ pages, contain 3,500+ photographs and no doubt be Kelly’s magnum opus. The gym will be buying a few copies and wants to know if you want in too. At retail, the book will cost $59.95 but pre-order sales will be $29.98 for orders of 10 or more. If you’d like to get in on the pre-sale discount, please email David(AT) with “Leopard” as the subject line.
“Becoming a Supple Leopard”
The Ultimate Guide To Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance
By Kelly Starrett with Glen Cordoza
Dance, Whitney… DANCE!
Bob Ross Remixed PBS
Mister Rogers Remixed PBS
Julia Childs Remixed PBS
8am class with MeLo and DO, still on the morning schedule from earlier in the week so I figured why not.
Squats with Ryan, 200x5x3 was plenty heavy:
45×5, 115×5, 145×5, 175×5, 200x5x3
And then a drop set of 115×5 with a pause at the bottom, focus on driving knees out and keeping outsides of feet in contact with the ground. Talked about my left groin/psoas issue with David, forgot to get a demo of the frog stretch but I think I have the idea from looking around online, I'll give it a shot tomorrow. (Alex also showed me the "happy baby" yoga pose which I'll work on too).
WOD with Alex, 3 rounds of:
:15 headstand (still can't push up from here, feels more like a balance issue)
8e Reverse Lunge holding 20# DBs
1:30 plank with 25# plate, then 2:00 unweighted (and broken up a bit) for #2 and #3
I'm in Virginia for labor day too!
Worked out at George Mason U in Fairfax.
Handstand skill work.
Low bar back squat, 3x5x165.
Shoulder press, 3x5x105.
Chins, chest to bar 10-10-8.
Plan to practice more headstands, handstands, and tumbling at a barbecue later.
205. Felt heavy getting back to squats after awhile. I keep saying that. I need to find a way to squat more consistently.
Those videos are fantastic.
Big 8am with MeLo and DO. First Saturday class in some time.
DROMs/squat warm-up, followed by LBBS with Todd.
[45×5, 115×5, 145×4, 175×3] 200x3x5
Looking forward to this cycle, my third full one. I started heavier and will probably make smaller jumps than I have previously as I start to head close to where my maxes are. I ended the box squat cycle that started in June at 195 for 3×8, so figured 200 was appropriate for today. First time with 200lbs on the back, and got to bodyweight for reps, so feeling good!
Fun atmosphere for the accessory work. 4 rounds of:
3 walll-walk ups, :10 hold. Got the belly to the wall on some of these.
8e reverse lunges [+45 plate, +55, +55, +55]. Always tougher than they sound.
Plank, all unbroken: [1:15 @ BW, 1:00 @ +25lbs, 1:00 @ +35lbs, 1:21 @ +45lbs]. Good times. Weight definitely forces proper form. Will continue to work on these weighted.
Post-WOD cool down of farmer's walk with grocery bags back to the apartment.
210. Felt a fairly heavy, but not maxed out. I had hit 3×5 @ 205 last week on my own. I think I can do 215 next week.
The accessory stuff was fun, playing around with the head stands was cool.
12pm Noon Class after teaching all morning
(45×8, 135×5, 185×3, 210×2)
Did the headstands with a few sets of HSPU 5s thrown in there
Did the Lunges with a 55lb plate held overhead
Did the Planks with a 55lb plate on my back for 1:00e
I agree, those PBS videos are great
205. Paired with PR – good times!
3rd and 4th reps of third set were apparently a little shallow. Will watch out for that next week.
Fun time with Scott Lundhagen, the original CFSBK firebreather as my partner.
Squats at 250#, felt pretty good and organized, glad to have gotten over some hurdles and be solidly owning the mid-200 area weight, hope to make some big jumps this cycle.
I suck at headstands, which is odd, because my head is very big and has no hair. Nonetheless I'm pretty bad. The consolation is that I'm much worse at planks, which I suspect has something to do with my "extra abs," that also prevent me from doing situps very well.
Fun coaching the 10, 11, and 12p classes with the Mrs. Been a long time since we worked classes together!
Lifted after and tied a Snatch PR at 75kg, which is light and also felt disorganized…damn snatch. But, also hit a C&J PR at 100kg that has more room in the tank, woot! All power versions today.
BSQ at 122kgx5x2 feels immensely heavy. I look forward to low barring again some day.