Take 12 Minutes to work up to a heavy 5. No Failing
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10 Minutes NFRs
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
15 Squats
20 Sit-Ups
10 Minutes NFRs
10 Ring Rows or 5 StrictPull-Ups
15 Squats
20 Sit-Ups
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CFSBK is so proud of all the guys and gals who represented us over the last 4 weekends at this year’s Subway Series. Team SBK got better every single week ending with 5th, then 4th, then 3rd and finally 2nd place finishes in each individual event. Overall SBK took third place this year and we couldn’t be prouder. Big props to our veteran and newer athletes for giving it their all as well as everyone who came to cheer on and support the team at each event. We can’t wait until next year!
We had a great turn out at the Wine Wasting last night. Huge thanks to Brian S for organizing and leading us through the wonderful world of wine!
Bang For Your Buck Chicken
By Christian Fox
Do you buy free-range/pastured chicken? Do you buy whole chickens? You should. Don’t let the price of free-range/pastured chicken be an impediment to buying good quality poultry. The more the butcher at the market does for you, the more you’ll wind up paying. Pre-cut breasts, thighs, and other parts are simpler to deal with, but not the way to go if you want to save a buck or two or get the full nutritional value of a bird. Do you buy chicken stock? Why not buy a whole chicken, get ALL of the meat from it, and a homemade mineral rich broth to boot. It’s super simple. Here’s the low down.
You’ll need:
1 Whole Chicken, rinsed and any gravy bits renoved (buy the best quality you can afford)
4 Celery stalks, cut into chunks
3 Carrots cut into chunks
2 Onions, cut into chunks (if you have some scallion or leek tops you can use them and use less onion)
A few cloves of garlic, smashed
1Tbsp Black Peppercorns
2 Bay Leaves (fresh if you’ve got ‘em)
Herbs: 2 Handfuls: Parsley, Thyme, Chervil, Oregano, Cilantro, Margoram, etc all work well. Fresh is great and stems count but you can use about 2-3 Tbsp total if using dried.
2 tsp Salt, or more to taste (a little bit of salt helps draw out minerals from the bones)
- First quarter the chicken. Using kitchen shears or a sharp chef’s knife, cut it in half breast side up, starting at the leg end. Pry the legs joints open and cut through them to separate. Then cut the backbone and neck from the split breasts. You should now have 2 breasts with wing tips attached, 2 legs, and the backbone.
- Place the chicken parts and the rest of the ingredients in a large stockpot and cover with water by about 1”.
- Bring to a boil over high heat and then reduce to medium and simmer.
- Remove chicken parts as they fully cook. Breasts will be done first, in about 30 minutes. The legs should be done within an hour.
- Separate all cooked meat and skin from the bone and place bones back into pot.
- Simmer broth with the *chicken bones and vegetables for up to another hour and then strain.
- You can leave it here, or reduce the liquid further to make a richer stock.
- Make sure everything is cool before storing. The stock keeps well frozen, and the chicken will keep for about a week.
- *If you want to get fancy, roast the bones and more vegetables in a hot oven before placing them back in step 6. Strain the broth first if you do this.
A 3lb chicken will yield about 2-¼ lbs of meat this way, plus about 2 quarts of stock. The pulled chicken can be added to warm in soups, scrambles, stir fries, curries, or tossed on top of salads. If you go the corn tortilla route then this chicken is the perfect addition to the classic Mexican breakfast, Chilaquilles; corn tortillas sautéed in fat with onions and then simmered in a tomatillo salsa with shredded chicken. If not, the chicken works great as a protein in Butternut Squash Bisque, or the Coconut Curried Collard Greens from last time. There’s no ailment my mom wouldn’t give us chicken soup for. Simmer a ½ cup of chopped vegetables in a 1-¼ cup of the broth until tender and add a bit of chicken for a complete homemade chicken soup.
Ohh, I’ll Have The Stress Please! Mark’s Daily Apple
Talk To Yourself To Stay Motivated Greatist
Sustainablity Talk To Me Johnnie
Congrats to the CFSB competition team!
I am quite disappointed to have missed the wine wasting– it must have been fun! Maybe next time….
Instead, on the way back from a birthday party in northern Jersey, we literally had to stop and park on the FDR. Never did that before. Bina reclined her seat and napped and I listened to the odd mix of retro rock 104 now offers. Apparently anything is better the present when it comes to play listson the radio.
Greetings all. Noor and I are back from our road-trip and contemplating what promises to be a rude return to working out. I think an open gym session to ease my body back into the swing of things would be wonderful. I'm presuming Sunday open gym sessions are still happening?
Welcome back N/S! Yes to OG on Sunday
I've had so many times I've wished I could just pull over on the side of the highway and nap. An average nap for me is about 2 hours though and I am NOT good at waking up..
Also.. What is Melo attempting to do in that picture? Cry? Run away? Flex her glutes instead of arms??
9am with Fox. Wondering if he changed the QOD for the later classes…
pre-WU: 500m row (1:48), foam rolling (upper back), followed by more foam rolling with the class.
FIrst time pressing with any type of weight on the bar. In fact, it was have been the first time since Foundations, apart from warm-up complexes before the clean and jerks last cycle.
45×5, 75×5, 85×5, 95×5, 100×5
Was beginning to get tough on the last set–a good place to end today.
3 very casual rounds on the WOD, with some extra pull-ups during and after in order to work on the kip with Fox. Pull-ups were coming in larger groups (4-6 at a time), hands felt better–so encouraging signs there. Excited to see if I can't tackle a couple of more WODs Rx'ed this cycle because of the improved pull-up capability. If only you could kip push-ups the same way….