2×10 Ring Row
Pull-Up 3xBW or less then 3-3-3-3
If you can’t do a chest to bar chin-up but you’re close, use a partner to gently assist you up. If you’re not so close use a combination of the smallest band possible and a partner. Think of the band as assisting your spotter more than yourself. If that’s too difficult you’ll be using a lower bar and self spotting.
3 Rounds of:
20 Hand to Hand Kettlebell Swings
10e Reverse Lunges
5-8e Kettlebell Push Press
Rest as needed between rounds. Hold the bottom and top of each Lunge and Push Press for a 2 count, use it as an opportunity to organize end range positions as best as possible.
Jess B knows how to prep for Squatting.
Getting Ready To Squat
By Coach Margie
When you approach a loaded bar, make the decision to be there. Develop your Set Up. This is not the time to saunter up, ease yourself into position and expect to manage maximal loads successfully. As strong as you may be, if you are not mentally prepared to own the barbell, well… the barbell will win every time.
As simple as squatting is, it takes all your guts to do it right.
There are two parts to your Set Up: getting underneath the bar, and preparing to squat it.
Getting underneath the bar:
1) Mentally psych yourself up to lift the weight. Get mad, excited, juiced, pumped, jump around, curse at the bar, or go deep within yourself and find that quiet place of absolute certainty. Whatever. Experiment to find your intensity and focus.
2) Now, get underneath the bar and get a good strong rack position. Make sure the bar is wedged in tight between your hands and your shoulders. Build stability by finding tension in your upper body: remember this is where the weight will sit, so you want to create a firm shelf, not some namby pamby, twiggy little thing that will snap in two. If you have a low bar rack, raise your elbows up behind you, and push the heels of your hands against the bar. If you have a high bar rack, grip the bar tightly and push up against it.
3) Take a big breath into your belly, hold it and bear down. Your stomach should get fatter. Now squeeze your butt and stand up confidently with the weight on your back.
4) Walk back two or three steps and set your feet.
Preparing to squat:
1) Let the bar settle on your shoulders.
2) Make sure your rack position is still tight.
3) Take another big breath into your belly and bear down. Get fat!
4) Now SQUAT!
This is your ritual; use it every time you play with a barbell.
Happy lifting!
Watch this video to see exactly what we’re talking about
A Note From Peggy And The Next CFSBK Book Club Book!
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 by Hunter S. Thompson!
Nixonalia – Hunter S.Thompson discusses what Nixon represents to him
6am with D.O.
BW, +20, +30, +40, +50 on the weighted chins. Hard to get chest to bar on the last set. 24KG on the kettlebell work. Adding the 2 count made the reverse lunges a lot harder. H2H kettlebell swings are fun.
Worked out at Rugged Crossfit in Cambridge MA last night. The owner of the box a guy named JC said the reason he has couches in his gym is because when he came to SBK for a cert he loved our couches.
Anyway cool vibe in the gym there, nice people even with those crazy accents. I learned a new crossfit movement there. the double UN-DAH. wasnt sure for 10minutes what that was until the demo.
3rds for time of 500m Row, 400m Run = 12:03
I was practically sleepwalking to class this morning. I'm glad I got some chin-up work in, but am wondering if an extra two hours in bed wouldn't have been better in some ways!
Chins with slight assist from DO. I can string together 2, sometimes 3 regular chin-ups without assistance, but not C2B.
KB work, oh god. There must be something about doing one-armed movements with a KB that you normally do with both arms and a barbell that screws me up. The H2H swings and lunges were fine, but the push presses left me with big ol' bruises on both forearms. And when I visited CrossFit Central London a few weeks ago, I had to do one-armed KB cleans for the first time and ended up with bruised shoulders and arms. I hope we don't have to do these again for a while!
I was practically sleepwalking to class this morning. I'm glad I got some chin-up work in, but am wondering if an extra two hours in bed wouldn't have been better in some ways!
Chins with slight assist from DO. I can string together 2, sometimes 3 regular chin-ups without assistance, but not C2B.
KB work, oh god. There must be something about doing one-armed movements with a KB that you normally do with both arms and a barbell that screws me up. The H2H swings and lunges were fine, but the push presses left me with big ol' bruises on both forearms. And when I visited CrossFit Central London a few weeks ago, I had to do one-armed KB cleans for the first time and ended up with bruised shoulders and arms. I hope we don't have to do these again for a while!
Whoops, sorry for double post. 🙁
Would like to thank again everyone who came out for Movie night. I'm trying to figure out what we'll be doing next month.. I'm leaning heavily towards The Big Lebowski as the second film.
(Side note) I've seen TBL probably 18-20 times so.. I'm a little biased.
Also – I have insane DOMS from saturdays subway series. I'm a robot.
In support of The Big Lebowski. My earlier double feature submission was of The B.L. with Reservoir Dogs, but as there are kiddos attending, would like to change that and now offer as suggested first films before the White Russians are brought out:
1. Best in Show
2. Office Space
3. Raising Arizona
Quirk with a side of quirk. Yes.
The Big Lebowski is an excellent choice. Kung Fu Hustle? Caddyshack?
How about Big / Big Lebowski?
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I haven't seen anything posted about it here yet. Our very own Steph Paddock is leaving tomorrow to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money for the Team Fox Parkinson's research. Holy shit, right? Check out the story and donate if you're so inclined: http://www2.michaeljfox.org/site/TR?px=1001620&pg=personal&fr_id=1180&et=lTFWp–sm4VoZdvHdTlRrA&s_tafId=1341
I wholeheartedly support a Coen Bros. double-feature because (a) they make awesome movies and (b) I saw Joel Coen and Frances McDormand wandering around Atlantic Ave. yesterday, so Brooklyn!
"Raising Arizona" is great. Also, "Barton Fink" and "Miller's Crossing" (which both feature the Jesus himself, John Turturro).
Oh, Office Space! Hells yeah, I second that. The Bobs, Lumberg, Jennifer Aniston and her flair. One of the best soundtracks ever. I never ever tire of that movie. If you show it, I will be there. Damn it feels good to be a gangster! (gangsta?).
You KNOW we'll be providing White Russians for the Lebowski showing. Or, "Caucasians", if you're into the whole brevity thing.
Sorry to go "on topic" but in the WOD what does the "e" stand for in 10e and 8e etc. etc. Thanks.
@Joe, I think the "e" stands for "each" as in "each side".
Soo.. for fun here are some White Russian, or "Caucasian", options sans the cow. Just for fun and general trivia 'cause that's how I roll. I'm also on hour 2 of a "kill me now" conference call:
White Canadian: Goats Milk
Blind Russian: Baileys Irish Cream
White Mexican: Horchata
And what I like to call the Shomer Shabbos: 1oz almond milk, 1oz full fat coconut milk, smidge of vanilla. Blend the crap out of it then 2oz vodka and 2oz Kahlua. It's pretty good.
Also, for those who might be feeling all dark side Darth Vader and such there are the down and dirty:
Black Russian: Kahlua and vodka
Black Magic: Same as a Black Russian but with some lemon juice and a twist
Irish Russian: Topped with Guinness – some places have this as a combo of: vodka, kahlua, coke, *then* guinness as a layer but that's just gross.
Haven't posted my lifts in a while, as I haven't been following group programming. Getting ready for an Olympic meet. Here's where it was at today for prosperity sake…
Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch (1+1)
Felt slow and unbalanced but video showed otherwise
Worked to 100kg for a single. Realized that tied a PR and got geeked out trying to beat it by 5kg. Failed 2x at 105kg, Not unhappy.
BTN Press
These are finally feeling good. Worked at 50kg for the first 4 weeks before adding weight. They've been a consistent part of my 'healthy shoulder' program.
HB Squat
These are starting to feel heavy-ish. I am counting on recovering well enough to keep the 5kg/week increases up.
Official request that the next movie night be on a Friday, so I don't have work in the early am. I luvs white russians.
How about a little Back to the Future action?
Putz around for a while
A negligible amount of power cleans
stare off into infinity for about 5 minutes
…Ask Josh to write me a workout
400m Josh Carry (195lbs
3 Rope Climbs 20'
270m Josh Carry
6 Rope Climbs
130m Josh Carry
9 Rope Climbs
Probably like 20-25 minutes. That was more rope climbs than I've ever done before in a WOD. Took forever
had so much fun at the noon class. found it hard to leave the box-cocoon. :/
pleasepleasepleaseplease please?
Squat: 302.5x3x5
Press: 102.5x2x5, 10
Clean: 172.5x3x3
Squats felt good, most of the reps were actually decent. A little more room to grow. Press felt fine, rep out was inspired by classic tunes. Cleans went ok, used a hook grip and that seemed to help my pull off the floor. All in all a good day, moved some weight and listened to some good music. Good times all around.
I think its cute that the workout Josh wrote for David involved David carrying Josh…
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
First group class in a few months after I let my fitness drift into the ether. Very fun to play with stuff that I would never think to do on my own. Funny partnering with MLo and seeing my buddy Larry who just finished Foundations.
Started the KB work with a 24KG bell, but scaled back to 20- was trying to keep from overextending while locking out the push press. Pretty uncomfortable work, no likey being in a KB front rack that long.
Then Chris Artis came, so I left.
Cloyde – have you NOT been using a hook grip? For shame…
Fox, by the end of the workout i'm usually not thinking straight. I slip in and out with it. Only when the weight gets heavy I'm reminded that it makes a real difference. Sorry.
We all stray, you are forgiven. Say 3 Hail Marys and read chapter 2 of Olympic Weightlifting
My suggestions for movie night will never be heeded.
1. Purple Rain
2. Grease
3. The Sound of Music
4. Pretty in Pink/Breakfast Club/St Elmo's Fire triple bill
5. sex, lies and videotape
I, like Noah, have drifted away from group classes but I'm back! Took the 8am class.
BW chins and 16kg for the KB shenanigans. I was really glad that this was NFT! Good stuff.
7pm class with Melo and Laurel. Kind of a scorcher for a back off week! That tabata plank/hollow with the secret long plank at the end was awesome. Going to start doing more of those to work on my positions for pushups/burpees/etc.
First set of C2B chins felt tough so I was going to stick with BW, but ended up going BW, BW, 5, 10, 15, 25 and hit them all.
Ill-advisedly picked up a 20kg kb for warmups, was already feeling beat up after the practice rounds so didn't scale up. Had to take a couple breaks throughout the WOD to give my trunk a rest, was really feeling a lot of the unilateral work in my core stabilizers which was cool and different.
@Noah. Ouch! :-p
I will second The Sound of Music, sing-along + schnitzel please!
Other thoughts:
Super Troopers + a syrup chugging contest
Wet Hot American (end of the) Summer
DIY: Ring Dips 5×4 w/ leg extension
V-sit up 3×12
Chins: BW, +5, +7.5, +10, +10.
WOD: swings w/24kg
lunges w/ 24kg
push press x8 w/ 16kg