5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
30 Box Jumps, 24″/20″ (Mandatory Step Down)
30 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 10′ or 9′ Target
There is a 25 minute cap on today’s workout.
“Kelly” is a high volume, long duration conditioning workout. Given the large number of Box Jumps coupled with running, we’re asking everyone to step down from their boxes instead of jumping down. This will protect your lower leg from large amounts of stress associated with bounding. Scale the Wall Ball height and weight so that you can get after the 30 rep sets in large chunks. If you’re breaking down into really small sets or losing position to heave the ball up, scale back.
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Double Feature Movie Night
CFSBK will be showing a double feature at the gym on Tonight!. For this first round, our movies will be:
“Star Wars: Episode IV” and “Pumping Iron”
This is a free event for all CFSBK members including friends and family. We’ll start Star Wars at 7:00pm and then Pumping Iron at 9:15pm. You’re welcome to stay for both or just come for one if you’d like. CFSBK will provide adult beverages and everyone is welcome to bring snacks or food if they’d like however nothing is expected. Post-movie “Pose Offs” and PVC light saber battle are encouraged.
Good Luck Team SBK on Event 2 Of The 2012 CrossFit Subway Series!
Olympic Sailor is All About CrossFit Paleo Diet
So far, so good here!
Great job everyone at the comp today!