3 Rounds For Max Reps:
1 Minute Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches (alternate hands each rep)
1 Minute Toes to Bars
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
Go heavy on the Dumbbell Snatch
You can go strict or kipping on the Toes to Bars.
Burpees have strict push-ups, try to jump about 6″
3 Rounds For Max Reps:
1 Minute Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches (alternate hands each rep)
1 Minute Laying Knee Tucks or WTD Sit-Ups
1 Minute Burpees
1 Minute Rest
Use a medium/light weight if you do weighted sit-ups. You should be able to keep moving for the majority of the minute. If sit-ups are difficult already, don’t load. For your Burpees, hold the tall plank position for a 1 count and try to get about 6″ of air on the jump.
Post total reps to comments.
David Charbonneau and Josh Martinez during the final heat from this weekend
Happy Birthday, Jon S!
Shoulder Disfunction, Where to start?
A lot of shoulder dysfunction has its roots in poor posture. If you walk around all day with your shoulders internally rotated and your head pushed forward, chances are that your thoracic spine and scapula (upper back area) have become somewhat “frozen”. The problem with this is that when you go lift a weight overhead, do a push-up or try to snatch, certain joint positions won’t be available to your body so other areas will have to compensate to finish the job. Watch this short video to see a very basic overview of how some of your bones are supposed to move when your arms go overhead. You can see that the scapula, clavicle and humerus all share responsiblity to finish the job. The video doesnt account for the contributions of the Thoracic and Cervical spine, but just know they play an important role too. If the imbalances and tightness iin the soft tissues surrounding these bones arent addressed inflammtion and pain may become present. Over time long term injury and disfunction may eventually result. So what do do about it? Start with these simple MWODs below and see if you cant begin to break up some of your gnarly restrictions. Watch each one and give them a shot pre-workout. See if you can’t get into better positions or “cool off” some existing inflammation.
Shoulder: What to Fix First
Pain Ball: Calling All Shoulders
Darth Shoulder
Death By Desk
The Neck of a Desk Warrior Poet
Remaining Crush Week Teaser
Crush week started last Sunday with “Tabata Something Else” and will continue through this upcoming Sunday. Here are some hints at what’s coming up this week.
Thursday: A heavy barbell and a sea of double unders
Saturday: A Benchmark “Girl” with a twist
Sunday: The “biggest sister” of a workout we did 2 different versions of this cycle
Any guesses?
Ali Mcweeny Is Stronger Than That 70’s Big
Strength Cycle
Recovery Squat: 225x5x2
I was really tight for some reason. Maybe from being crushed against a pole for an hour on the train? Stress? Commute hate?
Press: 150×5 and 170×1.
170 was slow. Dan insists I had two though. I'll wait 3 press sessions before I try 175. Now above 90% of BW. Getting close!
RDL: 235x6x4
These keep getting easier even as I add weight.
Curls: 30lb DB: 13, 14, 12
Same– much easier than last week.
Tris: 30 lb DB: 12, 13, 12
Still kind of hard at the end of the set.
I'm finally back to where I was the first week of July when my cycle got derailed in Florida. I start hitting PR's again next week.
6am with Josh.
45# dumbbell. Kipping toes to bar.
Round 1: 50 (20/15/15)
Round 2: 50 (20/15/15)
Round 3: 47 (21/11/15)
Total: 147
I could have gone heavier on the dumbbell. The weight was not a factor, just the pain of the knurl against raw palm skin when changing hands between reps. Toes to bar generated some nice blisters. Had to slow down on the last round to prevent ripping. Very pleased with the burpees. I actually don't mind seeing them in workouts now.
Squat: 297.5x3x5
Bench: 157.5x3x5
Deadlift: 310X5
Chins: 7,7,7
Todays' squats felt even better than Mondays, definitely not as wobbly. Feel much better about hitting 300. Bench was fine, thanks to not paying attention I did 165 on my third set. Got them all so I know there's still room to go. Deadlift felt heavy as hell, basically just gutted them out. I'll get 315 this time but it's still gonna hurt.
SBK'ers. Due to bad timing etc the softball league is looking for one or 2 people to play softball tonite.
If you are interested game is at 6:15 at redhook. Folks usually meet at SBK at around 5:30.
Email me at dhalioua@gmail if interested
A soggy 6am with coach Josh. SOOOOOOOO good to be back in the gym.
Round 1: 43 (25/5/15)
Round 2: 46 (24/8/14)
Round 3: 46 (23/10/16)
30# DB. Switched from T2B to K2E in the last round. Lats would not go. Def could have gone heavier on the dumbbell. I was terrified this workout would be grippy as hell but I didn't find it to be too bad–the handoffs between snatches really made a difference.
I wanted to post this yesterday in response to the "video that started it all" link–when I first found crossfit I used to just watch demo videos that featured women for hours, dreaming of the day when I could do any of those things. Here's the one I remember the most from those days, the video that started it all for me:
I love that many of them are moms and also totally badass.
Jeremy and I had our two year anniversary yesterday. I signed up for privates with him in order to learn how to Squat and Deadlift properly. I was wanting to do Starting Strength and was afraid I'd hurt my back just doing it on my own and thus found the perfect teacher. Little did I know I would meet so many amazing people, go paleo (I remember balking at the thought of it the first time Jeremy told me about it) and become a strength fanatic.
I learned a ton from the opportunity to pick Jeremy's brain twice a week for 3 months. Each session there would be inquiries into mechanics, the metabolic system, energy pathways, approaches to the nasty girls (I wasn't doing CF but was very interested), and of course how to get stronger. The questions went on and on and Jeremy was patient and continually enlightening. That foundation is sometimes taken for granted these days, but it formed a solid, rational and educated platform to my fitness approach.
My first two workouts two years ago I did this:
Squat: 115x5x3
Press: 65×5
Bench: 85×5
Deadlift: 135×5
Last night I pressed 150×5 (and 170 for a single) and will squat 340×3 tomorrow. I'll probably pull 390 for a single and hope to get 4-5 reps at 210 on my bench…
The first 9 months, the gains were "easy." It took dedication, commitment and consistency, but if I did the work, the gains would come. The second year though, not necessarily. Things start to get tough and programming around minor injuries, ensuring there is enough recovery and continuing the gains is tricky. I've enjoyed that too though. I've learned a lot about my body, what pains to gut through and which ones to listen to and why alignment, mobility and form are critical for any lifter, especially at my age.
Over the last 730 days I have:
Lifted 272 days (basically 3 days a week outside of week-long deloads or sickness)
Completed 22,846 reps
Squatted 8,906 reps during 239 those workouts
Squatted 1,353,602 pounds
Moved a total of 3,449,746 pounds
I would like to thank Jeremy, David and all the coaches for their help and support over the last two years. It's been a great ride and I hope I can continue to lift at the gym (even though I don't CrossFit) and to be a part of this great community.
Awesome Rob! Im guessing you are tracking in excel or something, and not manually counting? (An even bigger AWESOME if you have been manually counting, that's a big abacus.)
I'm winding down my self imposed Mini Foundations I put myself through after my training went belly up a few months ago. Been mixing in a few WODs from our group class programming, and somehow got the idea yesterday that RowGrace would be fun, after the heaviest 3X5 squatting I have ever done on Monday.
I felt way tired after the row (conditioning is still coming back) and my forearms were pretty burny- I'm not a great rower. Clock read 3:47. On the barbell at 5:47 My plan for Grace went out the window fairly quickly (sets of 5, ha!) but I stayed pretty consistent. Finished at 11:43, and was bummed- in my smokedness I thought I had just done a 5:54 Grace. Someone with a better internal abacus than I pointed out that I had rested 2 minutes, so it was actually a 3:54 Grace, which I'm pretty happy with. I've oddly missed Grace the last few times we've programmed it, and the last time I did it was at #115, so this was my first RX attempt (!) I'm thinking a retest will be due in a month or two.
After back off week I'm going to jump back into group classes. Stoked for that.
(After some serious arm twisting by Ms. Jean-Louis I started reading Ready Player One. Anyone else reading it and seriously underwhelmed? Get at me, I need to get out some pre-meeting bitching.)
Big treat of yesterday was seeing Big Daddy CFSBK Poet Laureaute Brian Allan Ranger Zimbler (BARZ?) I always forget how much I miss him until I see him and the "energy" he brings to the gym.
Rob – awesome summation! Incredibly "Robly" stated. (I still think it's hilarious that Jeremy was your introduction to paleo.)
I am so happy you walked into our gym. You add such a great voice to the blog (both supportive and thoughtfully combative) and presence in the gym. And I am personally lucky to count you and Bina as great friends; I love spending time with you guys.
Keep pushing.
If anyone is interested in buying my spot in the sold out Starting Strength seminar September 14-16, please email me (David Turnbull) at or call 917-714-6966.
Did Monday’s Row/Grace yesterday after a majorly blargy two hour commute from Columbus Circle.
Row 4:15 (rested two minutes and an extra 15 seconds, oops). Grace: 2:45 at 85lbs.
The row went downhill so quickly. I tried to stick to the power 10s but it was a feeble finish.
Grace was ok, although I submitted to the split jerk about halfway through, which I didn’t plan on. It just got heavier sooner than expected (story of my liiiiife). Thanks to gym gentlemen Ron W for the encouragement and Glen for cleaning up my bar.
hah, charlotte, me too. those pullups look so old-school on that helen video!
Great post Rob! Thank you for joining our Tribe!
3 Rounds of
15 KB Swings, 1.5p
10 GHD Sit-Ups
Worked up to about 60kgs
Everything felt off today.
– No tightness/organization through my midline
– Wasnt being aggressive on my finish
– Kept landing forward on my feet
Didn't have a single really crisp pull today. Afterwards I worked some positions with the PVC.
I hadn't snatched in a while, so the movement felt disjointed, I also didn't warm-up enough. I should have worked positions today instead of jumping to 60k pretty quickly. Weight felt light but I didn't want to ingrain any bad habits with volume
Will have to tuck my tail between my legs and walk home in the rain. Will live to Snatch another day!
Watching CrossFit videos over the last 7 years has really altered what I consider physically attractive. It boggles my mind when someone sees a picture of Eva, Annie, Nicole etc and says they're "too big". Strong is so beautiful!
Great post Rob. Glad you're around too. =)
It's been a fun two years having you around. A pleasure, and those are some big gains!
Hit the 7am class. Sad not seeing a few faces but i understand some people are on vacation…
135 reps total…
46/48/41 with 30#
I think I could have gone a little heavier and got more reps if I went knee to elbow.
I'm still sore in a few spots from Monday which didn't help.
Strong girls are sexy David. nobody wants a skinny fat girl. Muscles are a good thing.
Sorry I missed this. I had to go to the dirty Jerz for a client meeting, so I swapped my routine of CF on Wednesdays, running on Thursdays. I really wish I could have come today, though. I've never had T2B (and I've been oohhhhh so close to K2E) so I'm really curious whether I can kip my way there. Tomorrow…double unders? Yeah, I REALLY wish I could have come in this morning!
Skinny fat is no bueno any way you jiggle it.
Been dealing with the absolute opposite type of Rx these past few days as I have been sidelined with a nasty fever and strep throat. I can't remember eating so little–ever.
Hope to make it back tomorrow or Friday so I can hit at least one Crush Week workout before I head out of town this weekend.
I hear there is some flooding on 4th ave today. Are classes running as scheduled?
Noah, you are underwhelmed by Ready Player One? Keep reading!
7am! NINE PEOPLE – it was a very luxurious treat. I really liked this WOD but kind of didn't. My grip is for shit, hands scream "no more" during T2B, so could only get 4 at a time and had to drop to the floor for that curl leg knee elbow thing. Still trouble with my shoulders so used the 15# DB instead of 20#, which I wanted to do but played it safe.. I think it was a smart idea at the end. Overall: 64/54/45 = 163. Sort of looking forward to the sort of Mystery Thursday Crusher, speed rope already in the tote. @Stella bring the noise tomorrow please.
Noah. More details please re: underwhelming RP1.
Hooray Rob! Two years, that's awesome – nice post.
Great Diane work with the gang yesterday – we're gonna rock those handstand pushups on Saturday. Extra special thanks to Jess for giving us awesome coach tips.
Today: 53/42/47 at 60lbs. Felt consistent on the burpees and snatches, but dipped in the middle because of sweaty grip killing my toe to bars. I used some extra chalk on the third round (several times) to get my grip back and numbers back up. Thanks to Noah for spicing up the class with his foam roller sass.
Skimped on a lot of the warm-up since I did about a half hour of A/R at my apartment beforehand and then was still feeling limber and active from the snatches this afternoon
Round1: 38 Reps with a 50lb DB
Round2: 36 Reps with a 60lb DB
Round3: 37 Reps with a 60lb DB
111 Reps total
Was not feeling the fire inside today, but happy with this showing.
Also- Ran a hard 400 once the workout was done. This was probably the fastest post workout run i've done yet. Really enjoyed it, actually.
SBK had softball, so it rains. Forget the weatherperson, when we have agame bring an umbrella.
Hit todays workout at 6pm, felt pretty lethargic but was happy with the consistency, hit 43,42,41 reps at 60lbs. Didnt push to hard, but didnt rest too much. Grip went quick with t2b.
Have been doing a lot of mobility work lately trying to both increase shoulder ROM and fix my weird left groin issue when pushing knees out in squats. Decided to work my way through the MWODs from start to finish and of course #1 was 10 full minutes of knees-out squat position. Did it while I had breakfast and read the news this morning, felt loose as a clown's pocket all day, and rolling was extra painful before the 6PM with Noah.
Warm up was a workout of its own, worked on strict pull-ups with the thumbs-over hook grip for shoulder stabilization, barely got 8 across.
50/42/36 w/ 50# DB for the WOD, lost the kip in my t2b towards the end of the 2nd round which really slowed me down and wore me out. Super fun workout though.
Sunday's workout, hmmmm… was there more than one Fran variant this cycle? Oh there were 2 Annies, Annie with ME Deads?
My first post! So exciting.
6pm class with Noah was so much fun.
So now I'm reading go heavy with the db and since I'm safely home i wish I had gone heavier. I used 17.5, mistakenly wrote 15 on the board (may have been a little out of it at the end). The db snatch was in the middle, after the burpees, and allowed me to get my breath and relax. The transition during the first round was a little bumpy so I rushed the toes to bar and worked a little bit into the rest period.
I always leave wanting to do it again, and then I get home and have a hard time taking my clothes off soooo…….good workouts! I can't wait for the next one.
Burpees/db snatch/toes to bar. 42/43/39
I'll be posting a recipe guide to today's CSA veg box after midnight, but until then, I will remind you that the melons that came in the boxes today (watermelon and cantaloupe) are quite ripe and should be refrigerated unless you plan to eat them TONIGHT. Do this because you really do not want to let them spoil on your counter. Usually I do not advocate refrigerating fruit but this is an exception, so please pay attention.
N.B.: they are OUTSTANDING.
The tomatoes we received are also, to be perfectly honest with you, as a person with a lot of opinions about tomatoes, very very very very good.
That said, do not refrigerate them. It makes them mealy.
Eat them within 2 or 3 days. I'm eating one right now, sliced on a plate with salt and a bit of olive oil.
It's stupid good.
DIY: pull-up development, week 2 exposure 1, 5×4 strict, 5x 3-5 kipping
34 round 1 40#
35 round 2 40#
35 round 3 40#
109 total.
40# was too light for the snatches. Each round broke down to about 15 snatches, 8 T2B and 12 burpies. Grip was a big issue here, especially considering the DIY pull-up work.
Todays WOD was interesting but I think our stick suffered by the order… T2B were last and its hard to burn through those.
36, 40, 41 with 40# DB
right elbow and shoulder prevented me from doing snatches on right side so it was cleans on right snatches on left.
59, 50, 46 with a 50 lb DB
Could probably have gone heavier on the DB
Abs were super sore from a ton of kipping pull-ups over the weekend so T2B were pretty slow (and painful)
Great to be back in the morning class!