- Happy Belated Birthdays to Jen S and Andrew M!
- The CFSBK Book Club meeting is this Sunday at Pacific Standard. If you read the book, we just posted up the discussion questions in the Event Page. There is still time to read the book if you’re a fast reader! All are welcome to attend.
Pop-Up Museum of Queer History
CrossFit OG and CFSBKer Davi C wants you to check out the Pop-Up Museum of Queer History! Davi says, “We’re so thrilled to present this totally grassroots awesome exploration of queer art and history in SoHo!” Come one, come all!!!
What’s That Reebok Link Over Yonder?
You may have noticed a Reebok link over in the right corner of the website. We were recently contacted by Reebok and asked to be one of their “Key Partners”. Basically, they choose 10 affiliates in each region to send free stuff to twice a month. If we like what they send us, we can wear it, if not- no sweat. They also sent us a banner if we wanted to put it up and asked us to put a link on the website. If you decide that you want to purchase something from Reebok, please use that link as the gym gets 20% of the transaction! Is it a decent deal? We think so. Have we sold out? YOU DECIDE.
Movie Night this weekend!
CFSBK will be showing a double feature at the gym on Saturday, August 18th. For this first round, our movies will be:
“Star Wars: Episode IV” and “Pumping Iron”
This is a free event for all CFSBK members including friends and family. We’ll start Star Wars at 7:00pm and then Pumping Iron at 9:15pm. You’re welcome to stay for both or just come for one if you’d like. CFSBK will provide adult beverages and everyone is welcome to bring snacks or food if they’d like however nothing is expected. Post-movie “Pose Offs” and PVC light saber battle are encouraged.
Muscle Ups at 10,000 ft CrossFit Journal
“Nasty Girls” The video that led countless people to check out what CrossFit was all about..
Going, Going, GONE. It all started with a handful of chips Robb Wolf
Jill Bolte Taylor’s stroke of insight TED Talks
Air Mattress???
Does anyone have a full or queen air mattress that Jeremy and I could borrow for a bit? The movers took our bed and the air mattress we're using has a problem with deflating.
I'm happy to retrieve it if you are willing to lend it out. Drop me a line at Margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com.
Thank you!!
Lovely 6am with Jess and McDowell.
Tackled Sunday's Tabata Something Else workout with Isaac and Dan:
Pull-ups: 63
Push-ups: 77
Sit-ups: 86
Squats: 131
Total: 357
Stayed nice and consistent on the pull-ups with 7 rounds of 8 reps and 1 round of 7 reps. Push-ups went well until the 5th round when they broke down. Squats were surprisingly difficult. Legs (hips) started to cramp in the last few rounds.
Problem with said air mattress resolved. I retract my request.
6am class with Jess and McD. Joined Peter and Isaac for Tabata fun times:
Pull-ups: 76
Push-ups: 71
Sit-ups: 82
Squats: 91
Total: 320
Had to scale back the squats due to a nagging leg/hip injury, hence the low score there. But looking back at previous tabata endeavors shows that these pushups numbers are much weaker than they should've been. I ain't mad at the pullups though.
For anyone competing Saturday, there will be an informal hspu practice session at 7 pm tonight.
Stuff I'm giving away!
Is anyone interested in a 7 quart Lodge cast iron dutch oven? It's in pretty good shape, probably needs a clean and to be resealed, but no big deal.
Also – a 12" (I think) Calphalon grill pan? It's round and stainless steel. Not nonstick.
Finally – a very cute espresso set. 4 cups and saucers.
Email me if interested!
Margie I'll take Dutch Oven if it hasn't traded away!
JR – you got the dutch oven. Grill pan is going to Shawn. Both will be at the gym tonight.
Thanks guys!
Aw. Don't leave Margie. :/
Also, Ron, you look rad in that picture.
Fox pullup plan "B" day after my morning run. Jesus, Mary, and Oprah. I'd forgotten how hard negatives can be.
Why would anyone want a "Dutch Oven?"
From Urban Dictionary:
Blowing hard ass wind under the covers several times and building up stench while your old lady is brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed, then when she gets into bed, pull the covers over her head and yell "Dutch Oven" and let her enjoy the stench of your ass gas for at least 30 seconds
New to the box. Happy to join you guys
Made up yesterday's WOD
3:56- Row
5:09- Grace (Rx)
Time- 11:05
Less than a minute from my Grace PR. Silly. Also I need to get my row game up…