Given that there are NO classes tomorrow for the CrossFit Subway Series event, we are providing a WOD for folks who came in on Thursday and would have attended Saturday. Athletes at the 6,7,8am and 12pm classes will have an option to do either yesterday’s workout or the one below.
Warm up and then you have 5 attempts to find a heavy triple on the Deadlift. All pulls start from a static position on the floor.
10-20-30-40-50 Reps For Time Of:
Double Unders
Post results to comments.
David O Does some High Altitude L-Sits
Best wishes to Christine G who will be running the NYC IRONMAN this weekend!
Coach Margie Has Left The Building.. kinda sorta
Yesterday at 12pm Coach Margie taught her last Group Class with us for the foreseeable future. We are both saddened and excited about the situation and as we all know, both of those emotions can be supplemented with alcohol consumption. Come join us in saying farewell to Coach Margie tomorrow evening at The Rock Shop (second floor) starting at 8pm. If Coach Margie has in some way touched you as a friend or coach, please come on down and let her know how much she’ll be missed. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Subway Series Schedule
We’ll start heats on Saturday at 9:00am and be finishing around 11:30-12p. If you’re coming, please wear your black Skull and Bones CFSBK shirt to show your support and join the “Black Sea”. Remember there are NO Group Classes on Saturday.
NOTE: Due To The Large Volume of People in the gym tomorrow, we will NOT be storing bikes in the front, please either walk or find somewhere outside to house your bike
Here is the workout that some of our best local CrossFitters will be taking on:
In 10 minutes perform:
50 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 95/55
40 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 115/75
30 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 135/95
20 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerk 165/115
10 Double Unders
AMRAP Clean and Jerk 185/135
The year is 1992, give us a snapshot of where you’re living, what you’re doing and any other interesting tidbits about your life 20 years ago.
The CrossFit Affiliate Blog has officially retired. Check out the new CrossFit Community site that will take it’s place.
Why can you revise but not delete a comment? Blërg, see below.
After reading today's blog post, I've realized that I read the sub-title of yesterday's post on the Subway Series as "The Black Seal." Which, I'm just saying, would be a pretty awesome mascot for our team. (Its genes would have been mutated by the Gowanus sludge, and its best friend would be the Gowanoctopus.)
Thursday night's Strength Work:
I got to work out on the strong boyz platform and actually did the same weight. Of course they did multiple sets for more reps, but…
Intensity Squat: 335×3
Pretty solid. I was worried after a very bad last warm-up at 315. I basically stopped at the bottom. This wasn't fast, but they were good reps.
Press: 137.5 x5x3
Deficit DL: 335×5
More ridiculous sweating that continued for an hour after the workout. I will no longer be going out for dinner on Thursday nights. Home and into the shower only!
Ahh, 1992, good times. I was somewhat of a local celebrity alt-rock musician in the small college town of Gainesville, FL. I played in a few bands, but one of them was packing the house for many great high-energy shows that year. We were going on some road trips to plan other towns in FL and looking to get a signed so we could tour. I cooked for a living in those days and went out pretty much every single night, either to play or see other bands. Lots o' beer.
YAY DEADLIFTS! And none of that sumo business either! So glad I decided to come in today. Maxed out at 195, which was heavy but not super hard. Wish I'd been a wee bit more aggressive, but still, YAY DEADLIFTS.
"Einna for the Uncoordinated" (read: 1/2 volume double under attempts) in 9:36. I actually managed several strings of 4s and 5s with the DUs, which is better than I've been doing of late. I'll take it.
In 1992 I was a high school freshman in Bensalem, Pennsylvania (the armpit of Bucks County). 14 was a REALLY awkward age for me and I'm not the least bit nostalgic about it.
In 1992 , I was practicing the Contra WOD, "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A", till my left thumb would form a blister.
Margie, good luck in Madison. We will miss you greatly. Will be out to celebrate tomorrow evening.
Cant wait to hit the subway series work tomorrow, and EAT SOME FACE.
1992, My birthday. After much pleading my parents allowed me to get my ear pierced. Being the first male at my new school to have their ear pierced (in the first year at a new school) may not be the wisest decision ever made, but hey at least I was a trend setter.
6am class with coach Jess. I came in with every intention of doing yesterday's WOD but my hamstring is still tweaked from the other day so I felt like I needed to take it easy. Jess let me lick my wounds and do my own thing – lots of lax balling, stretching, then 5 sets of light HBBS @135lb supersetted with 5 HSPU. Good tips from Fox on improving my position at the top of the movement, which helped a lot. Position is everything with those damn things!
In 1992 I graduated from the University of Michigan with a super-lucrative humanities degree and moved to Washington, D.C. while I waited for my Peace Corps assignment to come through.
There, I lived with five people in a Mt. Pleasant apartment and made 14.5K/year answering the telephone at a medical publishing company. I was so poor I had to decide each day if I wanted to pay to take the subway to work, or if I wanted a cup of coffee on the way. I couldn't afford both.
In 1992 I was in my sophomore and junior years at college. I had a lot of fun in college. In the summer of 1992, I returned to Korea for the first time since leaving there in 1977. Korean relatives offered to arrange a marriage while there. Apparently 19 was too old not to be married.
Oh, and I declined the arranged marriage offer.
/1/ Getting pumped to watch SBK's best at tomorrow's Subway Series!
/2/ Getting pumped/sad to help send Margie off in style tomorrow evening.
/3/ 7am with Jess and McDowell
pre-WU consisted of chatting with Julie, buying a T-shirt, and a couple DU attempts
official WU of DROM/jump rope couplet
DLs–tried to be a little quicker and more aggressive than I have been with these, while emphasizing a good set up for the next rep on the way down. Also, I built a Jamaican flag of sorts out of bumpers on the bar today. Nice to look at in between sets.
[95×5, 125×5, 165×3] 195×3, 215×3, 225×3, 235×3, 245×3
245 is a PR of sorts, not that I've done all that much of this lift (at least in non-sumo form) since I've started at the box. It was appropriately heavy, but not at the 'I don't know if I'll make this' stage.
WOD (Einna) – Rx in 11:09
I think it's a good sign that I got this done as prescribed even on an uncoordinated day. With so many things to practice before and after class (mobility, kipping, etc.), the doubles haven't been the focus of my attention. Much more difficult to do this in reverse. I think the Annie variant we did a couple of weeks ago with weighted sit-ups was about 2 minutes faster. Happy that I did all the sit-ups unbroken, if not at Charmel's lightning-fast pace.
Don't remember much about August 1992, other than that I still lived in New Jersey then, had a babysitter named Marie (I was 4 years old) who took us bowling a lot, was really good at Tetris, let us watch her play poker with her friends, and made angel hair pasta with garlic, oil, and broccoli, which is the only vivid food memory I have from my childhood.
Margieeeeeee……….. I'm very sorry to be out of town for your goodbye. Glad to hear you're moving forward, pursuing passions and doing some more awesome with your life; although naturally you'll be missed.
Before I took off for the summer I really enjoyed those couple noon classes we got to pair up together. Especially the partner WOD with pull ups and I think wall balls? When we were getting to the later rounds and you started slowing and you're like "Yell at me Noah!" so I did it seemed to actually put more fuel in your tank.
So yeah, I'll miss lovingly yelling at my couch and random Friday open gym chats. Best of luck on your next steps; come see us as soon as you can!
P.S. In '92 I was a chubby 10 year old with the sides of my head buzzed and the top all spikey- think 1960s astronaut. Although somewhere in there I did have a bitching rat's tail for a minute too.
NOTE: Due To The Large Volume of People in the gym tomorrow, we will NOT be storing bikes in the front, please either walk or find somewhere outside to house your bike
'92 was also my freshmen/sophomore year in high school. I was transitioning to a uniform of ripped jeans, chuck taylors, plaid shirts, and falling in unrequited love with Boris who, despite my precocious skills on the stage, could see I was far too self-conscious to date.
Led Zeppelin 4 and Toad the Wet Sprocket were my first CDs.
I was also halfway to becoming a vegetarian (never got there) and spent a couple of summer weeks at Animal Rights camp with my best friend Ona. We did things like go to the zoo to criticize the caged animals and watch anti-vivisection videos.
I was not cool.
Looking forward to tomorrow night!
Ok, we didn't criticize the animals. We criticized the establishment that caged them.
Squat: 292.5x3x5
Press: 115×3, 117.5×3, 120×3
Chins: 8,6,7
Squats were pretty good, actually felt a little better than 290 for some reason. Still heavy as hell though. Press went better than expected. Since my press is stalled out we're going twice a week now. One day is rep out and the other day is heavy sets of 3. Seems I can bang out 3 reps of these weights but not 5. Didn't have the chins in me today, next week we'll do 3 sets of 7 and work up. Body weight is 195 which is the heaviest I've ever been. I recently saw an old post from when I first started at SBK and I was like 155 my goal weight was 170. Hopefully when this cycle is over and I start dropping weight we can settle in around 185.
As for what I was doing in 1992, I was still adjusting to a new country and a new school. Sufficed to say it was not going well. I was getting bullied until I figured out the easiest way to get it to stop was to join the bullies and target other people. Me and the principal were on a first name basis. My poor parents were beside themselves. It was a rough few years. Luckily I made it through relatively ok.
7am slip-n-slide with DL's and Einna Le Backwards Annie. This weather seriously needs to freaking simmer down – this West Coaster is OVER IT! Gimme my Seattle "high of 50 in August" please.
In 1992 I was returning home as I had run away with a backpack waving my middle finger at the parentals to EU. I was mugged and lost most everything, retracked the middle finger and was brought home. Went back to school but a school of my choice, started an internship at Subpop, and made duct tape wallets to sell at friends shows for money.
The new shirts are seriously amazing, Sunday at Pac Standard Supple Leopard will officially be a Storm of Kitties for our first round in the pub quiz championships. Meow. Fear us.
I was 7 years old in 92, I think I was most interested in playing street fighter 2 with my friends and throwing action figures out my bedroom window.
Today's WOD with the noon class
4 rounds plus 1/4 the run
Did 35lb DBs which is just over 45% but not by much. Managed the first 3 rounds unbroken and then had to do 5/5 Clusters and a bunch of random reps on the pull-ups for the last round. My hands were soaking wet from the pouring rain and made it really impossible to grab the bar
In 1992 I lived in a loft sublet on Bowery, between Bayard and Pell, along with several dozen mice whose favorite activities included nightly romping sessions, usually on me, while I slept. My hair was half way down my back (not yet gray). I combed it rarely in an effort to emulate the style of my hero, Dave Pirner. I smoked two packs of Marlboro reds a day (non-smoker for a decade now) and drank copiously (some things don’t change).
At night I played in a band none of you have ever heard of at a long list of clubs, all of which no longer exist. I opened for Johnny Thunders (another rock & hairstyle hero) shortly before he croaked, and a bunch of other people you might have heard of. And for some mysterious reason, the 3rd Street Hells Angels were big fans of ours. Otherwise, we hardly ever got paid more than beer money and always lugged our own gear.
During the day I worked at a small semi reputable publishing house (Paragon House) with a completely disreputable owner (the Unification Church). (My apologies to any CFSBKers who are also Moonies. But I don’t think there are any—the Church doesn’t allow membership in two cults.)
Then, as now, I thoroughly enjoy gassing on about myself.
And like all of you, I will thoroughly, thoroughly miss Margie! See you tomorrow!
1992 and I had just finished 5th grade. That summer included a whole lot of roller blading and foam sword fighting and some amount of foam sword fighting on roller blades.
Also my living in California meant that my grand (parent approved) plan to stay up as long as it took to find out the result of the presidential election was foiled when it was cinched up around 8:30 PM for Clinton. (The kid I was watching with actually ended up working on the Obama campaign in 2008).
In 1992 I was a 14 year old high-school freshman living in Madison, Mississippi. I had my learner's permit (yes, they allow 14 year olds to get learner permits in Mississippi – terrifying) and was enjoying the last employment-free summer of my life. I was blissfully ignorant of the fact that my parents were about to divorce. I must have blacked most of this age out of my memory for the aforementioned reason – all I can really recall is lots of baking in the sun poolside, driving my mom's minivan with her freaking out in the passenger seat, Baptist church camp at the beach, and watching Beverly Hills 90210.
i kinda want to watch margie criticize zoo animals
Really interesting question of the day. In 1992 I was 10 years old and right about now I was about to go on vacation to Colorado with my family. I rode a horse for the first time, tried Mountain Biking, and hiked up a mountain. (Not a lot of mountains in Miami.) And I loved all of it, but…
While we were in Colorado Hurricane Andrew was brewing and headed straight for Miami. We had to cut vacation short to try to get home. We didn't, we got stuck in an airport in Houston for 24 hours and I watched on TV as my hometown was destroyed.
We finally made it back to a home mostly ok, no electricity for a month, and the start of the school year pushed back. No electricity meant no TV or computers or A/C which for a 10 year old in the 90s seemed an impossible circumstance, but I actually ended up having a lot of fun playing outdoors and helping my Dad clean up debris.
Strangely, I actually look back on it pretty fondly. Shortly after this we had a few deaths in the family, and I feel like I had to grow up a lot. This was kind of my last summer of being a kid.
1992 was a transition year for me. I recently returned from a 2 yr stint in Bern, and swimming in the Aare. Nothing like it. I was having a mild case of culture shock. I ended up in DC. Working for less than peanuts, I think I made 10k that year. I did a lot of growing up. I had to inform parents that their son had died. Fortunately, they were understanding and said, that I was not the first person to call and tell them their son was in the hospital, just the last one. He must have been a troubled person. I moved on and did not really look back.
I was 8 almost 9, about to start 3rd grade and I was a little sh*t. I played a crap load of Street Fighter: II and used to hit my brother with plastic light sabers a lot. Also I'm pretty sure this is the same year that my older cousin took me to see Maiden at the garden unbeknownst to my parents.
Make up post from yesterday:
4 rounds plus a little bit of running with 15lb dumbbells.
Still hate running….
going to try to make it to the gym tomorrow to cheer on CFSBK, but unfortunately we have a wedding so I"m not sure if my time table will allow for it yet. If I can't make it good luck to EVERYONE!!!! 🙂 xoxoxoxox
dead lift 3-3-3-3-3 at 285, 295, 305, 315, 325. WOD with DU attempts at 7 and change, got 15 linked DUs in a row!
PR city.
1992 I was time traveling so I was also in 2115.
1992. Very significant year in my life. Landed a job at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as a production manager in the Editorial Department. We published all of the exhibition catalogues. I was able to travel throughout Europe overseeing print jobs but had little to no money to properly see the sights. I also moved into my first apartment – a studio – in Manhattan on W16 between 5&6. My rent . . . (wait for it) . . $775.00. I grew up in Brooklyn and was fully committed to getting on up outta there as soon as I could and leaving the B&T crowd behind. Finally made it . Swore I would never go back.
Well . . . now I live in Park Slope with a 6 year old. But BK is a different world now. Unrecognizable. Proud to say I am from here, proud to say that I live here now.
I also remember listening to a lot of Cypress Hill . . . .
FYI – today's WOD in 9:55. PR of 225# for DLs. MAKE THE HUMIDITY STOP!
Twenty years ago I was 9 days into a two-year stint in the Peace Corps in the Philippines. I lived on an island. Fresh coconuts, mango, pineapple, and every type of seafood imaginable. No internet. No cell phone. No fax machine. I was young. I had a motorcycle. And I was single. Where is Doc Brown and his DeLorean?
I skipped today to save strength for tomorrow… so we will see how that goes.
I will say good bye in person tomorrow night.
In Aug. of 92 I was living in Italy. painting, drawing, designing and drinking way too much wine.
1992 – Living in Yonkers with then GF, doing lots of brain numbing things played out to a soundtrack of Soundgarden, Cypress Hill, and Slayer. I'd made the un-wise decision to go to work instead of college so I was living the "rich" life. I of course had it all figured out. Little did I know that within a year I'd be notified by a different (new) GF that I was going to be a daddy…whoa. I'm still working on being a great Dad while this whole life thing plays out.
Excited to see everyone at the gym tomorrow! I'll be snapping a few black and white film (whaa?!) photos as well. And, of course, I'll be at the Rock Shop tomorrow night.
August 1992: I turned five. I spent my birthday crying because some of my presents were new clothes. Kindergarten was about to start and I had to wear a uniform. My brilliant five-year-old self thought having a uniform meant I had to throw all of my other clothes away, birthday clothes included.
WOD today at Railroad Crossfit in Hudson, NY, my old stomping ground. Nice box, good coaches, cool folks, BRUTAL WOD.
Hudson Valley Games WOD #1
12 min. AMRAP
10 Deadlifts 225/135 I did 165
21-15-9 couplet
Thrusters 65/45 I rx'd
15 Deadlifts 225/135
21-15-9 couplet
KB Swings 53/35
BJ 24/20
I made it through 10 of the second round of dead lifts.
After 90 pushups on Wednesday, the thrusters/burpee couplet was BRUTAL.
I left a LOT of DNA in a puddle on their floor.
Going back tomorrow for more pain.
20 years ago I was 24, finishing up design school in Raleigh facing graduating into a crap economy and knowing I needed to get out of the South. New York seemed like a good idea and by September of 93 I was in a loft on Dean street. Sadly, that loft is now a sky box at Barclay Center.
Margie, I'll raise a glass tomorrow night here in Hudson. You'll be missed. Thanks for always telling me that I'm stronger than I think I am and motivating me to find out.
well. the first time margie and i interacted, i think that i had burped or farted and margie really hated me and thought that i was obnoxious because i guess she didn't get my specific highly-intense brand of charisma yet, so i think she shot me a look and talked to me about gym etiquette and told me she had a private client and that i should look elsewhere if i wanted to act like a kindergarten student (this is how i remember it) and i was like: get off my back, and she was like: no you get off my back and i guess somewhere along the line we just recognized that the fire inside the other was hot and not unlike the fire inside ourself. then there was the paleolithic challenge when i went emotional and started rangering and margie made herself vulnerable about her own emotions and food and then we were fast friends cuz i kept coming in on friday and she would always tell me to scale down and i would say no way. i'm really gonna miss margie. she feels like a real friend, not just a coach. she's such a pisser. and then she stupidly applied to grad school which i think we all can agree is a horrible idea because our gym needs margie, she's the stopper – she's the last line of soccer defense, like, if another army comes to our gym and gets past david and the other pixy coaches like fox and stuff, margie is the catcher, the anchor, the one who, because we know she's behind us, we'll fight like hell. so i guess what i'm saying is that i really hope there is no apocalypse because you rarely make real friends anymore with real people, and margie is one of them. she's like a mean older sister, and she softens that guy with the shingles too, how are we gonna put up with him now that margie's not here to roll him over and rub his belly all day. seriously folks. i'm not coming to the party, not because i have a prior obligation but more out of protest. i'm never going to burp again. teamster, nutritionist, skeptic. thank you for everything, coach. i'll miss you very much.
@baz: word. for realz.
Baz one up
+1 for baz