As Many Rounds As Possible In 15 Minutes of:
Row 250m or Run 270m
10 Dumbbell Hang Clusters, load 45% BW
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
As Many Rounds As Possible In 15 Minutes of:
Row 250m or Run 270m
10 Dumbbell Hang Clusters or Thrusters
10 Ring Rows or 3-5 Strict Pull-Ups
WOD Notes:
+ Regarding the Run/Row option, choose whichever one you dislike more.
+ A “Cluster” is a Squat Clean Thruster. The Dumbbells dip below the knee before being squat cleaned. 45% BW loading is total weight on the bells, so take your body weight, find 45% and then divide by 2 to see which Dumbbells you’ll be using today.
Post rounds completed and rx to comments.
Best wishes to Christine G who will be running the NYC IRONMAN this weekend!
Join The Black Sea!
Team SBK will be competing and representing our gym this Saturday at the Subway Series. They need everyone’s support so come on down wearing your CFSBK skull and bones shirts to show some SBK love. The first heat will kick off around 9am and run for a few hours throughout the morning. We’re also looking for some volunteers interested in judging, doing registration and general assistance. If you’re up for helping out, contact Christian(AT)
Casting Call
Photographer Kenneth Cappello is looking for two CrossFit women for an upcoming Champion sportswear campaign. Kenneth trains at CrossFit Brick in LA and insists that they be real CrossFit athletes for the shoot. The rate for the shoot day is $750 and additional usage fees are paid if photos are used in final ads. Shoot day is August 15th from noon to 9pm. If you’re interested please contact Jamie at j(AT) Don’t forget to include some photos of yourself in the email.
Skills Class: The Muscle Up
If you’ve been coming to the gym a lot, I bet you’ve noticed those round things hanging from the ceiling. Aside from making very mediocre frisbees, the rings can be used for one of the most coveted and elusive Crossfit movements- The Muscle Up. Combining all of the hardest parts of a pullup, a ring dip, and a barroom headbutt, the Muscle Up is a skill that can take a long time to learn on your own, but with careful practice and coaching can realistically be achieved in a fairly short time period. Our own Coach Noah, born to the unholy union of a chain smoking Russian gymnastics coach and his lovely Chimpanzee bride Jenny Bananas, will be running a Skills Class devoted to learning, practicing, and developing the Muscle Up on Sunday, August 12th at 5:00 PM. Space is limited to 8 participants, and those interested should sign Email Noah(AT) to sign up. There is a $15 fee for the class and a strict buy in of 3 Unbroken Chest To Bar Pullups and 3 Ring Dips.
The Cheatingest Move in Swimming: How a South African Used Illegal Dolphin Kicks To Win Gold Slate
The Heretic The Morning News
The Big Coconut Water Lie yoganonymous
You Don’t Need That Fancy Shit iOfTheTiger
Do Not Brag About Your Leg Press iOfTheTiger
Ultimate Balance Beam Montage
Some thoughts on today's links.
ilove iofthetiger
The balance beam montage is awesome. The balance and coordination is unreal.
I'm a terrible swimmer but from a previous article I know now to keep my arm straight when I do my strokes and that I should try to look like a dolphin.
Lets all do LSD and talk about our feelings
Im going Hiking today! That's a bonus point!
6am with D.O. Precisely 4 rounds with rowing and 45# dumbbells for the clusters. Was moving well until the 4th round. The 4th set of clusters was a b****. And the 4th set of pull-ups was frustrating because of sweaty palms. Chalk stood no chance against the sweat onslaught.
Ran the inner loop of Prospect Park in 22:59 yesterday. Planning to do a running workout once a week or so.
6am 4 rounds with 30# dbs and kipping pull ups. That is 32% of my BW. I maybe could have gone a little heavier but I def. wouldn't have done 4 rounds.
Fun WOD!
I was beyond excited to get a beautiful little watermelon in our vegetable CSA box last night. It's delicious!
If you're looking for a savory salad idea for your melon, I have a good one:
4 rounds w/row, 40# db, 5 strict PU. did about 600 singles/DU attempts before to try to cram for sat but I think I'm going to have to scale it since only about a half dozen were good.
blog sure gets quiet in the summer!
6pm with Josh
35# DBs and10 Kipping Pullups
4 rounds plus most of a run
DIY: deadlift, warmed up to 225#x2x5. Wanted to do another set but ran out of time.
WOD: 35# DBs and kipping pull-ups, 3 rounds plus 1 row and 3 clusters. This was the first time I tried kipping pull-ups in a WOD and the results were predictably underwhelming. Kipping form and grip strength need a ton of work. Felt a little "blah" today. Been going pretty low carb with the diet lately and that might be why.
6am with DO.
Lots of mobility work pre-class and to warm up. Good stuff.
3 rounds, run, clusters, and 3 pull-ups. Did rounds of 5 kipping pull-ups (first time in a WOD!) to protect the grip (fail) and to practice the motion without getting too far behind. Moved reasonably quickly. Went up at the last minute to 35 lb dumbbells (35% of my BW) and happy I did. This was a good one.
Good tip from David about the end of the kip and setting up for the next rep. Will be keeping my legs behind me and focus on the push away from the bar…once my hands are up to the task again!