Today’s RWOD is to spent 20 minutes not doing anything. No music, no talking, no reading just sitting and observing. You could be outside people watching, in a familiar place taking in details you wouldn’t otherwise have noted or observing an artifact like a rock or old piece of jewelry. The goal is to attain a state of mindfulness and clarity. Set an alarm or take note of the time when you start to ensure 20 minutes go by.
Post experience to comments.
Kate B and her army of Kettlebells
News and Notes
- Reminder that there are no classes this Saturday while we host the 2012 CrossFit Subway Series. If you’re not competing, come on down to cheer on team SBK. We also need volunteers to help register, staff, score and judge the event. Please email Christian(AT) if you can help out.
- And then later that same night come on down to The Rock Shop at 8:00pm to send off Margie at her going away party. We’re very happysad!
- Congrats to the CFSBK Softball Team on their 13-4 win yesterday!
- Are you good at figure drawing? If you have some talent drawing basic caricatures and cartoon or comic book like figures, please shoot David a line at David(AT)
Are We Having Fun Yet?
At the end of every Foundations Class we’ve included a lecture on training perspective. The emphasis of this lecture is all about taking the long road with your training and enjoying the process. Today is a good opportunity to reflect on why you train and what you’d be missing in your life if you stopped. Think beyond quantifiable gains, specific numbers or movements you’ve gotten strong enough to do. At a more fundamental level, appreciate the simple fun of playing with barbells, learning new skills, regularly challenging yourself and realizing that you’re more capable than you were before. CrossFit should be first and foremost a fun and enriching experience. What you do is not normal, most people don’t take the time to learn technical exercises, most people don’t push themselves to discomfort and many wouldn’t come to a gym without air conditioning in the summer heat. Reflect on why fitness is important to you and what, beyond fitness itself stimulates you.
So we’re playing Star Wars and Pumping Iron on Saturday the 18th. Suggest a double feature combo for a future Movie Night.
For me training is quite simply the pursuit of getting better at something. It allows me to be uncharacteristically selfish focus on myself for a period of time during the day. I enjoy every second of training and can provide countless examples on how training has enriched my life. Without training, I quite simply wouldnt be who I am today.
Did yesterday's WOD. My hands were still a little messy from kipping pullup workshop, which meant I could only practice my swing a couple of times before I had to stop 🙁
Stuck with tall cleans and light weights (max 68#) today to see whether I could make myself get under the bar any faster. I thought I was doing OK, but apparently I tip too far forward instead of keeping a good vertical position when dropping under the bar. So many moving parts!
Dumbbell complex first round 20#, 2 rounds at 25#. Boy, does it feel awkward split-jerking with my non-dominant foot in front.
Re today's RWOD. Not sure how much mindfulness and clarity I achieved this morning on the A train with a guy's armpit in my face. I did, however, spend 20 minutes testing how long I can hold my breath.
Noah: how about Friday, Aug 31st during open gym for the Diane takedown?
Competitors/spectators for the subway series this saturday: I just found out my wife has to be out of town and I'll have to bring my daughter Mayor (almost 3 yrs). Are any other parents bringing kids to the event? I'd gladly take turns distracting your kids from running onto the competition floor in exchange for keeping Ms. Mayor in check while I compete.
6am with D.O. Hit 265 for a HBBS triple. 20# more than last week, though last week I was taking it easy so the jump isn't as dramatic as it looks. Felt good. Lots of hip mobility work this past week and the tightness is almost gone. Did the accessory work in 8:00 flat and I have the pumped up pecs to show for it.
I went to the Teaser class on Sunday and want to sign up for the Foundations class. David had mentioned that FDNY personnel receive a discount but I didn't ask for the discount code and I can't find it on this site. I already emailed for it but have yet to hear back. Does anyone have this info handy? I want to sign up before the class that fits with my schedule gets booked up. Thanks!
Great question today.
This video I saw a couple weeks ago sums up why I train:
While I dont do as much outdoors as the couple in the video, I train to stay in shape so I can continue to do things I love planned or spontaneously.
Even before CFSBK Ive always been someone who preferred to take stairs over elevators, stand on the subway even if there are empty seats,and will walk to a destination rather than wait for a bus. Ive always just had this thought that if I let my body rely on these crutches now while I dont need them–I'm really going to be dependent on them when I get older.
I have too many friends and family who with age, have let themselves get out of shape so they just cant do the things they used to anymore without aches or complaints.
For example, this past month I went out to Sequioa and Kings Canyon Natl Park with the family and we decided to do some hiking. One of the trails I chose was a moderate difficulty hike that was 8 miles round trip through some rough terrain. Even though I was with my 3.75 yr old Kamau, I was able to say "let's do it" without much hesitation.
Kamau was a trooper and hiked the first 2 miles on his own after doing 2 other hikes over 2 miles on his own the 24 hours prior, but eventually needed me to carry him on this trail (which I anticipated). So I broke out the carrier strapped him to my back and carried him 2 miles to the waterfall which was awesome.
Unfortunately after basking in the beauty of the waterfall for 40 or so minutes, we had to hike back. It was starting to get late, we wanted to beat the sunset, and my wife and dad were beat up from the hike up–so I decided I would strap 34 pound kamau to the front and carry our 20 lb pack on my back. By the end of the hike, I was pretty beat up, but it allowed me to do something with my son that not a lot of my other (non CFSBK) friends would do or even consider doing.
and I think thats pretty neat.
Was gonna share some pictures, but the camera is dead.
great story, shawn.
@Luke–My educator discount kicked in once I started group classes. Foundations, at least as of May, was the same price for everyone.
Yikes Betz that's 3 weeks away! I'm in, I think a more immediate goal will give me a good kick in the ass, which I sorely need.
Sounds like a fabulous trip Shawn.
I grew up hiking, biking and skiing for family vacations. My goals for "training" or staying is shape is to be able to do that throughout my life, as my parents are still doing.
What I get out of training is totally different. Taking the time out of my day to focus on something physical and tune out all other distractions. Like today's activity, I find that being focused on, lifting things above my head without dropping them, climbing walls or yoga ends up being a meditation of sorts.
Couldn't agree more. There are only two ways I've ever been able to be "in the now" – partner dancing and being under a heavy bar. When I've got neither, my mental and emotional state deteriorates fairly quickly.
Paleozens, take note:
Oh man, so many double feature possibilities…
"Over the Top"
"Rocky IV"
"Bull Durham"
"Field of Dreams"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"
"Blade Runner"
"Top Gun"
"Risky Business"
I could go on (and on…and on…)
I will add a Cary Elwes double feature of:
Princess Bride
Hot Shots!
Joy is on fire today. Approved.
How about:
The Big Lebowski/Raising Arizona
Beerfest/Super Troopers (a repeat by me, but whatev)
The Great Escape/Chicken Run
Face Off/Hard Boiled
Outlaw Josey Wales/Unforgiven
Also, cartoons between features are a must.
felt good to be back.
taking it easy, tried to keep rest periods short, but its hard when I am also enjoying catching up with everyone
Saturday Night Fever/Serpico
Brazil/A Clock Work Orange
@Tom: On board with the Broken Lizard picks–they're all alums of my alma mater.
@Dan: I think you touched on much of what I've gotten out of the last few months at SBK. I appreciate the chunk of my day when I can focus on bettering myself. I don't mind focusing on things besides me with the rest of my time if I know I started the day at the gym or will be there once it's over. I also enjoy having a place where controlled aggression is not only tolerated but encouraged. Being fast on an O-lift or attempting a heavy set of squats feels really good; not to mention that it's the complete opposite of how I act at work, where I have to hold myself back from reacting as strongly as I might like to things my students (and on occasion, colleagues) say and do. In sum, it provides a healthy balance I was missing.
Made up Monday's workout at 6pm with Josh and Jeremy. I hadn't been to an evening class in a while–wow were there a lot of people at the box!
500m row — relaxed but fast (such a nice feeling)
Lax ball shoulder stuff (used your tips, Jules)
Kipping pull-up progression: lat activation, swing practice, added knees, full pull-up and hold, then strung 2 together. Hands still a bit beat up from Sunday.
Tabata row: 1:29-1:35/500m for the duration.
Glad I came in for the last exposure of C&J. After struggling with this movement a lot at the start of the cycle, I felt much the most comfortable I have with it today. Plus I came in with a plan for my rep scheme, which helped me a lot.
45×5, 75×3 (unbroken), 85×3 (unb.), 95×3 (unb.), 115×2 (singles), 125×2 (singles), 135×1 [PR].
Clean was the more challenging part at 135. Jerk went up without a problem. I've jerked more when starting from the rack, but not with the clean added.
Accessory WOD with 20, 30, and 35lb DBs.
Great time at the gym this morning and evening. Fun to substitute on Tuesday and really enjoyed Comp Class.
I tried to do the RWOD after I left by staring at the BQE on the Union Street Bridge. Had a hard time not thinking about stuff, only did it for about 13 minutes before I left. So.. kind of a fail there. Earlier today I did clean up my apartment for about an hour and didn't have any music or background noise which was nice to quietly focus on something.
When I scan the gym and see all these people doing CrossFit I think they're so cool. Just cool people doing cool shit
Strength cycle….
Recovery squat: 225x5x2
Volume bench: 190x5x4 Concentrating on digging in my feet
Triceps extension and curls superset: 30x12x3
Did one set of chins to see if gravity was different in FL. It is not: I did 8 for another PR.
"CFSBK: Cool people doing cool shit."
Print the next batch of tshirts Osorio.
I 2nd the tshirt.
Awesome story shawn. I love hiking and being able to do hard to moderate hikes without hesitation but with a child strapped to the back, that makes it much more interesting.
Great class today. I want to also add that I train at SBK specifically because it is fun watching people get better at stuff, and fun thinking about what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it.
First Blood/Rambo (duh)
Shawn – good shit. It's why I train, in a similar vein.
I think why I train and why I keep coming back to Crossfit (even if I have periods of time away due to schedule or injury or whatever) is simply because I've realized if I'm going to get up to anything big in my life and live a truly fulfilling life with no regrets… then I better be willing to be uncomfortable. In fact, I probably just gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
There are a lot of deep, instinctual grooves (neural pathways, perhaps, though I won't pretend to actually know what I'm talking about there) that have us roaming on autopilot in the day to day for safety's sake (don't touch the fire, stay in the middle of the pack/tribe) or bringing up fight or flight where there's no actual threat, only the perception of one (no, that's not a saber tooth tiger, it's just your co-worker with a bit of feedback for you). Choosing something beyond those not-always-helpful-in-2012 instincts means I can create a new possibility for the future, rather than re-circulating my past.
Whether it's lifting something off the ground that weighs more than I do, pushing through a heart-pounding, sweat-pouring WOD, or standing for a friend loving her life by being willing to have a difficult conversation… going outside my comfort zone is where the magic happens. And I want to make some f*ckin magic.
It's the same for me with surfing. I am still a beginner in surfing and it is the one place that I continually go back and am so stoked out of my mind just to be falling, getting new bruises, failing, and making mistakes. It's uncomfortable, it's often quite scary, and it's full of uncertainty. (ok, it's also ridiculously fun.) Getting in the water and coming out on the other side of big falls and harsh poundings, often with a crazy smile on my face, reminds me that I am resilient and powerful and can do and be the same in just about any area of my life. And if I am those things, then you are, too. And the world might shift in a pretty cool direction if we all truly realized what we were capable of and how precious and valuable every single one of us is.
much love.
C&J- Worked up to 145# and then down to 135# to dial in form
Triplet- 35#