Work up to a heavy Hang Power Clean and Shoulder to Overhead.
Clean Deadlift each rep up to full extension then pull from mid thigh. Watch this video demo for reference on the Hang Power Clean. You may Push Press, Push Jerk or Split Jerk to get the bar overhead. Press outs on the Jerk versions are considered No Reps.
Perform 3 Rounds of the following triplet:
3 Dumbbell Hang Split or Power Snatches, left side
3 Dumbbell Wind Mills, left side
6 Dumbbell Chinese Rows, left side
3 Dumbbell Hang Split or Power Snatches, right side
3 Dumbbell Wind Mills, right side
6 Dumbbell Chinese Rows, right side
Try and go heavier than 7.9.12
Post results to comments.
Bumpers used at the 2012 CrossFit Games. Can You Feel Their Power?
Margie’s Going Away Party!
In case you didn’t know, Coach Margie will be leaving CFSBK in a couple of weeks to head out to the University of Wisconsin to pursue an MS in Agroecology, a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable agriculture. Come join us as we wish her farewell and celebrate a new chapter in her life!
When: Saturday August 11th, beginning at 8:00pm.
Where: The Rock Shop, 2nd floor
RSVP: by Thursday 8/9 to info(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com. Please put “Rock Shop RSVP” in the subject line.
All are welcome and encouraged to come!
Skills Class: The Muscle Up
If you’ve been coming to the gym a lot, I bet you’ve noticed those round things hanging from the ceiling. Aside from making very mediocre frisbees, the rings can be used for one of the most coveted and elusive Crossfit movements- The Muscle Up. Combining all of the hardest parts of a pullup, a ring dip, and a barroom headbutt, the Muscle Up is a skill that can take a long time to learn on your own, but with careful practice and coaching can realistically be achieved in a fairly short time period. Our own Coach Noah, born to the unholy union of a chain smoking Russian gymnastics coach and his lovely Chimpanzee bride Jenny Bananas, will be running a Skills Class devoted to learning, practicing, and developing the Muscle Up on Sunday, August 12th at 5:00 PM. Space is limited to 8 participants, and those interested should sign Email Noah(AT) to sign up. There is a $15 fee for the class and a strict buy in of 3 Unbroken Chest To Bar Pullups and 3 Ring Dips.
What are some of your current goals and how have you strategized to achieve them?
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Starting Strength and Velocity TTMJ
Stress And The Food Reward System Robb Wolf
6am with D.O.
Worked up to a 175# hang clean/split jerk. The jerk was the limiting factor. Not feeling stable at all at the bottom of the jerk, though I felt like I was getting underneath the bar plenty fast. Received an additional shoulder mobility stretch to work on from D.O. Accessory work rounds at 35, 35 and 45. Hard to grip the dumbbell at the end with the steady stream of sweat rolling off my arms.
My current goals are a bit soft: get another muscle-up and improve my technical proficiency on oly lifts. My primary strategy for achieving these goals is to focus on technique and work on shoulder and hip mobility before class and in the evening.
Goal: master kipping pullups, now that I've started on the path. (Thanks Noah!)
Step one: take group class tomorrow instead of today, so that my hands can heal up a little from yesterday, and I can practice. 😛
Step two: practice them every time I come into the box, so 3x/week. I may also be able to practice at home — I'm not sure, because the pullup bar in my building's gym is low enough that my toes touch the ground when I'm gripping it. But I'll give it a shot.
Step three: ????
Step four: profit!
6am class with coach DO. Worked up to 195 but failed twice at 205. I have a really hard time generating the hip extension from the hang position and just couldn't get the clean up. Jerks felt gooood today though – was really able to drive the bar up from the rack position for a change. I felt a pop in my hip during the last set of windmills so I skipped the last round of accessory work. I think it's ok though.
My main goal right now is to get better at HSPU and to finish Diane in under 10 min, which is a very modest goal but a huge improvement from my current PR. I'm doing lots of pike presses at home and greasing the groove with 5 reps of HSPU several times throughout the day.
Jesus god do I want to get my bench press up.
I already tried the standard strategy of gaining a shit ton of weight. Results were meager.
Time for plan b.
My current goal is to kick ass and take names.
Not tangible enough for management? Fine. Here:
1) Squat 405. I will achieve this through determination, consistency and by staying healthy. I plan to do it in September.
2) 2 Chin-ups with 45 lb plate. (currently can do one w/ 25lb)
I will be adding weighted chins once a week in addition to non-weighted chins.
3) Press Body weight (~183)
Keep that shoulder healthy and do the program.
4) 1000+ CrossFit Total
Kick ass and take names.
All of those are basically the same goal: get stronger. Nothing new.
5) Get my conditioning going again.
I fell off the wagon again. Will do prowler twice a week.
Got into 5pm a little late so started at BB warm-ups
Hang Power Clean and Split Jerk
115×2, 135×2, 165×2
195×1 (PR)
195 felt really good. Focused on mentally relaxing and getting tight before hitting the jerk. Worked out well
Dumbbell Complex
15lbs up from last time this complex showed up.
Thanks Margie
In terms of goals, I've been continuing the spreadsheet tracker that was developed for the Lean Out Challenge. I tinkered with the point system and added bonus points for things like 20 minutes A/R, 10 minutes Meditating or going on outdoor experiences like hiking, beach, etc.
It's been a really great snapshot of where I'm at from a broad health perspective and has definitely led me to spend more time doing positive things. It also makes it easy to set basic goals like get 2 bonus points per week. So far Ive achieved every goal I set through it.
Interesting, Ive taken the spreadsheet in the other direction, no points. Just recording what Im doing, CF, Yoga, Climbing etc. No points. But a record of what Im doing, how it went and how I felt.
btw – Lifting is hard….
1 spot left for Skills Session: The Muscle Up (don't worry, I will run another one in a few weeks.)
Goals: Continue Crossfit Football programming, take advantage of my remaining 4 years of college eligibility to be the Wisconsin Badgers backup punter. I plan on watching Neccessary Roughness 2x a week to get my mindset in the right place.
I think I like Betz's goal of Diane under 10min. It's always been the biggest goat workout for me, 2 movements I absulutely stink at. Dan, want to set a date and make it happen?
One current goal: develop C2B pull-ups and then muscle-ups. Don't have C2B pull-ups yet, so working on C2B chin-ups and ring dips at the moment.
DIY: C2B chin-ups 3×6, ring dips 3×6
C&J: worked up to 165# hang clean / split jerk. Felt great and might've been able to add a few more if I had more time.
Did the DB complex at 35, 40, 45.
Squat: 287.5x3x5
Press: 97.5x2x5, 9
Cleans: 167.5x3x3
Rough weekend at work couldn't catch the morning class, rolled into the 6pm class. Not as horrendous as last Thursdays sweat box. Squats were heavy but good, more room to grow. Press rep out was horrible as usual. Cleans felt good, technique seemed a little better.
Goals are to
1) Stay healthy. make sure I continue to foam roll, get accupuncture treatments and the occasional massage. Listen to my body when it lets me know i'm being stupid.
2) Keep getting stronger, achieve 3 wheels on my squat. By continuing to add 2.5# per session.
3) Get more and better sleep. This one is the least likely to happen, unless a new job magically appears.