Perform 3 sets of the following:
A) High Bar Back Squat x 8 reps. Add 2-10 lbs to last week.
Rest 30 seconds
B) 5 Lat Activations
Rest 90-120 Seconds
Partner AMRAP:
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
15 Deadlifts
10 Ring Rows
Load the bar such that the first set of deadlifts can be done unbroken
Cash Out – 5×15 Hollow Rocks
Spend 15 Minutes working up to a heavy set of 10 reps. If you made all 10 reps last week add about 10% to the bar and try again today.
Partner AMRAP:
In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
20 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Kipping Pull Ups
Cash Out – 5×15 Hollow Rocks
Post results to comments.
Reminder that there is NO ACTIVE RECOVERY today. David is floating down the Delaware with his nephew, sister and brother in law. If you had planned on going to A/R today, take a moment out of your day to stretch out or SMR something. No excuses!
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for 8/18/12 for our first Double Feature Movie Night. We’ll be showing “Star Wars: Episode One” at 7:00pm followed by “Pumping Iron” at 9:15. Free for all CFSBK friends and family. Free beer too!
Good Luck Team SBK
Some of our finest guys and gals will be heading to CrossFit Queens in order to take on the first CrossFit Subway Series Events.
For Time:
For Time:
Post results to comments!
The End Of CrossFit Gawker
Games 12.4 Prep (Karen Prep) Mobility WOD
Functional Surf Fitness Surf Mag
Healey Rides Great White Sharks Surf Mag
Where the Heavy Lifting Often Occurs in the Mind NY Times
Mr. Div
No Active Recovery = sad! (At least I checked, because it would be even sadder if I do my morning run so that I finish at the box and then realize there's nothing but deadlifts and ring rows staring me in the face.)
My glutes and hams are a little angry about the plan flight yesterday so I plan on doing some AR in the pool today. It's a nice hot day here in South Florida and I've always founds some easy laps are great way to relax the back/neck/hip/leg muscles…
In addition to Oly weightlifting this weekend, the USAPL Raw Nationals are happening. They are streaming video of the two platforms here:
Platform 1
Platform 2
The USAPL seems to be the largest of the US Powerlifting federations, is part of the IPF (International PL Fed), and requires below parallel depth squats (unlike a lot of feds including the ones Westside Barbell participates in which basically use 3/4 squats in competition).
For those that don't know, Raw means belt and knee sleeves only: no gear, i.e., squat suits (which can add 300+ pounds to your squat), bench shirts (ditto) and knee wraps. So when you read about some crazy squat of 1,200 pounds, rest assured that dude is ridiculously strong but probably didn't squat to depth and definitely had 300-400 pounds of help from a 3-ply squat suit that essentially acts like bands around his ass pulling him out of the bottom.
Really great class today!
Thanks Jeremy and McDowell.
Lifted with Katie (thanks)
Hit 185# for 10
The wod we killed 7 rounds and 18dls at RX
Felt sore in the hamstrings but still powered through it all.
Sorry I have not kept up on the blog. I've been really crazy with work…
With that said bye Margie, I'll miss you. Good luck at school!
11AM class with McDowell and Jeremy
HBBS 45×8 135×8 155×6 175×10,10
Up from 165 two weeks ago, didn't want to push it so did another set at the same work weight since we had a few minutes left.
Performance WOD with Tom and Jason, I scaled to 115 for the DL while they went RXed, we finished 4 rounds each plus I squeezed another 20 DL in just barely under the 10 minute mark. Went unbroken on all DL sets, had to break up the last pull up set. Will definitely try to RX the next high rep DL workout.
Hollow rock cash-out killed me. (And gave me the dreaded CF @$$-rash!)
Lotsa wall ball, lotsa good times, lotsa drinks afterwards. Nap time.
Two days ago:
165 lb. Deadlifts
20" Box jumps
@ the Camp Ladybug Box in Milton, WI
Humped 9 boxes full of books into the attic through a hole only slightly larger than the boxes themselves while standing on a ladder. Had to lift them away from my body, then duck my head under them and push them up and through with my neck muscles… Thanks CFSBK!
Walked the dog. BBQ'd some Amish chicken. Drank some beers.
Gonna miss Margie's goodbye party, but will be here for Margie's welcome to Wisconsin party.
Haha Todd, feel Crystal's pain!