Margie’s Going Away Party!
In case you didn’t know, Coach Margie will be leaving CFSBK in a couple of weeks to head out to the University of Wisconsin to pursue an MS in Agroecology, a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable agriculture. Come join us as we wish her farewell and celebrate a new chapter in her life!
When: Saturday August 11th, beginning at 8:00pm.
Where: The Rock Shop, 2nd floor
RSVP: by Thursday 8/9 to info(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com. Please put “Rock Shop RSVP” in the subject line.
All are welcome and encouraged to come!
Good Luck Team CFSBK
Tomorrow Team CFSBK will take on the first of 4 events for the 2012 CrossFit Subway Series. Tomorrow’s event is a spin on “Karen” and will take place at CrossFit Queens. Best of luck to all those competing! Hope everyone loves Wall Ball.
Ready Player One
The CFSBK Book Club will be reading the New York Times Best Seller, “Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline. If you’re interested in participating in this Sci-Fi go around of the book club, please email Peggy at pjeanlouis1(AT) to get involved. The meeting for this book is scheduled for 8/19/12
David Blane: How I Held My Breath For 17 Minutes TED
I think Blane sounds seriously brain-damaged. I wonder if he sounded so slurred before his exploits.
Wow bummer I return the day after the party. Margie, so sorry that I can't be there, but I will be there in spirit. I wish you all of the very best and look forward to seeing you on you trips back!
Good luck to tomorrow's competitors! The wall ball is not easy to love!
Oh on fight scenes, if you have never seen Kung fu hustle, do so immediately. I'd recommend for a movie night. That movie is different from anything that I have ever seen, and a whole lot of awesome.
Gah, we also return from vacation on the 9th! Bummer indeed!
Relatedly, if anyone wants a veggie CSA for a week, they should email me at Jon S and I are away for a week and anyone who needs an extra box of veggies could have one this coming Wednesday…
…and by the 9th, I meant the 12th. Damn, the judges are going to take major execution points for that.
Tiny little 6am class with coach Nick. Decided to make up yesterday's WOD and I think it was a bad decision. This one totally smoked me – finished in 12:27. Apologies to the 7 and 8am classes for the multitude of puddles I left. Hopefully they'll dissipate by noon.
Post for yesterday's workout:
I came into the gym last night feeling beat up and thinking, “hm, I could really go for a 5k jog just to stay loose,” but the realization came too late. Scaled the weight to 65lbs, which still felt tough, and finished in 11:32. I slogged through taking lots of little breaks to stand there and look pathetic. Apologies to anyone who was cheering me on– I was fantasizing about jogging :). Loved seeing so many people show up to work through this! Our gym rocks.
Anyone needing a ride or willing to offer a ride please respond in the comments below. If the numbers make sense we can all meet up at the gym and head over en fuerza.
ALSO – if you are signed up to compete, please show up! This should be a no-brainer but… I see some names on the list that I swear I overheard were not going to make it tomorrow. If you know you will not make it then please answer the email that was sent to you by Sam through EventBrite asking you to confirm.
fox, i necessitate a ride to the subway series.
Good luck Subway'ers and hooray for party but boo for going away. Sigh.
Anyway.. ATTENTION to Sludge/Doom/Metal fans! Tuesday September 25th at 8pm, DO and I are adventuring along with my most favourite KH and a side of TS to see a most impressive show. The very special lineup includes Sourvein, Saint Vitus, Weedeater – Wizard Fight is a fine example of the happy "ow" they bring. Awesome. NOTE: Earplugs will be required. It will be big fun times so come and get your guts rattled!
Tickets today at 1pm via Ticketfly – the venue is Saint Vitus which is out in Greenpoint just off the G train. Its a great space – loads of AC and a sweet bar.
Brooklyn Vegan has a great writeup, too, but links keep killing posts so I can't include them. Le Google will have to be your friend. Sorry!
Last night's Strength Cycle: Intensity day!
Squat: 330×3
Came forward a bit on reps 2 and 3 which made it very hard.
Bench: 205×3
Dead: 335×3, 355×1, 385×1
So much sweat. Just completely out of control.
Heading to FL for a long weekend with Mom. Will hit the JCC for a serious iron gym workout Sunday.
Have a great weekend everyone and good luck at the Subway series people!
[CSA share has been claimed.]
Good luck Subway participants!!!! 🙂
I need a ride too please!
Sad Margie is leaving, but glad to be around for the send-off festivities!
I can take 3 (or 4 if we wanna get cozy) folks to Subway Series tomorrow. Go CFSBK!
Thanks to the SBK coaches for putting this shindig together – it's a complete and utter surprise (grin).
I'd love to see y'all for this final hoo-ha (though you might see me working out until the 16th), so please do come by if you can.
Plus, I am about the cheapest drunk around, so it won't cost nothin' to get me acting silly.
I'd definitely appreciate a ride to the Subway Series tomorrow if people are driving!
How does the Karen on Steroids Subway Series WOD go exactly?
Good luck team.
Disappointed that I will likely be away next weekend for the party.
7am with Nick and McDowell to get tomorrow's workout in.
Pre WU: 500m row, paleo chair, hip openers
WU: 3 rds [270m run, 15 squats, 10 push-ups, :30 hip openers
HBBS with Joe: [45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 155×3] 180x3x8
Did the first set and thought that they were curiously challenging. Chalked it up to the squats in the warmup or a lack of energy in the morning. Turns out the Latin teacher got his barbell math wrong. Realized I had added too much weight after the last set. Then it all made sense.
WOD @ 95lbs and ring rows: 9 rounds + 1 deadlift. Happy that I wound up doing this at the lower weight. Felt good to try moving a bit faster with the DL because I felt more secure on form with the lighter weight.
I too would greatly appreciate a ride to CFQ tomorrow.
Looking forward to seeing Margie get silly next weekend! 🙂
@Ben W:
For the Guys —
For Time:
25 Wallball 14', 10#
50 Wallball 12', 14#
75 Wallball 10', 20#
For the Ladies —
For Time:
25 Wallball 12', 10#
50 Wallball 10', 14#
75 Wallball 8', 20#
Your wallball must hit the line. If you hit above or below the line this is a no rep.
I would also appreciate a ride to CFQ tomorrow.
Heat assignments are out btw.
what time should subway series folks plan to meet at the gym in the morning?
I will be at gym at 8am tomorrow for folks that need a ride to Subway Series.
Interested parties should meet at le gym tomorrow in preparation to leave by 8am. Jess and I can take 2-3, seems like we have enough rides to cover. See y'all mañana!