5 Rounds For time of:
10 Power Snatch 115/75
10 Burpees
If hip or ankle mobility prevents you from easily organizing the start position for the Snatch, start each rep from the hang position.
5 Rounds For time of:
10 Overhead Squats
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
As I told most of you I’m working at summer camp. I’m the Unit Director for boys at Pioneer Village, our program for 14-15 year olds. These older kids are in a separate location from the younger ones, on the opposite side of our lake. The program is focused on team building and leadership development through a more outdoor education geared curriculum- we cook breakfast and dinner over open fires everyday, go rock climbing, hiking, etc and all the kids go on a five day hike, bike or canoe trip. I just returned from a trip with our more experienced kids hiking in the Adirondacks that culminated in a rafting trip through class 4 rapids. Good fun.
Attached is a picture of “Crossfit Pioneer Village.” One of my kids, Joe N. works out at his local affiliate in Norwalk so we did some WODs with the gear I brought up (and a few pieces I improvised on site). Along with a daily schedule of swimming, hiking, field sports, general running around and trail running we did a pretty good job of keeping fit.
– Noah B
News and Notes
- Congrats to Dave E and Sara on getting hitched, and to Nate and Leslie O on the birth of Genevieve
- There will be no Classes on Saturday, August 11th for the Subway Series Event at CFSBK
- There is no Active Recovery this Saturday, August 4th
- We’ve still got 2 slots left for Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-Up Skill Class this Sunday the 5th
LOC Winners!
Finally…the LOC Winners are in! Sergey B and Melissa L garnered the most votes amongst their peers. Their prize, in addition to the leaner versions of themselves, is 1 free month of unlimited Crossfit training at CFSBK! Both of our winners demonstrated amazing compliance during the challenge and the proof was in the results. Congrats to both Melissa and Sergey, we hope you continue on the path you’re on. Also, congrats to all the participants who saw the challenge through. There were significant changes observed in many of you and we hope you learned a bit about how to optimize your nutrition and lifestyle for your goals during the process.
A Part Of Me Died 70s Big
Training With A Hangover Starting Strength
Chinese Team Weightlifting Youtube Channel
Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned From CrossFit Invictus
How CrossFit Saved My Life: Miranda Oldroyd
Nice job Mel and Sergey! Mel has been looking quite stunning at work.
Nice job LOC winners!
Sludge/Doom/Metal fans! Tuesday September 25th at 8pm, DO and I are adventuring to Greenpoint to see a most stellar show at a favourite spot of mine: Saint Vitus. Good beer/booze/air conditioning. The lineup is pretty special with Sourvein, Saint Vitus (I know I know) and Weedeater – Wizard Fight is a fine example of the happy "ow" they bring. Awesome. My girl KH has been officially roped in without even hearing any of the bands that's how exciting this is. NOTE: Earplugs will be required.
Big good times so if anyone else wants to come along here are the deets:
Tix: $25, go on sale Friday at 1pm – unless something changes up to 10 can be purchased at once, I'm grabbing 4, if interested email me at julie.barnard(at) by noon Friday and I'll up the quantity. It will sell out quickly.
Band info including some videos:
And a big HOORAY to Dave E on the wedding! The pictures are so great and very happy to hear Steph managed to get Luca to do an aisle burpee.
That "how CrossFit saved my life" post is a great reminder that the real dangers we face are in the mundane activities we do every day. And, to get on my personal soapbox for a second, the dangers of CARS. In 2009, 1 in 137 Americans was injured in a car accident. That is pretty much insane.
Did a modified version of today's workout at home while Nick was doing it at the gym–did 5 each side of KB snatches, 1pd, each round. (And taught Linus how to say "kettlebell.") 7:27.
Good call Charlotte- I'm reading a book called Fear Less, which is about safety and security in a post 9/11 world and distinguishing between Real and Imagined fear (survival response vs. worry.) A major thrust of the book is that in statistical actuality the world is just as safe as its ever been (or safer) and that anything we do is just a personal assessment of assumed risk. People from Detroit cancelling travel plans to Egypt (where they are 30 times LESS likely to be killed) is one example. Cars, in general, are another.
Speaking of cars- anyone have a truck or van I can borrow for the afternoon on Saturday or Sunday? Need to move a couch. Thanks.
Sludge/Doom/Metal fans! Tuesday September 25th at 8pm, DO and I are adventuring to Greenpoint to see a most stellar show at a favourite spot of mine: Saint Vitus. Good beer/booze/air conditioning. The lineup is pretty special with Sourvein, Saint Vitus (I know I know) and Weedeater – Wizard Fight is a fine example of the happy "ow" they bring. Awesome. My girl KH has been officially roped in without even hearing any of the bands that's how exciting this is. NOTE: Earplugs will be required.
Big good times so if anyone else wants to come along here are the deets:
Tix: $25, go on sale Friday at 1pm – unless something changes up to 10 can be purchased at once, I'm in for 4, if interested and for some reason you're unable to get online to grab please email me at julie.barnard(at) by noon Friday and I'll up the quantity. It will sell out quickly.
Band info including some videos:
And a big HOORAY to Dave E on the wedding! The pictures are so great and very happy to hear Steph managed to get Luca to do an aisle burpee.
Hey thanks guys for posting the lean out stuff – feels pretty darn awesome!! More so than my quads after going back to strength 😉 Being part of a community that wants you to succeed is something awesome I have not had before and I freakin' love it!
Also I want to brag on my sisters that do not live here but have completely revamped their lives to becoming healthy in the past year and we have each now won a challenge towards that endeavor – communities rock and I am glad I stumbled upon you all!!
That book sounds facinating btw – another rant is that the perceived danger stops a lot of positive growth best most amazing places I have been are in Africa where people say it is very dangerous but statiscally you are WAY more at risk in a lot of 'Developed' countries!
Rant over – Thanks again, CFSBK, Barbells, BBQ and Bierkraft forever!
Now that you are reading this….
SBK's strength coach, Jeremy Fisher, is looking for a place to live. His girlfriend is moving out of New York, forcing him to vacate their happy home located three blocks from the gym. What a…
Anyway, if you could all keep your eyes and ears open for a place that's ideally under $1400/month and as close to the gym as possible, he (and she) would be incredibly appreciative. He's not looking to share and needs something for Sept. 1.
Feel free to email him with leads: jeremy (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com
Thank you!
6am with DO. I'll miss the early AM sessions when the school year starts. Thursdays and Sundays this cycle have been great for the technique work and mobility tips we have time for when there's not a lift planned; same goes for today's warm up.
I thought I'd complete the OHS version of the workout when I walked into the gym, but was enticed to try the hanging snatch and gave it a go–finished in 13:39 at 75lbs. I'd like to see snatches and/or OHS in an upcoming cycle.
A few weeks ago I think I'd have been demoralized bringing up the rear in class, but I was very deliberate with the snatches (especially the starting position), and stuck to a game plan that broke them down responsibly. After my push jerk debacle I realized I shouldn't emphasize how fast I do those really dynamic movements, but rather how well I do them.
I started with a round of 10, then 7/3, 6/4, then the last two in 4/3/3. On several occasions I felt as if I was really nailing the close bar path, as evidenced by the bar catching my shirt. The burpees, I admit, were plain old slow. Thanks to DO and the rest of the class for the encouragement at the end!
Congrats Mel!
13:01 rx'd
Woof. That was a rough one. I chased Lady Fox the whole time, but never caught her. I do feel like I'm getting back into Metcon land and out of the strength cycle haze. Looking forward to having better wind in my sails next week. Also, I need to figure out how to game 5 rounds in my head. I'm really good with three, but five I get a little confused in.
4pm Workout:
20 Minutes of A/R
KB Swings, 20kg
GHD Sit-Ups
High Bar Back Squat (Heavy Triple)
45×10, 135×5, 185×3
Went too low on 255, lost my confidence and bunked. Felt good about 245 for a triple though.
Then 3 Rounds of:
15 Glute Ham Raises
Jerry Can Carry to Fire Hydrant and Back
Did this instead of the RDLs and Palloff Presses because I was crunched for time and love GHRs. Similar stimulus.
7pm Workout
BB Warm-Ups
5 Rounds of:
10 Power Snatches 95lbs
10 Burpees
First two rounds were awesome, the bar felt really light and fast, my heart rate and discomfort level were in check and I thought I could keep it up. Round 3 I slowed down to a steady but manageable pace. Tried to push on the last round a little. Great energy in the big class. Thanks to Coaches MeLo and Jess!
Happy to be caught up to the group classes, being one day behind was really bothering me.
Now I need to eat massive amounts of food.
That sucked.
10:38 with 43lbs soooo light…never done snatches before with actual weight. Also started at mid hang to try and get my form down since its a fairly new lift for me. Tried to punish myself for good time because of it.
Fun class tonight though! Aside from the ten gallons of sweat I produced. Thanks to Melo and Josh 🙂
11:48 at 75#. Tried to break the sets down no further than 4,3,3 and was successful for the most part. Spent far to much time gasping for air though.
This one hurt so good. Partnered with Mike who was a great source of encouragement. Hands got kind of ripped up, might want to use some tape on snatches in future. My fingers are still numb.
Congrats to the LOC winners!
11:48 on todays WOD – 125# cleans (shoulder and elbow issues, not to mention mobility, so no over head for me). I was chasing Whitney the whole way!
Stayed to watch a bit of the massive 7pm class and witnessed a lot of gutsy and awesome performance, not the least of which was Josh just crushing it.
Noah B – gotta get that kid a 'stache!
I've been absent from posting lately but my goal for August is to change that.
5pm class with the lovely coach Josh.
-droms, hip mobs, foam rollin', barbell int. rotation goodness, wod prep.
12:50 at 73# (I forgot to add the fractionals to get to 75)
-uh, this wod looked a lot easier on paper. And it showed that my conditioning is absent. It's really only my 3rd CF workout back after about several weeks of strength training. That in combination with an extremely poor diet and sleep hasn't been good for me. Looking to switch things around for August!
-on a positive note, my wonky shoulder felt good after this. I kept all burpees strict and didn't let my elbows flair on the pushup. Yes it took longer, but pushups felt great.
Tonight was extremely fun. Always great to take group class but also awesome to coach 27 peeps through the 7pm. You all make me smile!
p.s. congrats to Mel and Sergey on winning the challenge. Way to rock it!
12:14 as Rx.
Definitely a lot harder than it looked on paper.