12-9-6-3 Reps For Time Of:
Dumbbell Push Press
12-9-6-3 Reps For Time Of:
Deadlift 12-9-6-3
Handstand Push-up
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Double Feature Movie Night!
CFSBK will be showing a double feature at the gym on Saturday, August 18th. For this first round, our movies will be:
“Star Wars: Episode IV” and “Pumping Iron”
This is a free event for all CFSBK members including friends and family. We’ll start Star Wars at 7:00pm and then Pumping Iron at 9:15pm. You’re welcome to stay for both or just come for one if you’d like. CFSBK will provide adult beverages and everyone is welcome to bring snacks or food if they’d like however nothing is expected. Post-movie “Pose Offs” and PVC light saber battle are encouraged.
The Beauty Of CrossFit Dana Zilber
How To Watch The Olympics Online Gym Culture
64″ Standing Box Jump
Health Food Store Worker Dies of Vitamin Lung
Check it out, I've never seen Star Wars. Lately instead I have been watching a live web cam of monster brown bears in Alaska sitting in the water catching leaping salmon with their bare paws. Then the bears rip them apart on camera and eat them deliciously. It's fucking fascinating. Seriously. I can't stop watching it.
Instead of posting a link, I'll say just Google "brown bear and salmon cam" and it'll come up.
WEIGHTLIFTING AT THE OLYMPICS: when it'll be on TV. Kind of pathetic and a bunch of it is on subscription-only NBC Sports Network
Provided for MGMT/ any other interested parties.
Sun 29 July 12:30-1:30 AM NBC Late Night
1:50-2:15 PM on NBC Sports Network
Mon 30 July 3:30-4:15 PM on MSNBC
Tues 31 July 5:30-6PM on MSNBC. Finals in the men's 69kg and women's 63kg weight classes.
Wed 1 Aug 3-3:30 PM on MSNBC. The women's 69kg final in Weightlifting.
Fri 3 Aug 2:00-2:30 PM on MSNBC. The women's 75kg final.
3-3:45 PM on MSNBC. The men's 85kg final.
Sat 4 Aug 4:15-4:45 on MSNBC. The men's 94kg final.
Sun 5 Aug 3:30-4:15 on NBC Sports Network. The women's super heavyweight class competes.
Mon 6 Aug 4:45-5:15 on NBC Sports Network. The men's 105kg final.
Anyone interested in buying our chicken CSA share for next month? Noor and I will be on the road. It comes to $60-65.
samir, yes interested! just have a few questions like how many pounds and what kind of parts. email me:
6am group class with coach David. We did lots of great mobility work before jumping into the WOD and I felt really well prepped. Finished performance in 10:41 or 10:51. Something like that. Deadlifts were unbroken, I paced out the burpees so I didn't totally burn out during the HSPU, but those damn HSPU were a slog anyway. Only had 1 failure, but they were just painfully slow throughout. On the up side, I felt good about my deadlift – probably not perfect form but DO didn't yell at me or put me in deadlift detention, which is a good thing.
Ellie, if you decide against or it's too much, I'm interested in all or some.
cows_ski at hotmail
Random question. Anyone interested in a queen size tempurpedic mattress and box spring? Got it brand new in december but have realized it doesn't provide the support that we like. We're getting rid of it today one way or another so if your interested email me at jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
The Clymb has innov-8s on sale today. not a great color selection but they're only like $50
you can join at or if you feel like helping a guy out use this link and i get credit or something
Just a reminder, to quote AC/DC, "Have a drink on me" tonight, beer bar, 5-7. if you're in the midtown area, it's the corner of grand central, it's outdoors, but with a roof.
Forgot to mention that The Clymb has some weird thing where you don't get your order for like 3 weeks or so
Luca – signed up using the link with your name, I think you get $20 or something? Anyway – Inov8 for anyone who likes the 195 men's 8 and up —> $49. I need a 7 so a bummer. 230's and the Bare, in addition to some other styles, for both W and M, are there as well.
do you have a copy of the original star wars or is it the modified new version? I have the original on laserdisc if you want to borrow it for the event
Bummed to be missing opening movie night. I really hope we will see the Road Warrior there some day. IN fact, a Mad Max double feature would be awesome.
6am with D.O. Lots of hip tightness today. K-Star provided some pre-class mobility work. Appreciated the hip mobility work during warmup. Saw the WOD and chose the fitness variation: 8:11 with 185 DL and 55 for the push press. Deadlifts were light for me, but that was the right weight choice for today. Burpees were unbroken and felt excellent. I've always done burpees by placing my hands on the ground and then jumping back. Saw a video of burpees the other day where the athlete was jumping back before their hands hit the ground. Tried that technique today and was very pleased with the faster cycling of each burpee.
30 is a lot of HSPUs, for me anyway. My I had trouble holding my arms up for the cool down run.
That 64 inch standing box jump? I can totally do that. Ok, but let me get serial. Super serial (cereal?). There's a slow mo version of the same jump which is really cool, too:
Sorry to miss it, Jim. I'm coming right behind you so you'll have to tell me all about the other side. Happy birthday!
Han shot first!
Yes I plan on playing the original. I'm assuming someone, perhaps Jeremy or Avi has it on DVD. Do macbooks play laser discs??
3 Rounds of
20 Pulls on the Erg
10 GHD Sit-Ups
Foam Roll
Ankle Distraction
High Bar Back Squats
(45x8x2, 135×5, 185×3, 205×2)
220×5, 225×5
Then did the Pallof/Pull-up with band resisted pull-ups and an upright as a partner.
One day behind programming, looking forward to hitting today's WOD tomorrow.
Sorry we won't be there to help you celebrate Jim! Happy Birthday and Welcome to the Dark Side!
@Michele – Thanks for the brown bear and salmon cam info–best thing I've seen in a while.
Thanks guys for sharing my blog post "The Beauty Of CrossFit" on your site today!
Michele's webcam reminds McDowell of his childhood as a young brown bear in Virginia.
(Obviously this is before he Talented Mr. Ripley-ed Sean Buchanan and joined CFSBK.)
Good times.
Thanks for posting the weightlifting schedule Michele
Strength "pre-cycle" Intensity Day
Squat: 325×3
The bar felt heavy today. It was hard, but I did it.
Bench: 202.5 x4 and 215×1
This was one rep better than 200. I'm basically doing as many as possible without the risk of failing. 5 would have been feasible, but I may not have gotten it. Added a heavier single.
Deficit DL: 315×5 on 1 riser block
This also felt heavy. The sweating at this point was ridonkulous.
Left for home the wind was intense. Then the rain came. At least it cooled me off and washed away the sweat..
Late post for a 6am with DO.
WU of 20 hard erg pulls (1:40-145) and sit-ups for three rounds.
Agree with Dan that the DROMs we're fantastic this morning–exactly what I need for the morning classes when I'm really tight. I'll be remembering those.
I feel like I haven't deadlifted in a long time. (I'm not counting JacintoStorm here.) Nice to get back to them. Warmed up with 95×5, 145×5, 175×5, 205×4
WOD in 10:00 even @ 185 lbs and 30 lb dumbbells. Deadlifts in 6+6, 6+3, 6, 3. Presses in 12, 6+3, 4+2, 3. Steady through the burpees.
Settling in on the ladies' Rx weight for a lot of the workouts. Reminds me of Samir's excellent blog post on the topic. Go read it if you haven't!
why thank you rob. you're welcome.
Noah: priceless.
I think I scaled this WOD just right.
Deadlifts @185 lbs, 30 lb DBs. Finished in 6:32
DLs were unbroken, 5-4. 4-2, 3
PPs were unbroken, 6-3, 4-2, 3
It was unbelievably muggy in the house.
DIY: DU work. strung 24 together. Goal is 50.
Warm-up: 21-15-9 20kg KB swings (american) and hollow rocks.
WOD: 9:41 @ 205# DL and 30# PP. Broke up sets as needed, which was more often than I'd like. Warmed up to 225# on the DL, but that was too heavy for this many reps.
I'll happily provide my copy of the original Star Wars Trilogy on DVD, this is sans George Lucas's "definitive vision" garbage.
Hot and sweaty quick lifts tonight
Snatch – worked to 67x1x3
C&J – worked to 85x1x3
Squat – 210x5x2
Felt pretty good if I discount the unbearable humidity and the eminent tornado.