3×8 High Bar Back Squat
If you’re also squatting on Saturdays, add 5lbs
If you’re not squatting Saturdays, add 5-10lbs
Spend 15 Minutes working up to a heavy 5 rep High Bar Back Squat. No failing, no bailing. Try to beat last weeks heavy 5.
5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Reps: Neutral Grip Ring Pull-Ups or Assisted chin-ups
Partner Paloff Hold: :30 each side
Hold the top of each pull-up for a 2 count. Focus on a mature top position.
For the Paloff hold, alternate body positions per round. Get lat active and brace!
R1. Standing
R2. Kneeling
R3. Bottom of a Squat
R4. 1/4 Lunge (inside leg back)
R5. Shooters choice!
Post results to comments.
Warm-Up Strategies For Developing Kipping Pull-Ups
Originally Posted 10.04.11
We’ve seen people make great progress with our standardized warm-ups over last 2 months. Here we’ve outlined a plan to start incorporating regular kipping pull-up skill work into your warm-ups. Like any other skill, you’ll need regular practice to develop mastery of the movement. That being said, don’t go overboard with this, I wouldn’t be swinging on the bar more than 4 times per week. The progression below is broken into 3 steps based on your skill level. Don’t advance to the next step until you’ve mastered the previous one. This may take several weeks so be patient!
Level 1, The Kip Swing: Add 5-8 Kip Swings before each set of pull-ups during Warm-Up 1. Otherwise you can do 1-2 sets of kip swings when you finish Warm-Up 2. Progress to Level 2 after you can consistently string these together with a nice “pop” on the back end.
Points of Performance
– Make sure you’ve got the right grip. If your palms feel like they’re being pinched you need to readjust.
– Always start from a static deadhang with a tight body and active shoulders.
– The kip should feel fluid and “springy”. Try to ride the momentum you create
– Before moving to Level 2, ask a coach to access your kip swing.
Level 2, The Dynamic Pull and Mature Finish: Now that you’ve mastered the kip swing and have found the weightless “pop” on the back end, try to reopen your hip and get over the bar. Make it your goal to use momentum, not pulling strength to finish the pull-up. When you get over the bar, hold the top for a 2 count. This will help you establish a mature finish position. Lower yourself down and reset. Perform 5 reps in Warm-Up 1 instead of your normal pull-ups and do 1-2 sets of 3 reps at the end of Warm-Up 2
Points of Performance
– Don’t slow down your kip swing before you attempt to get over. This is a common mistake. A bigger kip will make the pull-up easier
– You’ll have to reset after each rep. Kip swing > Dynamic Pull-Up > Hold over the bar for a 2 count > lower down and start over.
– You haven’t completed this step until you can consistently get over the bar in one fluid motion. Any stalling, slowing down or extra little kicks to get over constitute a work in progress on level 2.
– Have a coach look at your progress before moving to Level 3.
Level 3, Stringing Them Together: Now that you can kip over the bar you need to work on linking them together. If you’ve been diligent about holding the top of the pull-up, you’ll have plenty of time to work on Pushing away back into your kip swing. Once you can link 2 together, incrementally add reps until you can link 10 together. Watch the video at the bottom of this article to see this in real time.
Points of Performance
– You don’t need to lose the momentary pause at the top of the pull-up. In fact, the ability to do this indicates that you’re all the way over the bar. Sometimes folks develop a kipping pull-up and need to reach with their chin to get just over the bar, this is not a complete kipping pull-up. Try to get the bar to neck level.
– This step is all about timing and rhythm. If you lose your balance or develop a pendulum swing, stop and reset.
– Be patient! Developing your pull-ups is going to take some time. The good news is that its’ MUCH harder to get from 0-2 kipping pull-ups than it is to get from 2-10 so once you find your rhythm it’s just a matter of consistent practice to pile on the reps.
Watch these videos (Kipping Pull-Ups Part 1 and Part 2) to see some of these progressions broken down. As always, ask a coach if you need any help with these steps!
Kipping Pull-Ups with Jeff Tucker
Well, that was not the acc work I did yesterday! For the sake of future ref:
4 rft:
20 box jump 24"
20 hollow rocks
20 push ups
This workout was so fun!
HBBSQ, 140, with a little noise thrown in for good measure.
I'm glad I let David talk me into assisted ring chinups instead of doing them on the bar. I was surprised and pleased to see I could do a couple without assistance in the first two or three rounds (I went to a red band for the last rounds). Thanks Josh for the assists.
Pallof holds were somehow evil and fun at the same time.
6am with Coach Josh. Partnered with not-the-coach Josh on high bar back squats. Worked up to 245 for a set of 5. Weight felt okay on my legs, but not on my traps. Ouch. Ring pull-ups were okay. Squat pallof hold was a doozy. Attempted and failed 2 muscle-ups after class. Probably not the best idea after the ring pull-ups. Calves and hips are tight from running in the park yesterday.
6am class with coach Joshua. Worked up to 265 x 5 on the HBBS, which felt good. It helped that Josh suggested I shouldn't do 5 sets of every weight working up to 265 – hit a couple light sets of 5, then 225 x 3, then 245 x 2. Don't know why I didn't think of that last week. Then, partnered with Ben on the accessory work. I upped the length of the hold on the pullups to 5 sec each rep after the first two rounds – maybe should have done a few more reps each round though.
7am with DO and Josh:
Eased up to 195×5 on the HBBS. Erring on the side of caution since my latest bout of lower back issues was triggered by 1RM LBBS. Weight went up, it was fine.
Thanks to David for the advice and for watching my last set. I went soft through the middle on my third rep. (Oh gee, I wonder if that little bit of disorganization is what aggravated my lower back issue.)
I've been thinking about starting to use a belt for squatting – to help me focus on staying tight. Any recommendations from folks on which kind? velcro? buckle? I think we have both kinds laying around.
Hi management, will there be any screenings of the Olympic games during classes? 🙂
205x5x2, 10
Rep out was depressingly difficult. Didn't have to grind them, but speed wasn't what it should be at 205
HBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 150x3x8. Plenty of room to go up 10# next time. Must remember to KEEP KNEES OUT!
Did the WOD with strict ring chins and was able to get up for all up the last two reps.
Did 205×5, 225×5, 235×5 (the last set went a little shallow, which was a little depressing – I'm going to have to rebuild my squat).
Accessory work went well – I quite enjoyed the ring pull-ups. I'd like to do more of these in the future. Perhaps on open gym days.
Worked up to #305 on the HBBS, working with PR, with whom I hadn't done a traditional wednesday night squat with in awhile. It felt really good, though I definitely didn't have much more that 305.
I really liked the positional Pallof hold. Having to keep in position while being pulled the other direction really reinforced good position, in particular, on the split jerk stance. My weak hip muscles definitely got a work out.
6PM with Noah after not having seen him since foundations! Performance WOD with Ian, I ended up doing 185×5 two times after I got caught racking too low on the first set. Pallof holds were weird and hard and awesome. Felt them all over.