4 Rounds of:
Bench Press, 5 reps
Row 25 Calories
Get on the erg immedidately following your bench set and row a hard 25 calories. Rest as needed between rounds. Your score is total lbs moved and total time on the erg. If you miss a rep on the bench, you get zero points for that set. For example:
150×5 = 750lbs
160×5 = 800lbs
170×4 = 0lbs
165×5 = 825lbs
Score = 2,375lbs / 6:06
Post score to comments.
Compare to 7.25.11
David and Jacinto work the speed wrap
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet Today!
We are hosting our second powerlifting meet and it’s for girls only!
What: 3 attempts at a 1 rep max of Backsquat, Bench Press and Deadlift
When: July 22, 2012 at 2pm
Who: SBK women who have been attending group classes for at least 3 months
The Details:
Each woman will have 3 attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next.
First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
There will be 3 weight classes:
- Ladies: Under 135
- Dames: 136-160
- Broads: Over 160
In the event of a tie, lowest weight wins.
Bonus: Celebrate post meet with your fellow lifters and friends. We know you’ll be hungry, so Bierkraft will be delivering piggy awesomeness; snag a meal for you and your buddies when you register. Only 40 meals, so sign up early! Drinks on us!
1. Stella Zawistowski
2. Bethany Benzur
3. Janelle M. Rooks
4. Kim Zhao
5. Sarah Jacobson
6. McKensey Smith
7. Charlotte Kaiser
8. Jess Bailey
9. Marian Lai
10. Liese McGrath
11. Sarah La Rosa
12. Melissa Lloyd
13. Katie Mohrhauser
14.Ellie Rahochick
15. Kristin Hoesel
16. Jess Fox
17. Nicole Ashley
18. Alissa Mounsey
19. Melissa Loranger
20. Allison Keiley
21. Jennifer Stopka
22. Rita Ryan
Good luck, ladies!
Photo Set from Last Years Tough Titsday PL Meet
Congrats to Kahrin and Lenny on their wedding on Saturday, and best of luck to the lifters today ๐
Good lifting, Ladies!
Go git'em ladies!
5 bench presses + row 25 calories for total weight and time (4 rounds)
95 :58
115 1:04
115 1:06 (This was really awful)
115 1:21 (I thought there was a 5th round and saved some for the last round, oops)
Total weight 2200
Total time 4:29
Good lifting to all the Ladies, Dames and Broads!
Looking forward to seeing some Titsday squats, and also want to give a shout out to Paul B and Jenna J who are doing the Lake Placid Ironman today!
Warm up: 3 rounds 150m run, 15 sit-ups, 10 20# DB thrusters.
WOD: 3125# and 3:18
Broke the bench press down to 150×5, 155×5, 160×5 and then 165×5. The first three rounds felt real light. Next time start at 165 and work up.
Rows felt nice and strong and got them done in the :48 – :51 range.
9am with Coach Fox.
1. 195×5 / 0:39
2. 205×5 / 0:39
3. 215×5 / 0:39
4. 225×5 / 0:40
Totals of 4200 and 2:37. Should have gone heavier on the bench, but started light after hearing about some encounters with pukie the last time this WOD was run. Mini-competition with Josh on the last round. Left everything I had on the erg and came in 3 seconds behind him. ๐
Good luck to all the ladies competing today and big thanks to Margie for organizing things!
10am with Fox, who (in hindsight, thankfully) placed me in the "group of death" with Coaches Nick and McDowell. This wound up being really fun, and, thanks to some tips from Nick, really informative.
1. 145×5 / 0:41
2. 145×5 / 0:39
3. 145×5 / 0:40
4. 150×5 / 0:43
2925 pounds total, and all twenty went up easy—I should've gone for 150 from the second set on, I think. Forget if it was Nick or McDowell who encouraged me to go up for the last set, but thanks for the encouragement.
And then there was the erg. 2:43 total. First of all, Peter, those are absolutely beastly times. I looked at the board when I walked and my jaw dropped when I saw a time so far below 3:00. McDowell and I thought at first maybe that math was wrong!
Watching Nick on the erg is something else. Amazing ROM, super powerful, and just kept getting faster and faster and faster. I'd never seen the calorie counter register higher than on his third piece. McDowell, too, was no slouch in knocking three seconds off his first two pieces. Today was far and away the fastest I've ever pulled–and the fact that I was even in the ballpark with these two was really encouraging as I look towards next February. CRASH-Bs, anyone? Big thanks to all who yelled encouragement during the row!
Ryan: Dude, awesome times on the erg! Well done.
Great 9AM class with the Fox-o-matic. Partnered with Arturo and Roy and it was a pleasure.
3300 @ 165×5 across
4:25 on the rows (I'm not a very strong rower and it showed)
This was a hard workout. My legs really hurt afterwards (perhaps because of all the squatting yesterday?)
We had to take off early from the Titsday meet but the squats were AWESOME!!! Tons of heart, with people hanging in there to make some hard damn lifts. Good work, ladies! Wish we could have seen the bench and deadlift, too!
@Ryan: Wait until you see Nick COACHING someone on the erg. But yeah, those Team USA shorts were not obtained at Wal-Mart!
Titsday: 170/112.5/215, total 497.5. This is right around where I thought I would be for everything — not as good as I was at my last Total, but preserving a good amount of what I picked up in 2 strength cycles after 4 months of regular group classes. I'll take it!
Great day at the gym! Good vibes in my classes. Great vibes at the Titsday meet also, I'm happy to play a small part. Thanks to Margie for organizing another fantastic event. Super proud of all the dames, ladies, and broads, but especially of Mrs. Fox who moved all the damn weight. Super.
Great day at the TTDPL Meet. Very inspiration to see these ladies lay it on the line. Thanks to the organizers, lifters, volunteers and specs.
3 Rounds of Cindy with less Push-Ups
Bench Warm-Ups: 45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3
Easy Row about 1:30
R1: 155×5, 1:08
R2: 165×5, 1:11
R3: 170×5, 1:07
R4: 170×4, 1:00
Then a cool down Jog to from 3rd to 4th and back
Total: 2,450lbs, 4:26
Assistance Work
Spoon Press: 30sx15, 35sx15
Band Triceps Extension: Redx15x3
I took a gamble on that last set of 170, I thought the prudent thing would have been to go to a safe 160, but I figured screw it, go big or go home. Failed at the 5th rep thus getting 0 points for that round. I paced the rows a bit slower than last time but still went pretty hard. Here is a comparison from last time we did this WOD with today.
Bench #s
125×5 / 155×5
135×5 / 165×5
140×5 / 170×5
145×4 / 170×4
So big improvement there!
The row times were a little slower but I didn't throw up this time so I'm calling that a win too.
Thanks to Rob/Noah for the Spots and Fox for keeping me honest on the rows
Thanks Margie for putting on such a great event–it was a blast of an afternoon. Thanks also to Jeremy, David, and Michele for judging, and to Fox, McDowell, and PR for spotting and loading. And an extra thank you to Fox for the cue that got me to pull 240# off the floor on my third DL attempt. ("Ten times more up"–it's a long story.) 245 is my PR from August 2010 but I failed at 240 at the Total last week so I really wanted it today.
Squat: 210, 220F, 220. Wish I'd gotten 220 on the second attempt but went down too fast. I'm still just not experienced enough with really heavy weight on my back. Need to squat more.
Bench: 135, 145, 150 no rep. Happy with this.
Dead: 230, 240F, 240.
All in all I wish I were hitting higher numbers but I'm glad I was able to match my performance from the Total. SO inspiring to watch everyone put up such a fight against heavy bars tonight. Highlights were MeLo's squat and lady fox's dead lift. Wow.
Inspired by all the lifters today. Thanks to everyone who came to lift, cheer and party ๐