Perform 3 sets of the following:
A) High Bar Back Squat x 8 reps. Add weight to last week.
Rest 30 seconds
B) 5 Lat Activations (1 count ay the top of each rep)
Rest 90-120 Seconds
As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 Minutes of:
20 Kettlebell Swings
10 Reverse Lunges, each side
10 Renegade Row Complex (1 rep = 1 Row L + 1 Row R + 1 Push Up)
Spend 15 Minutes working up to a heavy set of 10 reps. This should be lighter than last Wednesday’s 5’s (~ 85%)
As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 Minutes of:
30 KB Swings
10 *Burpee Over The Box Jumps 24/20″
Perform a burpee beside a box, lateral jump onto the box and then down to the other side.
Post results to comments.
Squat e2/8
Jacinto Bonilla Learns The Split Snatch CrossFit Journal Preview
Come watch SBK’s strong women move big weights! Sunday, July 22nd at 2pm is our second Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet, where the ladies will be testing their one rep maxes in the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Spectators are encouraged and welcome! Post event celebrating will happen at about 5pm. For more details and to see the competiors, click here.
Next CFSBK Book Club Meeting
The next meeting for the CFSBK book club has been rescheduled. We will now be discussing Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre on Sunday, July 22, 5pm at Pacific Standard bar. If you’d like to come, please contact Peggy at pjeanlouis1(at)
For the next book, we’ll be diving into the Sci-Fi genre. Start thinking about what book you’d like to read/recommend. We’ll vote on it in an upcoming post.
Help Kevin M Out!
On July 29th, I’m competing in the RBC Decathlon benefiting Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. It’s a fundraiser (100% of all donations go directly to cancer research).
Please consider making a donation, here is the link to my event page:
These are the events:
400m Run
Football Throw (for distance)
Pull Ups (max reps, dead-hang)
40 yard dash
Dips (max reps)
500m Row (for time)
Vertical Jump
5 Cone Drill (for time)
Bench Press (max reps at 175lbs)
800m Run
Who is your favorite 70’s era band?
Lets Get High(Drated) Robb Wolf
5 Ways To Successfully Reach Your Goals CrossFit Invictus
All For One, How Richie Patterson Qualified For the Olympics in Weightlifting CrossFit Journal
New evidence shows that Neanderthals understood the medicinal value of certain foods i09
Illusions That Let Your Hands Lie to Your Brain i09
One 70's band? Are you kidding? Here are my favorite 70's bands during each decade.
In the 70's: Kiss
In the 80's: Led Zepplin
In the 90's: Funkadelic
In the 00's: all early 70's funk (Commodores, Sly, War, Barcays, etc)
In the '10's: Black Sabbath (that's a 30+ year relationship tho)
That's what it's like to be old….
I guess I'll say Black Sabbath since most of the bands I'm really into now wouldn't have existed without them.
Took the 10am Class with Coach Josh
1 Lap around the block + Lg/JJ
Back Squats with Andrew M
(45×8, 135×5, 185×5)
A little tough to organize but didn't feel too heavy. I did 215 for the heavy 5 but my capacity for higher rep work is much higher than low rep I've learned.
Did the Fitness WOD
2Pood KB Swing x20
20 Reverse Lunges w/30lb DBs
10 Renegade Rows w/30lbs DBS
Only got 2 rounds plus the KB swings and Lunges. The 20 swings unbroken too me a minute to recover from each time. Still, could have pushed harder.
Picking one favorite band from the 1970's is extremely difficult.
If pressed, Steely Dan.
But it's a shame to pass up Led Zeppelin, Rolling Sones, The Who, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Pink Floyd and Queen.
Partnered with Ash today, a rare treat given we hardly run into each other during classes!
Worked up to 215×10, then dropped down and did 185x2x10 (the 215 was probably too light)
Accessory WOD was very hard. I found the lateral jumps very difficult. Working with a 1pd KB and a 20' box, I completed 3 rounds plus 20 swings.
Oh, and on 70s bands. No can name one band only.
Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rolling Stones, The Who, AC/DC – the list goes on.
11am AR with DO. Hurts so good.
70's bands: Wire. Sabbath. The Clash. Generation X. Zeppelin. Stooges. The Beat. There are so many.. ahhhhh evil question!
Post Class Assistance Work
Band Stand Deadlifts
135×5, 225×3, 255×3, 275×3, 295×1, 315×1, 335F
I called them bandstand because I stood on them like the video instead of putting them on the rack
Glute Ham Raises
Sabbath, Zepplin, The Who, Jimi, Sex Pistols
Big noon class with Josh. The gym looked like a battle zone during the WOD!
500m row before class, then some good new shoulder mobility stuff with the barbell.
Partnered with fellow tall guy Daniel for the squats. [45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135×5] 150x3x8. Felt good, tried to stay quick and explosive on the way up. Liking the lat activations, too.
Performance WOD with 20kg and 20'' box; 4 rounds and 4 KB swings. I swore I was going to hit the box on every single lateral jump.
Love George Harrison's solo stuff from the 70s. All Things Must Pass was the album I looped for years in HS and college, and This Song (from 33 1/3) is an absolutely brilliant single.
Noon meelee with Josh also, loved the shoulder rotation work.
First HBBS exposure this cycle, worked up to 165×10 and felt great even with a lingering weirdness in my left inner thigh that I cant seem to stretch or roll away.
Waffled selecting my box height for the Performance WOD and ended up stuck on the last 24". Went with a 24kg KB for symmetry and just BARELY hit my target of 3 rounds (+2 swings). Back was toasted by round 3 and had to break up swings into fives and tens to make it through. And I'm surprised I didn't take a tumble on those lateral jumps, had to set-up and psych up for each one by the end, just to be sure.
Oh and so many 70's bands (many already mentioned): the Mac, the Dan, the Dead, Sabbath, Zep, Bowie, Eno, T.Rex… but I'm going to cheat and say my pick is the Velvet Underground since my favorite album (Loaded) is from 1970.
today was my first workout at cfsb, and my first time doing crossfit in a year. it wasnt pretty, but it's done, and i cant wait to come back. thanks to everyone who helped me as i stumbled around the joint completely clueless.
mmm… gotta go with the who.
Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles
joy division, bowie, zeppelin, police, clash, elo, genesis, sex pistols