New Classes!
Effective June 1st we will be adding 4 new CrossFit Group Classes. Afternoon CrossFitters can rejoice for Tuesday and Thursday 12pm classes and evening members now have more options with Tuesday and Thursday 8pm Group Classes. This is part of a larger programming shift where we’ll be phasing out On Ramp and expanding the scalability of all our Group Classes. More details on that this week…
Unpacking the Hero WODs Blakemaster
Thin Air, Thick Bonds CrossFit
Happy Birthday, Laurel!
Also the link to unpacking the gero WODs seems to be broken. 🙁
Well, half-Murph and change, anyway (THANK YOU FOX for talking Jules out of doing the whole thing — maybe a good idea when you've got the day off and can put your feet up afterward, but not a good way to start the workday). I did the full mile at both ends, and half of the stuff in the middle. 33:37, black band pullups and knee push-ups. Easier in some ways than I thought it would be — I think the way I scaled it would have been appropriate for doing full-on Murph, but maybe I should have tried the green band for pullups instead.
Thanks Jules and Sara(h?) for doing this with me!
Happy Birthday Laurel!
Happiest of Birthdays, Laurel!
The Hero WOD link is fixed, Billy.
Also- the "Thin Air, Thick Bonds" video is pretty good. I recommend it!
HB, laurel.
The Thin Air video is awesome.
So it turns out that I actually have done "Murph" once before… back in 2008. And my time just under 3 hrs! No wonder I wanted to forget it! Feeling much more capable with 44:34 in 2012.
6am with Coach Nick. Did Sunday's Jerk workout. Worked up to 185#, but then switched to concentrating on form and footwork. Immobile shoulders makes the jerk harder than press or push press for me. Nick showed me a band stretch he likes to perform to stretch out his shoulders. My shoulder tightness made the pre-WOD inlocates laughably short on range of motion.
Happy b-day Laurel, and JFK!
Really pretty sore today. Probably worse tomorrow. Definitely "teaching" active recovery tonight at 6.
MGMT: I was hoping to come in and squat tomorrow morning, but then I realized this might be back-off week and perhaps squats are not on the program for tomorrow. Is squatting an option tomorrow?
HB, Laurel!
1/2 Murph with Stella and, stealing this one S, Sara(h) on a steamy ohsosteamy morning. 30:31. Knee pushups, which I think I messed up on and did some extra to make up for it, green band with a blue band staged to add in if I needed extra, which I did on the last round..
I was truly all set to do Le Full but y'know.. Fox has this look he gets sometimes and when he gets it – I listen extra. It's kind of a "what are you high no but I will be nice and not knock on your head to see if anyone is home" kind of look and then, of course, most excellent advice. I think I would still be down there.. I know that I'm still sweating. Wish I could have done a six-pack of beer and tacos to replenish but that later today. A little late but will still be worth it. Tacos! Beer!
::really big high fives:: to The Ladeees this a.m. Yeah! Thanks again Fox! Also to Nick and McDowell for the extra tips-n-tricks.
Happy Bday Laurel. Awesome news on the classes.
Quads are pretty beat up today, Cant wait for A/r
Adding big thanks to my master grillers from yesterday: Ryan, Shawn, Dan, and Nuge. Thanks for manning the grill! Also, to everyone who helped out in some way to make yesterday so much fun and to the 11am class for keeping their cool in rather cozy conditions inside…much appreciated.
Happy Birthday Laurel! It's Allan's birthday as well today. 🙂
Hooray for more classes!
Soccer players, parents:
Looking for coaches and wee ones to play soccer in Prospect Park this fall. $80 for kids to play every weekend but Columbus Day / Yom Kippur weekend, from Sept 17 to November 19. Kids from 4years old to 8 years old are welcome. 9-10am Saturday mornings, in Prospect Park. Website is sfxyouthsports
I am coaching, so you know that they are desperate! if you are interested in coaching, assistant coaching, or just having your kid play, hit me up at jimmyr72 AT gmail
Happy birthday Laurel!
Congrats to all the Murphers yesterday. Was bummed to not be able to make it.
had a great memorial day yesterday. full murph with knee push ups in 53:26. lawd, it was hot! the massive 11:00 group made the gym into a crowded oven. the hardest part was that second mile, and i owe a special thanks to DMak for his support on the last lap. had to rip my shoes off and chug coconut water immediately after. felt pretty woozy for an hour or so.
was super proud (and relieved) to see mcdowell finish at the hottest hour of the day. thanks to everyone at the gym for making it a great event!
Happy birthday to Laurel! Man, lookit that photo – grace under pressure.
A very happy birthday to Laurel and Allan!
Half Murph with the skinny green band for the pull-ups, knee push-ups, and 800m runs – 30:07
This was my first Murph, so I didn’t go in with any expectations. Overall, I’m happy that I was able to keep moving, even though the push-ups quickly fell apart to singles. I had to switch to chin-ups for the last 3 rounds or so of pull-ups, and the last two or so rounds were singles. Oh boy am I sore today! Thank you to the coaches and volunteers who worked so hard to put on this event. It was a great day.
Also, thank you to Management for adding 8pm classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m finally going to be able to take advantage of my 5x a week membership!! (And I will no longer have an excuse for missing overhead days, which lately have been programmed on Thursdays.)
Thanks for the hero wod link. Lots of awesome workouts to chose from.
Anyone ever do Griff before?
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
dh3: yeah i did griff one time in phoenix.
Jenna – should be no prob. Ask Josh where you should set up when you get in. We rarely turn away a squat request.
Happy Birthday Laurel and Allan. Great seeing you guys yesterday.
Was a pleasure manning the grill for an abbreviated amount of time. Happy to help feed all you guys.