For Time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
There will be a number of movement and scaling options available so whatever your level of fitness is we’ll find the appropriate challenge.
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
To read more about “Murph” click here.
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a special holiday where we honor and remember the men and women who died while serving our military. Today’s workout was one of Michael Murphy’s favorite WODs which he called “Body Armor”. Each year we come together to do this workout and celebrate those who have given the ultimate sacrafice for our country as well as recognizing those still with us who continue to serve. CFSBK would especially like to thank members from our gym who serve in the armed forces and related fields. Your efforts are appreciated and respected, this workout is for you!
The gym will open at 9:00AM and we will be starting the first heat of folks exactly at 9:30AM. We’ll be starting new heats of up to 20 people every 45 minutes and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you’d like so that you can warm-up and do any movement prep you’d like. The last heat will run at 11:45AM so make sure you’re here before then if you want to complete Murph.
The BBQ itself will start by 12PM. If you can, please bring a side dish or some beverages so that everyone can eat their fill.
Happy Birthday to Carlos G., Marian L. and Avi S.!
“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” – John F. Kennedy
Portraits of War NY Times
Jim Comes Home NY Times
Squat: 225x3x5
Press: 100x3x5
Clean: 145x3x5
A little memorial day lifting never hurt anyone. Squats were fine as usual. Press felt heavy as hell but that's no surprise. My back started acting up so we decided no deadlift and power clean as the pull instead went down in weight just to be safer. It went ok. Gonna deadlift on wednesdays and have more time in between deadlifting and squatting the last few times i deadlifted i had to cancel the subsequent squats. Hope this works. For the sake of making it through the cycle were gonna micro-load everything, and slowly move our way up. Glad to see so many old faces at the gym for murph, maybe next year i'll be able to partake in the "fun"
3/4 Murph
225 squats
150 pushups–last 40 from knees
75 pullups–small green band, all in sets of 5 except one because of grip issues
Big fun today. Thanks to all our veteran brothers and sisters.
I think this is my worst time to date of the 4 times I've done this. Hot, humid, hungover…amazing!
Great day at the gym.
Thanks to all our service men and women.
First Memorial Day Murph! Had a great time–did 1/4 Murph with two 800m runs. Time:25.59. Amount of fun: big! A little worried about how well lifting my arms above shoulder level is going to go for the next couple of days–but worth it. Thanks to all service men and women–may those who struggle get the help they need.
Murph, 55 min RX
Getting my ass home and in the shower
props to all the Murphers today.
the "Jim comes home" author is an old acquaintence of mine, from back in the day when the web was young.How time flies.
48.05 with 50 strict chin-ups.
My favorite CFSBK day of the year. What a blast, what a party. I love youse all.
Such a great day. I'm so grateful we do this.
I can't thank David and the coaches enough for making this so awesome. And the food was delicious.
48:10 (first time)
Tomorrow . . . Double Murph! (Just kidding.)
I had so much fun today! I got to talk to so many people and was feeling happy to be a part of the community here. This was my first Murph ever, did the full monty in 58:54. Used a green/red band for pull ups and did push ups from my knees. Finished dead last in my heat but was proud to have done the whole thing.
That was the most beer I've drank in a while, so a big thank you for that as well. I'll be in bed by 8 fo' sho'. Kudos to whoever made the carrots, they were my favorite. And to the guys grilling – buonissimo!
Thank you as well to all of our service men and women – and happy Memorial Day! Can't wait for the next CFSBK BBQ… 🙂
1mi run + 100 pull-ups + 200 push-ups + 300 squats + 1mi run + 2 beers == solid afternoon nap.
Awesome day. Loved hearing my kids say "Papa, is this where you go every morning?" Nice to see the 6am crew representing in the 11am heat. Props to Chris Paschke for doing the push-ups and squats in the blazing sun. Major thanks to David and the coaches for organizing. And my thanks to all the service men and women. Your sacrifice for country is almost unimaginable to me.
39:12 Rx.
Well, not sure why but the blog won’t let me post what I wanted to say….
51:26, quite slower than my previous best. As Fox said… hot and humid. I did break my reps up differently this year- 5 pushups,5 pullups, 5 puships, 15 squats x 20. It felt like it worked better even with the slower time.
Just awesome being here with the whole group… I feel so very lucky to have the opportunity to celebrate Memorial Day with you all!
Great job Murphers!!! <3 <3 <3
Interesting post on Memorial Day:
blakemasters DOT tumblr DOT com/post/23920639030/unpacking-hero-wods
Couldn't have come back from Regionals on a better day. Huge thanks to the organizers and volunteers for putting on this show. (I feel like I've been thanking volunteers a lot the last 5 days).
Ive got a lot to say about Regionals but I'll save that for a later post.
54:00??? I accidentally did not check the clock when I finished, just laid down and put ice on my head as I was QUITE hot at that point. I think I overheard someone say 54 when I was done but I'm not positive. Anyway- I went out strong on the first run which was good since it all kind of evens out for the calisthenics, I think. After round 4 it doesnt matter how gassed you were after the run, you've shifted into a new energy management phase. I felt good about my rep break up but my pace slowed down after round 10 and I started to really feel a week of poor sleep and high stress. I walked about 1/2 of the 1st lap of the second mile, felt pretty rough but then got myself together and was able to "jog" through the finish.
Great day!!!!!!
Thank you to our Service Men and Women!
40:47 RX
Not a PR by a longshot, but I'm happy considering the type of work I've been doing for the last year. Ran a comfortable first mile, kept a good pace through 20 rounds of cindy and finished a tough last mile
46:26 with the last 80 pushups on my knees. The rest was RX.
The heat was brutal but I kept my focus on just the ones I had to do at that moment.
Thanks to all that serve and those that paid the ultimate.
Great to share a moment with everyone there.
Murph in 53 and change today. I knew it was going to be a slog when I started slowing down…in Round THREE!
A fairly unsurprising but still powerful confirmation that I have not been training nearly enough or intensely enough lately. Oh well, tomorrow beckons.
Thought this was an interesting read for Memorial Day, about a PT in Afghanistan:
1/2 Murph 24:20 – at least, that is what I recall someone saying when I crossed the threshold. I wasn't sure which clock we were on and somehow couldn't figure it out on my own. I wanted to be able to keep moving and not break down into endless singles on anything, so scaled the volume. It felt great – despite the heat.. kind of like an extra intense sauna treatment. Had some funny stomach cramping after finishing, but that went away rapidly. The last time I was around to participate it was 2009 (my birthday is May 29th so I'm often out of town/celebrating) and I did half murph in 39:15. All things considered, what with my spotty training in the last year and my funky hip stuff, this was satisfying.
An enormous thank you to whoever is responsible for those young thai coconuts. I had a few cold delicious gulps immediately after finishing and it was marvelous, then later scooped out the innards of a coconut with a spoon and devoured them to the last shred.
1/2 Murph in 19:58. I think next time I will have to do the whole bloody thing. I thought I had a much much worse performance in the past, but I have a post from 2009 saying 22:40, and next time the whole thing. So next time in 2015…
Murph: 42:28 rx. @Dmak: I promised I'd post something to you re something we were discussing. Um, I don't remember what that was. So, um, cheers!! xo -ca
Half murph in 32:02 with strict pull ups. Hard to believe that this is the first memorial day that I've been around for this. I actually liked it and felt I rested too much. I don't see myself developing a sick kip in the next year so I'm going to try the half murph again next memorial day and look to beat that time by a bit.
So great to see the big turnout and to chat with folks I see at 7am each week when we're not all rushing off to start our day.
Half Murph (or Smurph as i call it) in 32 something. Next year the full Murphy. Thanks to all of the coaches and volunteers for organizing such a great event. I had a ton of fun and am grateful that I am able to train with the fantastic athletes of the CFSBK community each week. Most of all I am grateful for the opportunity to honor the memory of Lt. Murphy and all of the Service Men and Women today. Be safe.
I dragged my girlfriend to a park in Delaware, and she was nice enough to keep track of my reps and watch my time. Would have been nice to do it at the gym, but I was happy to get out and give Murph my first shot. An outside pullup bar right near the running track made things easy.
As rx'd (no, no weight vest), I finished in 51:36. Ran the first mile easy and went for 20 rounds of Cindy. Think I could have pushed a bit more on the early rounds.
32:30 half murph with a full mile on the front end and 900m on the 2nd run
Still feeling sore, but wasnt completely dead after Murph. The heat kinda zapped me.
Really enjoyed the day and cooking on the grill