Five rounds, each for time, of:
135/95 pound Power clean, 5 reps
135/95 pound Front squat, 10 reps
135/95 pound Jerk, 5 reps
20 Pull-ups
Rest 90 seconds
If you’re a beginner and havent developed a solid technical foundation with the Power Clean, substitute 10 deadlifts each round. The 20 pull-ups in this workout presume a mature kipping pull-up, any sort of assisted or strict version should have the volume cut in half to 10 per round.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
compare to 4.25.11
The Voice Of The People, Mobina H!
Congratulations to CFSBK team “Supple Leopard” who WON the Trivia Challenge at Pacific Standard last night!!!
Happy Birthday, Justin Z!
Murph Day is 1 week away…..
The CFSBK Softball Team!
Interested in putting that functional fitness to use? Dan H. is in the process of recruiting a few more members for a CFSBK softballteam as part of the YMCA Adult Co-ed League. Games are usually held once a week around 7pm at the Red Hook fields. A small league fee of $40-50pp will be expected to participate for the season. ALL levels are welcome. If you’re interested or have any other questions, please contact Jess at Jessica (at) We’ve already got about 22 people signed up!
Zen and the Art of Crush Week!
In traditional meditative disciplines you aim to cultivate mindfulness in a physically neutral setting. Often the practitioner sits in a comfortable position and tries to bring attention toward their breathing. In Yoga, we see a more dynamic approach where rhythmic breathing becomes interwoven with a controlled flow through a series of postures . In both of these instances, the intention is for the pilot to become more tuned into the “now”. At CrossFit, we achieve something very similar through a very different approach. During an intimidating lift or difficult conditioning piece you’re forced to deal with the moment at hand. The high discomfort level of what we do takes that moment and amplifies the physical inputs to the point where you can’t help but focus on what’s happening. You know this intuitively and it’s why you get nervous before a 500m erg test or 3 rep max Back Squat attempt. You know that once you start you’ll be forced to deal with the “now” until it’s all over. Every second gets dragged out and every moment to rest or doubt yourself becomes amplified against what needs to get done. Take this opportunity to set your intention for the approaching workouts. Whenever you find yourself deep in the agonizing “now” embrace it and stay on task. Don’t look around the room to see where everyone else is, don’t check the clock to see how much time has gone by and don’t make excuses to try and avoid what your feeling. Just keep fighting the barbell up or chipping away at reps until you’ve completed the task. If you lose focus and get derailed, don’t let it mess with your head, just come back pushing harder. Remember, you’re here to get stronger, both physically AND mentally.
Enjoy Crush Week!
“I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center.”
– Kurt Vonnegut
Scaling the Pull-Up with Ring Rows CrossFit
How Do You Choose Your Accessory Lifts? CrossFit Invictus
How To Be Diplomatic wikiHow
Ive never done the hammer, but when I come in and do it later I expect to hear this:
Yeah Mobina, way to represent Cortelyou Road!
Pub quiz last night was awesome – many, many thanks to Stella for organizing everything (dinner was great; she got us out the door in time; and then kicked serious ass on the quiz itself!). Great hanging out with all the folks that came out – we should do this more often.
Both CFSBK teams placed on the leader board (did I get all the names right below?)
I'll Have Another (?): Sameer, Dan, Ryan, Janelle, Mike(?), Emily
Supple Leopard: Stella, Keith, Jules, Samir, Andrew
It wasn't I'll Have Another (though there were two teams with that name last night), it was More Chairs, Please.
Samir is being too modest. We were in a four-way tie for first place (including More Chairs, Please), and the tiebreak question was to name all the Nobel Prize-winning physicists you could in one minute. Uh, yeah. With Samir on our team, that one was a lock. Professor, I TOTALLY BLAME YOU for that last drink I had (because we won a free round), which was a terrible, terrible idea ๐
Also I am not the only SBKer who has been on Jeopardy, as we learned last night. I am hereby outing Dan E as not just a strongman, but also a brainiac.
Keith, Julie, and I somehow managed to drag our butts in for 7 AM Hammer. 20:09 for me, with 63# and 10 green-band pullups per round. I expected the cleans to be the hardest part of this workout, but it was those damn front squats! Whew.
PS, team Supple Leopard won 5 points toward pub quiz playoffs (not sure when that is). So if anyone else from SBK decides to go on an upcoming Sunday, use that team name and rack up some more points. I can't go for the next two Sundays (sad!) but I'll be back on 6/10 if anyone wants to join me then.
First day in strength class. As I was walking in I kept thinking about how much I must like weight lifting to get my ass into the gym by 6:30 am.
Backsquat: 185 @3×5
Press: 70 @3×5
Deadlift: 195 @1×5
After having been lifting for a few years it was really nice to have Jeremy break down the basics and talk about the fundamentals of a lift. I'm really looking forward to this cycle and instruction from him.
Squat felt wonky until about the last set. My body really doesn't like moving in the morning. Learned how to breath properly for press, although it was really hard to keep track of my reps. I kept thinking, "Wait, what was that?" Deadlift felt solid.
Finished with some glut ham raises. Thanks to Josh for the pointers of working with the band at first. I'm really looking forward to building up my posterior chain this next few months.
6am with D.O. Hammer Rx'd in 29:18. The first three rounds went smoothly and then my hands started to tear on the pull-ups. The last two rounds were a grind. The cleans were the easiest part which is surprising because I usually feel cleans are awkward. Today they went smoothly. Front squats became quite difficult in the last two rounds. My jerk sucks, so I push pressed instead.
hammertime ftw
better than pub quiz disaster. i really should have known more nobel laureates and destroyed samir! but failure on that note. or, should have gotten minnow. emily's fault, that one, i say =)
26:21, 95#
hm is the link to 'how to be diplomatic' some kind of hint?
Oh Sameer. I don't think it was just the SS Minnow and Nobel Prize-winning physicists portion. I mean, c'mon.. SUPPLE LEOPARD! We had the power.
I'm with Stella on whoever wants to fill slots and such on our team! I'm gone this Sunday, can play the 3rd and, cross fingers, the 10th —>.
This morning was a good mess.. sucks to have to go so light on the weights but soonsoon I will be crushing it again! Nice to see my buddies from last night plus KH and LUCA! et al. David gave me the 2 words I've been needing to hear re: Power Cleans to lock them in. "Draaaaag… bounce!" Similar to deadlifts "Shoelaces. Draaaag." Yep.
MGMT I messed up and on the top shelf of the wire rack in the coatroom is a bamboo tray – I rushed out and forgot it. Will grab Wednesday, sorry 'bout that!
Last night's Pub quiz and dinner was fun times! I was at a total loss for most of the questions but the beer tasting in round 5 was clutch.
Hammer today was brutal coming back after a week off because of ragnar recovery.
125 to start and then after 3 rounds I had to drop to 105. My wrist was not happy with the jerks.
I did manage to string 7 kipping pullups together so I was happy about that. Most of mine were in sets of 5 and then 3 after the first round.
I was pouring sweat.
28:25 ooof
Shout out to the 7AMers giving their all… Mike, Stella, Julie, Kristen, Luca… Thanks for the cheers. I should have eaten before class.
I did 115 last year and it went OK. This year I did 2 rounds at 135 and 3 at 125. It took 29:46. Which is three minutes slower than last year. I am feeling it now.
@Sameer: I read the "How to be diplomatic" link before I posted today ๐
Supple Leopard was all-round strong; I remember being clueless on the television section, and Andrew just rockin' it. Keith was a total expert on the beer – all I could say was "that's not the beer I ordered a few minutes ago…"
Hey, when you end up in a 4-way tie for first, EVERYONE is clutch! Nice beer work, Keith ๐
I will say that when they asked, "name the river that flows through Belgium to the North Sea, and is a favorite of crossword constructors because of its odd 4-letter name," I laughed with delight. Though I did almost put down Oder instead of Yser, damn me.
I would like to put together a team to formally challenge these teams to another great pub game, known as a drinking contest.
Gabrus, please join me. I don't know a lot of nobel laureates, but I like my chances!
7am Hammertime Extravaganza!
Went 65# instead of 95# on the barbell and subbed 20 kips for 10 strict with the green band. Finished in 19:44. Did the first two rounds of movements unbroken and after that bailed the bar between the front squats and the jerks. Broke up the pull ups into sets of five. The HARDEST part of the workout was definitely the 10 FSQs, man they took forever! I might have tried 75# if I hadn't been out all last week and still feeling kind of "blech" from the flu… 65# gave me plenty of a workout though.
Oh, oh oh oh, ohhhhh – can't touch this.
JR, that is a chipper workout I can do rx'd. shpetner (at) gmail dot com.
The diplomat link was based on me thinking that if I wasn't running SBK I would be a good diplomat (I think) or a janitor (I know). So I googled Diplomat and that came up and I thought it was a worthwhile share and nice reminder on civility.
I would be useless on a quiz team. I've gone to two and both times sat there quietly until the evening was over.
Great work on Hammer today, everyone. Especially our mammoth 7am and 5pm Group classes.
Row 3:00
Foam Roll
2 Rounds of Cindy
Speed Bench Alternating 3 Grips
70x3x9 every :30 plus band tension.
Really light and fast. Could have used more band tension
Small Parallette HSPU
Did 8,7,10 reps with band assistance. Head to the ground through the parallettes
Rope Climbs
Did 1 climb every other minute until I got 10 climbs
Bent Over Barbell Row
Worked up to 155×8
Chain Pull-Ups
Worked up to 3 Chainsx7 Reps
Band Pull Downs
the story behind Hammer, since someone asked.
U.S. Army First Sergeant Michael "Hammer" Bordelon, 37, of Morgan City, Louisiana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team), based out of Fort Lewis, Washington, died on May 10, 2005, from injuries sustained when a car bomb exploded near him in Mosul, Iraq on April 23, 2005.
He is survived by his wife Mila; children Mike Jr., Jacob, and Johanna; mother Dolores; and sister Doreen Scioneaux.
Strength Part Deux…
My ankle is about 80% now and feeling better everyday.
I've been anxious to get back to the platform, and a bit sitr crazy.
Tonight was good. Squatted barefoot for the first time because I forgot my shoes.
I don't think I like that so much.
45×5 95×5 115×5 135×5 – yes, lots of warm ups to gauge my ankle
5×5 @ 155 felt good. Ankle was nice and stable and only a little bit sore after. I think that might have more to do with being barefoot
45×5 65×5
5×5 @ 80
Dead lift – was totally worried about this since I have foot pain with ankle plant, but no pain at all. Score
135×5 185×1
Woot. Nice group of familiar faces, and a couple of totally new faces.
This strength cycle will mark two years in the program for me.
I am so happy I found barbells and that I found them at SBK.
squat: 220x3x5
Press:105×5, 110x3F, 105x4F
Deadlift: 315x3F
The theme for today was FAILURE. Squat was fine, everything else was shit. Had tons of errands to run today so I came in for a late afternoon quickie. I loaded the bar wrong on the press and did 105# instead on 110# then I failed at 110# and at 105# after dropping back. Not a total surprise since this is about where I start micro-loading on the press anyway but still. The deadlift was an debacle, this should have been my last 15# jump and damned if it wasn't. It felt heavy as hell and i muscled through 3 reps but called it quits. The 3rd rep was really ugly and I probably shouldn't have finished it. At this point with my back there is a thin line between giving the extra effort and being dumb. I think I edged over into stupidity on that one. We'll stick to 5# jumps from now on. Went to bierkraft afterwards to console myself with some food. It definitely helped.
24:28 on the Hammer today @ 115. Subbed 10 push ups for the 5 jerks. Scaled the last two rounds of pull ups to 15. No gas after the third round.
22:33 @ 115#
Did the Hammer with 10 strict chins, @115lbs, Finished in 22:48.
My split jerks were a little sloppy; I'm glad David came over and cleaned them up!
Hammer rx'd 21:56.
Definitely felt the lack of front squat work. Did all pc/jerks unbroken.
pullups 2 sets for first 3 rds. the 3 sets for last 2.