Work Up To A Heavy Single
Goal is to go a bit heavier than last week’s doubles.
Post loads to comments.
(e4/4) compare to 5.12.12
Rope Climbing 101
Wear long socks or pants today!!
Did you get to the top?
When Lauren B started with us she couldn’t do a single push-up, let alone a chin-up. Yesterday, she got 3!
Cooks Needed For Murph!
Do you know how to operate a grill? We’re looking for grill masters and masterettes to help cook some steaks and burgers for Murph Day. We’ll provide all the meat/charcoal etc we just need 2-3 people to help cook. The gym has one grill in house (Thanks JR!) but wouldn’t mind running two grills at a time.. CrossFitters tend to enjoy their meat. So if you’ve got a grill and/or would like to lend a hand cooking, please email Christian (AT)
Mark your calendars! Memorial Day Murph is happening on Monday, May 28th. As always, we’ll be doing “Murph” and then finishing off with some Beers and BBQ! What’s “Murph” you ask?
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a special holiday where we honor and remember the men and women who died while serving our military. Today’s workout was one of Michael Murphy’s favorite WODs which he called “Body Armor”. Each year we come together to do this workout and celebrate those who have given the ultimate sacrafice for our country as well as recognizing those still with us who continue to serve. CFSBK would especially like to thank members from our gym who serve in the armed forces and related fields. Your efforts are appreciated and respected, this workout is for you!
The gym will open at 9:00AM and we will be starting the first heat of folks exactly at 9:30AM. We’ll be starting new heats of up to 20 people every 45 minutes and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you’d like so that you can warm-up and do any movement prep you’d like. The last heat will run at 11:45AM so make sure you’re here before then if you want to complete Murph.
There will be a number of movement and scaling options available so whatever your level of fitness is we’ll find the appropriate challenge.
The BBQ itself will start by 12PM. If you can, please bring a side dish or some beverages so that everyone can eat their fill. Post side dish or beverage you’re bringing to comments.
A Day In The Life with Rich Froning Jr. CrossFit
Last Night, late night workout
3 Rounds of Banded Cindy
(Band resisted push-ups and pull-ups)
Seated Press
Worked up to 115, failed at 120
Really awkward to organize. I didn't like it, felt like I couldn't brace anywhere near as much.
3 Rounds
Deadstop Benchx8 115
Strict Pull-up with a :02 hold at the top
Rear Delts.
Thanks for posting that Froning video. I'm still amazed at the training volume there (tried to post the link yesterday but the comment was repeatedly sent into purgatory.)
Friday night workout:
Off-week squat (135x5x3)
Chinups blue band 2,2,2,2
Bake 3 batches of special-order chocolate chip cookies, for time.
My time: 2.5 hrs. A PR.
Tomorrow morning, however, I get to do it again. ;/
Nice work Lauren! That's quite an accomplishment!
Last night's strength work:
Squat: (wendler 5/week)– 225×5, 255×5 285×5 then 315×1 and 335×1
Instead of doing a rep out at 285 I stopped at 5 and then did a couple of singles. Figured it would be good to keep remembering what big weight feels like. This is a riff off of Wendler for PowerLifting.
Bench (Wendler 5/week): 172.x5 x 11
To go over 10 at this weight seemed very good. Rep outs take some getting used to. Had at least 1-2 in the tank, but couldn't really tell if it was going to break down all of a sudden so I racked it.
Chins: 5, 4, 5
Definitely still kind of feeling my way back into hard work and taking it a little easy. Also getting used to Wendler. I'm not super crazy about not having a prescribed number of reps and having to determine mid-set how many I think i can do with 1still left in the tank. That said, it's cool to switch things up and this is most likely just a temporary shift from the Texas Method in order to maintain before my vacation.
Great day for a half marathon! Paul and I finished the Brooklyn Half in 2:07:38
Congrats, Sarah and Paul!
Worked to 245 and faleo'd at 265. Dumb. I should read what I write.
Lots of fun guest teaching the early am risers today. Always great to see new folks get up the rope!
Congrats Sarah! That's awesome.
FSQ 150, PR. This was hard, as it should have been. I don't think I could have gone much heavier.
Farmer carries 130m, first set with 16 kg KB was too easy, second set with 24 kg was NOT easy (I fouled twice, on top of the one set-down we were supposed to take upon reaching 3rd Avenue).
It was fun to play with rope climbs afterward! I haven't tried those in about a year and I was only able to do the pull-yourself-up-from-the-floor progression then. This time I was actually able to get a good way up the (knotted) rope. Yay for CrossFit making me able to do things I totally failed at in middle-school gym class 😀
nice job lauren, next time a muscle up.
3 Rounds of:
30 Strokes on the Erg
15 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Slam Balls 20#
Saftey Speed Box Squats with Band Tension
50% week
200x2x12 every :30
Speed Sumo DL with band tension
155x1x8 every :30
Too much band tension at top slowed me down
Reverse BB lunges with Chains
Worked up to 135+Chains x16 reps
Glute Ham Raises
3×8 with band assistance. time to move down in band tension
Rich Froning's work capacity is absurd.
8am with guest coach fox
pre wu
foam roll
theraband/pvc fsq prep
10 db thrusters
10 tempo push ups
5 tempo pull ups
(45×5 135×4 185×3)
225×2 245 255PR
subbed rope climbs with farmer carries
jerry cans to 3rd and back – no fouls
farmer carry handles w 70lb to 3rd and back – no fouls
Surprised myself with a front squat PR despite being up at 5 with my adorable baby alarm clock. 225. I've done it before, but it was ugly. Today was really solid so I'm calling that a PR!
Farmer carry and rope climb were fun.
great video on Froning and Bailey