Synchronized WODing with Marcos and McDowell
Volunteer Request
As some of you know, David is working hard on the CrossFit North East Regional which is being held at the end of this month. This Sunday CFSBK will be hosting a small handful of volunteers who will be judging at the Regional this year to help them devleop their eye and skills. We’re looking for 2-5 people from the gym to volunteer as Demos so that they can test their eye against a couple of people. You won’t be asked to do 225lb hang cleans, but you should have a basic handle on most movements we do and not have significant range of motion limitations. Please contact if you’d like to offer your time and services. The North East Regional appreciates it!
When: This Saturday from 1pm-2:30pm
Good Luck Ragnarians!
Today marks Day 1 for both of CFSBK’s Ragnar Relay team’s 2 day, 1 night, 200 mile race. We’ve got a boatload of folks competing and wish them the best of luck over the next two arduous days. Below is the race description and team rosters. Both teams have the SAME start time… who will finish first?!
Race Description
Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar. Both teams will race on May 11-12
Team 1: CFSBK: Skull & Borg
Asta Fivgas
Dan Reshef
Keith Walter
Sarah La Rosa
Christine Denahan
Stella Zawistowski
Jennifer Stopka
Joe O’Sullivan
Hana Akselrod
Hannah Lederman
Lauren Steele
Andrew Harrington
Team 2: Bacon Fueled, Tequila Driven
Jess Fox
Chris Fox
Katie Mohrhauser
Ron Weissbard
Gina Cole
Rick Yule
Dan Halioua
Dan Langevin
Noah Abbott
McDowell Myers
Ellie Myers
Paul Roberts
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Go Ragnarians, you crazy bastards!
6am with coach Nick and the Smiths. Worked up to 265 x 2 for tomorrow's FSQ and got 10 rounds + in the WOD.
Good luck Ragnar runners.
6am with Coach Nick. Hit 235# for a front squat double. 5# more than last weeks triple. Feeling pretty run down today or I might have gone higher. 9 rounds + 2 box jumps on the WOD. I seem to have tweaked my neck at the very end of the WOD and it is now stiffening up nicely. I see some lax ball work in my near future.
i am watching the live feed of the CF regionals, central east (Fronig's division.)
The feed is much better, plus there's a live chat scroll (alternatively interesting and annoying.)
you can't watch the online stream? that's all i'm doing – not watching it on espn3.
i'd post the link but then my comment would get eaten.
I went on and when I click the CrossFit link it asks me to name my provider and enter my account name and password. I have Verizon dryloop service at the gym and you need verizon broadband or FIOS TV.
dude you can watch it at the crossfit games site. on the internet. regardless of your provider.
oh now its working
Noon class ftw. Good lifting w Chris, great to see frank after so many years!
130# then wod 33
Internet? What is this.
7am with the morning nerd crew and Coach Nick who is our proud leader. Awesome weirdness abounded with stories of live rats hitching a ride on random cycling feet and wicked old skool tunes. Hello! Dandy Livingstone's version of Rudy! The original! Sweet morning ska love.
Stupid backslide means no fast anything for me today so did FSQ and Push Press, good times.
Go fast Ragnarians – I'm beaming you all my quickness. I wanna hear Stella going all She-Ra here in the BK, woo!
Dan Bailey did Diane in 1:35 at the NE Regionals today. That was Diane in 1:35… incredible!
i watched that, he smoked both Fronig and Holmberg, who looks so much bigger this year. bleached blond incredible hulk. kelly starrett tweeted, "Are these people meat robots?"
meat robots! at least they don't fly, otherwise i'd have some serious competition on my hands.
Finally nailed a long time goal of 50 double unders! Psyched.
Push press double @165. Next stop, body weight (175)
Tough Mudder Sunday.
Seated Box Jumps
Worked up t0 12">24" with 16kg KBs on each side
Banded Box Squats
140x2x10 Every half minute
Banded Speed Deadlifts
170x1x8 Every Half Minute
Chain Front Squats
Worked up to 140×8 with chains
Super Wide 12" Deficit Pulls
Jerry Can Carry Around the block with Josh
So freaking tired