Congratulations to Erica and Greg N on the birth of their first son, Reid Oris Nofi!
“Reid was born on Saturday morning at 4:14 am, weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and measuring 21 1/4″ long. He has giant hands and feet, which his parents hope will serve him well in his future crossfitting career. We look forward to bringing him in for a visit very soon!”
-Erica and Greg
Happy Birthday, Micheline G!
CrossFit Total Tomorrow!
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cycle will CrossFit Total tomorrow from 6-9:30pm. Watch these strong guys and gals test their 1RM’s after 8 hard weeks of pushing and pulling steel. Spectators are welcome and encouraged!
Ken’s Ring Strength Series Returns
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H. as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training with an emphasis on developing a rudimentary ring routine. Each class will include a proper warm-up, stretching and then use both isometric and dynamic strength exercises to develop: core strength while learning transitions on the rings, levers, muscle-ups and planches. Students will also have strength and flexibility assignments to do on the outside of class. Space is limited so sign up today!
Ken’s Gymnastics Ring Series (Advanced)
Sundays from 1pm – 2pm
5/13/12 – 6/10/12
(no class Sunday 5/27/12)
$60 paid in full
By Invitation Only-Email Ken at hallerk(at)gmail(dot)com for more information.
Ken’s Gymnastics Ring Series (Beginner)
Sundays from 2pm-3pm
5/13/12 – 6/10/12
(no class Sunday 5/27/12)
Register Here!
$60 for 4 Weeks
6 Participants
Physical Requirements:
1 Strict Pull-Up, Women
3 Strict Pull-Ups, Men
5 Push-Ups, Women
10 Push-Ups, Men
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Burpee Smoked Elbows? Epicondylitis-ness? Voodoo it. Mobility WOD
Banish Your Elbow Bench, Dip, Pull Up Pain, You Don’t Really Play Golf or Tennis Do You? Mobility WOD
The Myth Of The Dumb Jock Gawker
Mixing Weight Training and Aerobics NY Times
I Want To Look Good Naked In The Cave
Mosquitoes Don’t Even Need To Bite Us, Study Shows
that onion article is SO TRUE.
Hi all. I'm hoping to tap that talents of our SBK community…
My friend's wife is starting a small business and is looking for someone to design a website. She and her business partner are looking for something simple, so this wouldn't be a big project (although, admittedly, I don't know how hard it is to set up a website). If you have web design skills (and the capacity to take on another project), please email me at katie dot mohrhauser at gmail and I will get you in touch with them. Thank you!!
Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS to the Nofi family!
The Wild Things cried, "Please don't go. We'll eat you up. We love you so."
RIP Maurice Sendak
congrulations on the new bambino! That's good stuff right there!
Please feel free to hit me up in the gym on this, SFX Youth Sports League. 100% volunteer, I am very involved, we'd love to get kids involved
Spring (and Summer) baseball. tee ball starts at 4, remember for next year, saturdays
Soccer – I believe starts at 4 as well, in the fall on Sat ams
Golf – trying to organize for this fall, would like kids to be a bit older, call it 8 or 9.
There is football as well for older kids
We are always looking for volunteers, it's probably the most rewarding thing that I have ever done.
Go Crossfit Parents!
oh and Apollo Creed, you're mine!
8 lbs 12 ounces- jesus mary and joseph. congrats to the proud parents!
In case you missed it, there was an op-ed in the NYTimes about the issue of black women and weight. It has spawned quite a large discussion from folks across the spectrum. This is a really thorny and interesting issue – so much going on just below the surface (health, ideas of attractiveness, race, class, on and on.) If you're interested:
8 lbs 12 ounces- jesus mary and joseph. congrats to the proud parents!
on another note:
In case you missed it, there was an op-ed in the NYTimes about the issue of black women and weight. It has spawned quite a large discussion from folks across the spectrum. This is a really thorny and interesting issue – so much going on just below the surface (health, ideas of attractiveness, race, class, on and on.) If you're interested, go to the Times site (can't put the URL or else my comment will go into purgatory) and click as follows:
Home >> Opinion >> (left hand nav lower on the page)>> Room for Debate >> Women, Weight and Wellness
Anybody up for a soccer team? Me and some friends are putting together a coed team to play in a league over on the brooklyn tech field starting in June. Pretty casual team, all skill levels fine. Hit me up thatevansguy at gmail.
Congratulations Erica and Greg! Welcome, Reid – you took your own sweet time!
Congrats on the new addition to the SBK baby army! Finn McG and Linus P will have their work cut out for them in leading this new brood.
Finn aka "The Hulk".
I will never forget when he bit D McGrath on the face and the proceeded to head but him. CLASSIC.
Congrats Erica and Greg! Welcome Reid!
Babies are awesome. Congrats!
– Congrats again, Nofi clan!
– I listened to Maurice Sendak's last interview with Terry Gross on NPR today, very moving.
Max Effort LB Day
(week 3)
3 Rounds of:
20 KB Banded Swings 16kg/blug
1:30 Plank
10 Ring Rows
ME Good Morning, Strength Stance
Worked up to 185×3. Tricky organization
Split Squats
Worked up to 120x8e with a 4" elevation
Glute Ham Raises
BB Hip Bridges
Worked up to 185x8x2
Hamstring "curl" with band 1x30each
A bunch of GHD static ab work with josh.
Two beautiful babies (almost) back-to-back! Congrats to all the proud parents–enjoy the adventure.
I, too, love Maurice Sendak so. I'm sad he's gone. "Where the Wild Things Are" is actually a beautiful poem of a sort. And then those drawings-amazing! Thanks for the heads-up about the Terry Gross interview, David. I will definitely check it out.
That NYT article contradicts every bit of bro-science I've ever read on the interwebz.
Strength cyclers, I'm eating a pastured pork chop as big as my head, a huge sweet potato, and a pile of kale. I hope and trust you have done something similar tonight.
In need of total results, y'all!