Work up to 80-90% of your max and then perform 1 Clean every minute, on the minute for 12 minutes.
Post loads to comments.
Assistance Work
Seated Box Jumps 3×5
75 Kettlebell Swings
50 Hollow Rocks
Partition as desired
Happy Belated Birthday, PR!
CFSBK Intern!
CFSBK will be hosting Tyler Jones through is 90 hour internship for Long Island University. Tyler will be shadowing and then assisting for the next month on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Sundays. Tyler starts tonight, please welcome him!
Crossfit Experience: 3 years
Athletic Background: 4 year starter for Long Island University baseball team. 2011 Male athlete of the year for LIU Brooklyn. Johnny Bench award Finalist. LIU Brooklyn all-time career hits and single season hits record holder.
Academic Background: 7 credits shy of undergrad in Sports Science: Exercise Physiology
Favorite Movement: Clean and Jerk
Least Favorite Movement: Burpees
Goals at CFSBK: I want to learn how to implement CrossFit principals to general population safely and effectively. I also want to become involved in a great community, meet new people, and help spread the message of fitness and health.
Adaptation Error: No Cool Down Mobility WOD
Bigger Stronger Faster Part 5 (with Louie Simmons)
@DH3: you gonna try to recruit Tyler for the CFSBK softball team?
I missed yesterday's post about Jeremy, but am compelled to comment today. I've worked closely with Jeremy for quite some time. He's an excellent coach, he's extremely knowledgeable, but also a great motivator.
I come to the gym to get a good workout, but also to enjoy myself, it's some of the very little free time that I have. Jeremy makes hard work enjoyable, and I am grateful for that.
Excellent coach, and a pleasure to work with.
Does anyone plan on going to regionals? The girlfriend and I just bought tickets, but we're trying to figure out accommodations and I'd love to be near SBK folks.
Tyler, welcome to CFSBK! I think David forgot to tell you that we have an initiation ceremony for new coaches, which consists of them doing 100 burpees every time you coach a class as assistant. Just so you know.
Squat: 205x3x5
Press: 100x3x5
Deadlift: 285×5
The squats felt good as usual. The press was heavy as hell. It's weird that such a small increase makes that much of a difference but when dealing with small muscle groups I guess its normal. Deadlift with the switch grip was heavy but fine. I'm so tired of eating right now its not even funny, food is really becoming a chore at this point. The only thing keeping me stuffing my face is JRs silhouette way ahead of me in my minds eye. Although I won't be totaling I'll be there on Wednesday to support.
@action, you are cracking me up. I swear if you post as Toussiant Du Bois my head is going to explode! I'll try to see you there for the total.
cleans today at 135.
6am with Coach Osorio. Seated box jumps to a 30" box were fun and different. Worked up to 165# on the squat cleans. Felt pretty good. Love getting attention on the Oly lifts every week. Accessory work of 75 kettlebell swings (24KG) and 50 hollow rocks. Abs still feel sore from Annie on Friday.
Sbk'ers. It is very rare that i find a new place that I have never been to before in brooklyn that is so cool it's worthy of a post. But alas I have found a place close to the gym.
Its called Film Biz recycling. Its on President between 3rd and 4th.
This place has unbelievable deals on furniture, and its good stuff too. Check it out if you are in the market for nice stuff but dont want to spend beaucoup bucks.
Got in today just in time to see the gigundo 6 AM class finishing their cleans. Wow, remember when mornings were, like, 5 or 6 people in the gym? Not any more!
Cleans: first 8 reps at 73, last 4 at 78. This was not a day where it all came together and I suddenly did all my cleans perfectly, but it was also not an asses 'n' elbows day. I'll take it.
Accessory work: 1 set of box jumps at 20", 2 sets at 24". This was easier than I thought it would be, and maybe I should try 30" next time. Fun!
KB swings at 16 pood, broke this up into 5 sets of 15 KB/10 hollow rocks. After all those cleans, that KB felt pretty damn heavy.
Ugh, I feel like I'm back to square one with double unders again. And I still haven't remembered to write "practice them 3x/week" on the goals board. Derrrr.
DH3 – thanks for the tip!
115# for the cleans… I think I should have started off a little heavier and went up to 120-125.
I did the 24 inch box on its long height plus a 45 bumper on top of that. It was fun. I could probably have gone up another few inches.
Did the KBs in sets of 15 and the rocks in sets of 10. 5 sets and I was heading out the door.
yeah and damn 21 people in the 6am class. Crazy man crazy
Great MWOD post. I can attest to the importance and effectiveness of cooling down. I highly highly HIGHLY recommend spending 5–10 min. (preferably 10) moving after a WOD, and not just flopping down in a pool of sweat after yelling, "Time!" You can use the cool-down to practice a skill without any stress/pressure (e.g., rowing, jump rope, running – yes, running is a skill), or simply to zone out. Just be sure that it doesn't feel like real work (it should feel almost too easy), and to keep your heart rate down.
Missed the AM train due to a date with some bourbon last night, so I got to enjoy a slightly groggy 5pm class with Margie instead. There were only 5 people in class, which was pretty nice!
Did the first 6 cleans at 83# then the last 6 at 88#. I worked on trying to keep the bar closer to my body most the whole time. And on catching the bar lower in my squat. These all felt pretty great today, however my shoulder was really not happy today (slowly getting worse and worse again). During the lift it felt fine, but the second I would let go of the bar and stand up, I would feel this flash of pain run through my shoulders. I stuck it out through the class, but I'm a little curious as to what the hell I am supposed to do about this. It feels like this will be a permanent issue for me. I don't think it's a coincidence that the new pain streak is hitting hardest the week after I did snatches for the first time. I will likely skip them next week as I think they are a big part of the problem. ::annoying::
Did the accessory work in 2 sets with a 16kg KB (40KB swings/25 Hollow Rocks & 35KB Swings/25 Hollow Rocks) Hollow rocks were killer!
Pull-up practice was great 🙂 It was an A day and I felt like the 3rd set wasn't nearly as hard as it was last week. Happy to see these progressing slowly.
Cleans @ 195/205/210
Felt ok, not great. A few reps in there felt really good.
Corbett – the recovery gods are pulling for you. r/i/c/e
@ JR I'm pretty much gonna post as every black famous 80's movie hero or bad guy until i settle on the right one. I need to get some internet anonymity going. Hope to see you on wednseday.
tonight i walked out a weight that felt absolutely impossible.
i kept reminding myself that the last impossible weight i walked out, many months ago, is now my 1-RM. it felt just as heavy as today's 1-RM did – so heavy i wasn't sure i could take a single step backward with it on my back.
i squatted that weight at the meet in March.
so, here's to new frontiers.
see y'all at the Total on Wednesday,
145 on the squat cleans (half way through…the first half was at 135)
2pood and 50 hollow rocks.
Thanks, Fox and everyone else who had kind words for my poor foot. Total-ers, I'll be loud for you Wednesday.