Happy Birthday, Keith W and Jason Z (JZ1)!
We Have a Winner!
This Month’s CFSBK Book Club book will be…. “A Visit From The Goon Squad” by Jennifer Egan.
Jennifer Egan’s spellbinding interlocking narratives circle the lives of Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Although Bennie and Sasha never discover each other’s pasts, the reader does, in intimate detail, along with the secret lives of a host of other characters whose paths intersect with theirs, over many years, in locales as varied as New York, San Francisco, Naples, and Africa.
Go ahead and start reading, everyone! The discussion meet up will be on Sunday, June 3 at 5pm
Steph P’s Flip Cup Tournament For Parkinsons
NYT Review of “A Visit From The Goon Squad”
Women Olympic Weightlifters at the Arnold
Tatiana Kashirina Champion of Europe on weightlifting 2011 75+
How To Do Muscle-Ups, Levers, L-Sits and Much much more on another human
Drunken Master
I think you meant "AM"
HOLY CRAP that video is amazing.
Hi everyone! no gym for me this month, too much travel. boo. See y'all next cycle…
Is Fox trying to do the Cat Daddy?
Today's WOD killed the birthday boy.
I should not have tried to practice kipping pullups before class… and pushed myself on the press to 135#
WOD was 12:18 with 85 pound thrusters and 20 kg kettles
I felt like I had nothing in the tank after the kettlebells
thanks for the birthday wishes 7AMers!
May the 4th be with you!
it kind of looks like he's saying "OH YEAH" in the middle there.
Not oh yea Asta, but boo ya ka. He doing the t-rex
Fox is working out the kinks on a new Zombie DROM we'll be introducing next month
Happy Birthday Keith!
Fox is channeling his inner Ali G: BOYAKASHA!
6am with Coach Nick. Worked up to an ugly 230# front squat triple. Received a few coaching points from Nick and did a much prettier 230# single. And then:
double-unders, sit-ups
7:57. First time taking on Annie. I think I missed only 2 or 3 double-unders in the workout and did the first set unbroken in a little over 30 seconds. The other sets of double-unders were at a similar rate and overall accounted for about 2min of my time. Which means I spent ~6min doing sit-ups. My weakness in this workout is clear.
I'm sorry I missed 7 AM today — I had planned to come in but got a horrible night's sleep and decided I needed the sleep more than I needed the class. But if I'd remembered it was your birthday I would have dragged my butt in ๐
Happy Birthday to Keith! & WTF Fox?
7am with Nick was most excellent (as usual).
I'm loving the new standardized warmups for some reason. I'd like to say I am VERY proud of myself for finally getting past modified push ups. I decided to just NOT DO THEM anymore, and so far so good! I can only do about 5 in the warmup at a time, but I'm doing them, and they are getting easier. So that's good.
Push Press— I thoroughly enjoyed doing my push-presses with Jess Fox, she was really helpful in giving me some tips along the way and helped me to set a new PushPress PR! Last week I failed on 80#x3, this week I got it ๐
WOD — Major exciting achievement in the WOD today… I did the everything Rx (other than pull ups)! This includes the barbell weight, which I have never done before. Of course I can't write Rx next to my name still because I don't have pull ups yet, but I'm working on it. Either way, this was probably the hardest I've pushed myself on a WOD in a while, and it felt wonderful. I finished at 10:49 completely drenched in sweat and wanting to cry. It was great. Thrusters were seriously fucking hard, but I was proud of myself for getting through them.
Pull Ups Did my pull up training day 'B' today and it was good. Hopefully I won't be quite as sore from the negatives this week. I can see my biceps getting bigger from this routine and it's awesome.
Happy birthday to my 7am buddy Keith Walter! Love that your birthday is the same day as Star Wars Day…
Great 7am with Nick today, everyone was push pressing except Julie, Jamie and I. Worked up to 110# again on the front squat but realized after class I should've done another work set.
Did Annie subbing knee raises for the sit ups (lower back/hip yuckiness still going strong). My double unders were mad dope today, nailed 38 in a row on the first set and pretty much kept them consistant the whole time. I really like doing things that I used to not be able to do (like double unders) but now can totally rock. Starts the day off right and reminds me of how many improvements I've made.
Pretty sure Fox is insisting that he knows who Ally Sheedy is in the blog photo. He may never live it down, although I for one think it's pretty lame. Did she ever do anything besides the Breakfast Club? I'm with you, F-money.
For peeps who might be interested – Nicki Violetti and Robb Wolf are proud new parents of a baby girl. Check his twitter feed or FB page for a pic.
Okay, just a PS – she was in Short Circuit and St. Elmo's Fire. I was still finger painting when these movies came out and so will take no responsibility for not knowing them. Still with Fox. Even though I'm pretty sure he's older than I am and should know 80's movies trivia.
I think Fox is demonstrating the "zombie" position that you don't want to find yourself in during the O-lifts. Or, perhaps he just finished a tough KB swing WOD and can't move his arms.
Someone (*coughJESScough*) PLEASE post the video of Fox jamming to "I'm Sexy And I Know It"!
Fox 1 – He is acting out the T-Rex scene from Meet the Robinsons "I have a big head and little arms. I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through."
Fox 2 – I love how this whole Ally Sheedy deal isn't dying down at_all. It was bouncing around again at 7am. KH – She's done quite a bit of work, bits and pieces of stuff, but in particular High Art is what brought her back on the scene. It's a sad wonderful carefully paced destructive ride. PS: I am available for any pop trivia teams and have been known to dominate the scene at Pete's.
Morning 7am: Fridays are pretty fantastic, goofy and weird. I always enjoy myself most on this day. The unplanned weightloss has seriously affected my strength which is irritating beyond belief, so am working on form instead of just being pissed all the time. At least my speed hasn't been affected – am seriously pleased with my 7:57 Annie. Each time I can string more and more DU's. YAY Oh! And Andrew was there! Nice to see ya, man!
Keith: Happiest of birthdays to you!
I had to google Ally Sheedy. All I remember is that she was shaking dandruff out of her hair for a snowflake scene. isn't that her?
Pretty much had zero interest after the dandruff winter wonderland. Wouldn't recognize her if I bumped into her.
Wait, why is everyone hating on Ally Sheedy?
(1) "The Breakfast Club", "St. Elmo's Fire", "Short Circuit", "WarGames" = extremely solid resume; and
(2) I'm pretty sure that wasn't her dandruff.
Tonight there'll be Beastie Boys in the music queue I hope ๐
Also, Julie – CFSBK pub quiz team?
I WANT IN on any pub quiz team!
Good 7am workout
For Time: 12:44
Row 500m
40 KB Swings 24kg
30 Pull-Ups (Black Band and was able to do 18, definitely need to keep working on these. Thanks Nick for the tips. Will put that into use next time)
20 Thrusters – 75#
10 Burpees
This was an exhausting but good WOD
Press: Was able to do 125# again. Going to push that up a little next week.
Happy b-day Keith!
RIP Adam Yauch. Still in shock.
Please: Beastie Boys soundtrack tonight at open gym.
Adam Yauch! Seems I get all my news here on the blog. Such sad news.
YES! CFSBK quizzo team! I don't ever know the right answers, but I am known for getting points for good jokes ๐
Strength Cycle…
Squat: 290x5x3
I cut two sets off my volume day for a slight break and prep for the total which I decided to do.
Press (Wendler 1-week): 150×4
Hoped for 4 but left one in the tank and didn't want to have a grind out lean back. I'm steady getting my press back.
Chins: 6, 5, 5, ,5
Getting ready for the Total on Wednesday.
I haven't Totaled with the class in a while due to conflicts with meets, injury, and other instances of bad timing. So I'm psyched to do this one.
Having done many Totals now, my general strategies are:
1. Be hard core about sleep TWO nights before, as well as the night before. That means Monday night is HUGELY important.
2. No fucking random conditioning or other unplanned workouts. No "going for a run" because I "need to move." Doesn't work. Don't do it. Rest. Listen to the coach.
3. Active recovery on Saturday. Period. Must do.
4. Plan this weekend for the food I'll need Mon, Tues and Wed. I'll eat pretty much as much as I want starting Monday night, and Tuesday night I'll carb it up hard core.
I also eat all day the day of the Total, up til about 3:00 PM. Sweet potatoes, meat, bananas, and a little extra coffee in the mid-afternoon ๐ I can't eat the last couple of hours before the Total because I'll be nervous, so I need to hit ALL MEALS in the 48 hours previous, hard.
5. Have something carby but neutral prepared in my bag ready to eat at the Total after the squat. Yes, after the squat. Why? Fuel for the deadlift. Trust me on this one. Half a sweet potato, a banana, orange sections, a drumstick, white rice (those are things which historically don't upset my stomach. Nuts, avocado, very fatty meat, good-quality chocolate, and milk have all fucked with me before lifting heavy.)
6. Arrive early on Wednesday for warm-up. I've taken the entire day of the Total off before – that backfired, because I spent all day worrying – but ducking out of work early for a stress-free commute to the gym leaving enough time for a meditative warm-up has helped me get ready for numerous Totals.
Yeah, I feel ready now!
Squat repout:
235x 10 (big thanks to Margie for watching me and talking me through what was an ugly set)
Bench repout:
160×10 (big thanks to Jon for spotting and encouraging me)
Cant really add much to that awesome Total advice Michele- nice write up.
Thanks Jeremy for letting me play music during todays Open Gym figured it would be cool with everyone to listen to beastie boys non stop.
When i was a going int my senior yr of hs, i had surgery on my foot, and my friend bought me a discman with anti-shock, and "hello nasty" To say that album helped me through that summer is understatement. The beastie boys were the soundtrack to my adolescent fuckery. #RIP MCA & Seriously F, cancer.
Did Jerry tonight to make up for when i missed it. 22:31 thanks Jess B, Noah and Margie for the words.
Many of us appreciated the tribute and the music Dan, so thanks….