Work Up To a Heavy Triple
No Misses, No Slop, lots of bar speed.
Post loads to comments.
(e2/4) compare to 4.26.12
For Time:
Row 500m
40 KB Swings 24kg/16kg
30 Pull-Ups
20 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 11.20.11
How Many CrossFitters Can You Name In This Picture?
Strength Cycle Graduation
Coach Jeremy’s Strength Cycle will CrossFit Total on Wednesday, May 9th from 6-9:30pm. Watch these strong guys and gals test their 1RM’s after 8 hard weeks of pushing and pulling steel. Spectators are welcome and encouraged!
CrossFit Ragnarians Shoutout
CFSBK is sending 2 teams to Ragnar this year. Our runners have been working hard preparing for the event, prioritizing their nutrition and thinking of cool things to put on their T-shirts. Below is a description of the event:
Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar. Both teams will race on May 11-12
To see the team roster and shirt designs for teams, “Skull and Borg” and “Bacon Fueled, Tequila Driven” click here.
If you’re on a Ragnar team, what are you doing to get ready for the race?
Shana Alverson Prepares For Her 4th Trip To The Games CrossFit Games
Feng Yi Chew from Singapore Talks Training CrossFit Games
Nikki Isbell Hits 155 PR in the Snatch Ladder CrossFit Games Video
Meat CSA recipes for this month are up at The Daily Paleo.
Marcos, DH3, Bethany, Noah, JMD, Sarah, McDowell, Rob N
And Rocket too.
I have 20.4 miles total and my longest leg is 8.4, so I've been doing a modified half-marathon training plan (I took out one of the shorter runs each week to allow me to go to group classes more often). I figure training well over distance (longest training run is 12 miles, which I'm doing on Sunday) will help me be able to run 8+ miles when I'm tired.
Amazing video of what happens when Olympians miscount their reps during the 5k at the Payton Jordan Cardinal Invitational a few days ago.
1) I really enjoy the site and programming.
2) Any chance you are selling the t-shirt (Bacon Fueled Tequila Driven) that your members created for the Ragnar race? That t-shirt is a work of art! I'd love to own one. Thanks.
good to see platform pals last night. squats still not where I want them. same with bench, I need to work on this internal shoulder rotation, and maybe that will help. metcon wasn't too bad, kettlebell and pushup descending ladder, but a heavier bell and another rung on the ladder will remedy that.
Can't wait to see Michele's recipes, can't see them here, getting the heisman on tumblr. She's bringing big cooking game!
6am with Coach Osorio. Worked up to 195# push press triple. 5# more than last week. I'm pretty sure that I couldn't have gone any heavier. And then:
500m row (1:39)
40 24kg kettelbell swings (unbroken)
30 pull-ups (8-7-5-5-5)
20 95# thrusters (11-9)
10 burpees (2-8)
8:17. Thanks, David, for keeping me going on the burpees. My body was screaming to stop and catch my breath, but I'm really happy that I kept going.
I did Ragnar two years ago. Fun times. Loved running at 2am with a light on my head. Good luck to all the runners.
Great 8AM with Chris. It's a nice change to come in for a morning class.
145# on push press.
WOD @16kg bell, 15 strict chins, 85# thrusters:
Can anyone tell me what happens to unclaimed meat CSA share? Did anyone happen to adopt mine? If so I'd be glad to split it with you and cook you a nice meal from it as a reward for rescuing it!
See bethany's post above for my post. I got caught in the city a lot later than I expected. Am i in CSA Purgatory. At least bethany has a couple of good excuses.
Great classes this morning!
Nice to see you posting, Donald!
Dynamic Effort LB with Josh
16 Sandbag Lunges
12 Back Extensions
20 Hollow Rocks
Seated Box Jumps
16">30" +30lbs
Speed Box Squats
130x2x12 Every :30 Plus Band Tension
Speed Deadlifts
130x1x8 Every :30 Plus band tension
Reverse Barbell Lunges
95×16, 115×16, 125×16
Band Good Mornings
Thick Green x100 Reps
yours had a lemon merengue in it. It was delicious. Go Flyers.
Bwahaha at JR. JR ill give you a redemption pie in a rangers flyers series?
we'll see. Flyers playing with house money.
6am class
175 push jerk. I kinda of did it wrong so I'll work on that next week.
I did the WOD in 9:53 RX. I thought I felt overly tired during the pull-ups but I'm feeling pretty gross right now so I may have some slight bug which slowed me down.
Speed Squats
Felt good and fast
Chippy left shoulder so left the WOD alone and decided to do 3×10 GHD hip extension with the blue bands and 3×10 GHD sit ups
BTW, Samir you are spot on!
2 a Day WODZ!
3 Rounds of:
Prowler Push w/110 + 2 16kg KBs
12 one arm swings each, 16kg
Prowler Push w/110 + 2 16kg KBs
12 two arm swings , 16kg in each hand
Rest while Partner does the same sequence
Tabata Sit-Ups
Averaged about 12 per round. Lost count trying to beat Josh
This will be my first Ragnar relay and the longest distance I have ever run in a race. My legs are 5.5 miles, 4.1 miles, and 3.4 miles (which, full disclosure, is on the shorter end of total mileage). To train, I’ve done a couple of running WODs on Fridays at Open Gym and a few “longer” runs on Sundays (3 miles one week, 4 miles the next, and 5 miles the next). The 5 mile run was last Sunday and is the most I’ve ever run continuously in my life. I ran all of the “long” runs at a slow pace (10 min miles), which is probably what I’ll end up running on race day. At that pace, all of the runs have been easy. CrossFit alone would have been sufficient training, but it’s nice to get out there and run sometimes.
When the team ran last year, I remember thinking that it seemed like so much fun, but that I could never run that far. A year of Crossfitting later, and I’m not worried about the run at all. I’m more worried about the lack of sleep! I like my sleep 🙂
Michele – I love your blog. Noah and I consult it regularly for recipe ideas. You’ve never steered us wrong. Thank you for sharing!
Holy crap! I knew the Total was soon, but just realized that May 9th is less than a week away! Does this event have a big audience? I get stage fright.
Trust me, Rahsaan, you're not going to notice anyone until the weight goes up and everyone's yelling for you!
So I'll that as a yes, Stella!
Yeah, kind of 🙂
You'll have everyone who's in the gym for class cheering you on (and on Wednesday nights that's quite a lot), plus maybe 10 or so people who are there for the express purpose of seeing you move some metal.
Oh, joy! Ha!
Rahsaan, I'll let you go first. 😉
Thanks everyone for the love. I enjoy doing the blog and am always thrilled when people approach me to talk about their adventures in the kitchen.
Corbett, aren't you magnanimous! You know I hate going after you and the crowd-pleasingly vocal show you put on. 🙂
No one can ever top that.
Samir and David…not entirely right. I am hidden behind (really in front of) Noah in that pic. Sarah is looking at me while we speak. even when you don't see me, there I am!
I think I might have to come watch the Total JUST to hear Corbett holla.
No presses for my today.
WOD – 9:07 (?) something like that…I forgot to write it in my book.
Subbed 20 front squats @ 115 for the thrusters.
Rahsaan- no worries, I'll hypnotize you before The Total
155# push press
WOD 8:06
Row- Slow at just shy of 2:00. Wanted a 30 stroke rate but settled in around 27
KB Swings- Rx, unbroken set felt good
Pull-ups- Kipping, totally lot my "mojo," lots of sets, no flow at all
Thrusters- 80#, 2 sets (15 and 5), felt good
Burpees- unbroken, good.
Warm up was very cool. Not so into the current standard warm-ups, just saying.
Stellla, that is an excellent reason! 🙂
sign me up for some corbett holla next week.
push press at 120# today. felt good.
i did the wod at 16/65, for 8:29
I'll try not to disappoint y'all.
Push Press
Worked up to 195.
WOD Rx'd
Push press worked up to 185
wod 7:41 rx'd
Love the photo asta!
Push Press
Worked up to 195.
WOD Rx'd
i cant name them all
i have been just running on off days here and there. i just need to go slow the first two legs because I finish the race with an 8 mile leg.
we will see how I do tomorrow for the WOD!
May the 4th be with you!
PS anyone want to join me with 40 birthday burpees after the WOD?
sort of lazy on the push press. 155.
wod: 8:18, rx
meh (?)
sleep now.