Choose one of the following workouts depending on your ability. You can only attempt the Muscle-Up version of this workout if you have unassisted chest to bar pull-ups and are at or very close to unassisted Muscle-Ups. If you don’t have Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, scale accordingly.
For Time:
1000 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
3 Muscle Ups
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
3 Muscle Ups
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
3 Muscle Ups
800 Meter Run
For Time:
1000 Meter Row
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
800 Meter Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Rickke Does His Best Impersonation of a Banana
Congratulations to Melissa L (Melo) on her 9:41 “Helen” performance! This beats her old score at the top of the women’s leader board.
Congratulations to Peggy JL on her 200lb Deadlift PR!
There is no formal Competition Class today, come on in and hit the posted WOD! If you’re in Comp Class, show up at noon to throw down with the other big dogs.
CFSBK Book Club Tonight at 5pm
Tonight at 5pm the CFSBK Book Club will be meeting at Brooklyn Social to discuss this month’s book, “The Sense of An Ending”. Check out the discussion questions located here and get stoked on discussing the book and having drinks with some of CFSBK’s finest.
Dave Leys Hates His Legs CrossFit
What are the CrossFit Regionals?
Diet, Stress, and Your Neurotransmitters Robb Wolf
This WOD looks very tempting but I'm going to have to decline. My back is fried after backsquatting, frontsquatting and deadlifting on Fri/Sat. Have fun folks.
Knee buggy during warmup. Opted to play it safe and just rowed.
3x1000m Rows
1:30-ish rest between
4:10, 4:15, 4:17
sorry to have to miss the muscle up fun today
c2b, 105#, 21:58
Strength Cycle: recovery day
Wendler Press (3-week): 142.5 x 6
Steadily improving
1-armed DB Press: 50x10x2 and 50x12x1
Clean: 135x2x2
9am with coach Fox and the early birds (parents) today. Wod with muscle ups in 16:23, which was much, much faster than Isaac's time but much tougher than I thought. I didn't anticipate struggling so much with the c&j. My muscle up muscles are rusty too. I wish I was a big dog.
9am with coach fox
pre wu
foam roll
jumping jacks/planks/side planks
1000m row
c&j rx
strict c2b
800m row
nice one.
Ken's ring strength class
5 dips
5 paralette push ups
5 straight arm weight lifts
5 t2b
2×3 back levers
2×3 front levers
2×3 muscle up progression work
excellent. per usual.
Dynamic Effort UB with Josh
L-Sits, V-Sits on Parallettes and from bar
Did these with Josh and Ken before noon
Medball Toss over the Roll up gate pull-up bar
Speed Presses with Band Resistance
60x3x8 Every :30 plus orange band tension
Strict Muscle Ups
Added 5lbs, did them on the minute for 8 minutes until I lost it. These felt weak today
DB Bench
Supine Body Rows + Band Tension
Reverse Delts 3×8
CURLZ!!!!! 30sx3x8
10am group class.
3 rounds of alternating tall plank and 130m run.
Foam rollin'
-c&j's rx'd and these felt heavy today! I think I didn't hit full extension on a few of the jerks because I was afraid of aggravating my shoulder but these felt good. I also did a lot of push pressing and less jerking.
-started out with c2b pullups but decided to switch to regular pullups. again, somewhat afraid of causing more pain in the shoulder since the c2b requires a much bigger kip for me. maybe this is all in my head.
-finished the row in 4:18.
-the run was tougher than expected, especially since my low back started to tighten up pretty bad.
-didn't really push anything today. need to get my gas back.
Fun 9am. Can't pass up a muscle up workout.
Wod with muscle ups, scaled c&j to 115 which was heavy but I'm glad I did it. Muscle ups were really "fun". Did singles with minimal rest (really just a regrip) and had it all the way until the last one, which took two failures before I got it. The run at the end was rough, I didn't have much left in the tank by then. 19:21.
As I'm covered in fur from giving my dog a bath, I'm gonna claim "mid sized dog" status.
green band pullups