Work Up To a Heavy Triple
No Failing/Bailing today.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time of:
50 Double Unders
10 Deadlifts, 225/155
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK just purchased a projector and screen for Movie Nights, CrossFit Games viewing and everything in between!
Gym Equipment Etiquette Reminders (Barbell & Bumper Edition)
While not at all comprehensive, these pointers can help your rack up credibility points at the gym, especially with the coaches!
Don’t Mix Hi Temp Technique Plates and Heavy Bumps!: The High Temp Technique Plates (those 5lbs hard plastic bumpers) should only be used alone on bars or with 10 or 15lb bumpers. Mixed with anything above a 25lb bumper they stand a high chance of cracking when bailed. We’ve sent many to an early grave for exactly this reason. Again, when the weight is light, you don’t need to bail and you should always try to have the heaviest bumpers as possible on your bar, not a bunch of 5’s, 10’s, 15’s and change.
An Empty Bar is a Delicate Thing: Even our crappiest barbell can handle being dropped from overhead with huge sums of weight flanking it’s sleeves. The key here, is that the bumpers are what absorb most of the impact when dropped. An empty barbell on the other hand is more likely to warp or damage its rotation mechanisms when dropped. There is never an excuse to drop an empty barbell and doing so will always result in a 20 Burpee Penance!
Wait! Is this a 5, 10 or a 15lb plate? The workout has just ended, the room is still spinning a little and you’ve got to get your weights away before the next group of athletes gets their turn. When approaching the bumper stack, take that ever precious moment to look at your smaller bumpers and make sure they’re being stacked in the correct column. A haphazard clean up can cause an incorrect or uneven bar weight for someone in the next class.
Restacking Bumpers: When you’re breaking down your barbells make sure to put them back in an orderly stack. If you’re the first person back to a low set of bumpers and the PVC holder is down, put it back so all the remaining bumps can be stacked properly
Bailing: Bailing is a necessary part of lifting heavy and metcons but don’t go crazy with it. People can get a little bail-friendly and drop weight they could have just as easily put down under control. Excessive dropping puts wear on the bumpers AND the bars. You’ve no doubt noticed the bumpers with big cracks and no metal inserts in them. Why is that? Too much bailing!
Bad CrossFit Etiquette YouTube
We Don’t Do Easy, We Don’t Do Lazy CrossFit
How Much ROM Do You Need, Realy? MobilityWOD
Did the front squats yesterday with Nick and hit 110# for a heavy triple. Previous 1RM on the front squat was 115 so I'm happy about these numbers. Thanks to Keith for watching my depth on the squat.
I'm at work and I just watched David and Josh's band video and was laughing out loud, for realz. You guys are funny and very fitness dorky. I love it!
Nice to be back in the 8am saturday class!
FSQ with Sarah (sorry didn't get your last name) worked up to 75# and stayed there to keep it clean. Been a very loooooooong time since I front squatted. Felt good.
Modified the WOD to DL at 105# and 25 KB swings at 12kg in order to be conservative with my effing plantar fascitis. Happy to get back to metcons. 5:39 i think.
FSQ at 135. Wish I'd been a little more aggressive in my jumps — I think I could have gotten a bit higher. But, we have a whole cycle to work on these so I'll go more aggressive next time.
I did, on the other hand, go aggressive in the WOD — Rx'd the deadlifts. Only 20 DUs and attempts per round, though, because I couldn't even get ONE DU in practice. Ugh, this is what happens when you stop practicing 3x/week. 6:19, and very happy with myself for not scaling the DLs.
Partnered with the Bionic Man hisself, Dan Reshef.
215# on the front squat (Dan said rep 3 on the last set was a tad shallow). 216 is my old 1RM so I'm happy.
Scaled my DLs down. Down boy!
Finished in 6:39 @ 165lbs
165 fsqt, WOD 25 DU attempts, 225 Deadlift in 6:07. gotta work on my deadlifts, i can't figure out how to use my legs more!
Worked to 240 on the FSQ which is 5lbs higher than a previous 1RM. Yeah, buddy.
WOD Rx'd
I was reeeeeally sore coming in today so it felt good to move around. Nice to see my little brother in SBK as well. Hopefully it sticks.
Front squats: 125#
WOD: 5:46 rx'd
I pr'd my double unders on the first round, 50 unbroken!
BAILS! Awesome!
Great Active Recovery and 1 on 1 Sessions today. Good vibez in the gym all around. I showed everyone in A/R first hand what Dead bugs are
Hey coaches,
Fox mentioned there are no platform rentals on certain nights, and to check the website for more information. This is the only page I could find, is there a more up-to-date schedule?
Marco, sorry to not hit you up re golf (am occupied with rangers / caps and oatmeal stout amrap) but would love to play sometime. Shpetner at gmail dot com.
Dead bugs are dead and buggy.
A lot of people have been asking me about surfing in Costa Rica. It's awesome. Here's a link to a video of me clowning around on the waves for those of you who were curious:
Why I missed crossfit this morning:
8am with coach margie
pre wu
foam roll
band stretch for better rack on fsq
205. felt good. ran out of time to do more.
dl's rxd
subbed du's for 20 30lb slam balls.
We technically don't offer Platform Rental anymore. It was something we had available but found that it often created unpredictable space conflicts both to the chagrin of a coach looking for space and athlete looking to lift. There are a few folks who we grandfathered in and we drastically reduced the available hours (sorry Rob) to accommodate strength cycles and Group Classes.
If you're looking for a little space to do something, we often recommend folks to do:
1. Coming in early before a class or staying late after
2. Going to Open Gym on Friday nights.
In an ideal world I'd have plenty of space for everything but… not quite yet!
Heavy triple Fnt sqt: 175#
I really need to work this, I was thinking I would have at least 185, but 175 was pretty much all I had today.
WOD: Rx'd in 5:46 double unders were retarded the first round and slowed me down. Otherwise a nice lil' wod.
Couldn't make today, which stinks because the programming looked awesome. But I did spend the time productively, putting together my wife's new bike! She's never ridden before, but is going to learn. I can't wait to see her rolling, maybe she'll be able to keep up with our daughter on her scoot bike now….
Front Squats:
(45×3, 95×3)
125×3, 145×3, 155×3
-felt good, can go up to 160 or hopefully 165 next week.
3:18 rx'd.
-first round unbroken in about :51. this first round felt great and was the only time on file that I could keep up with mcdowell. These are 2 of my strengths so I should definitely be sub 3 mins next time.
Thanks, David!