12×2 @50% of 1RM
– These will feel very light. The point of speed squats is to develop speed strength, not maximal effort strength.
-Rest about 30 seconds between sets.
-Set box just below parallel. Use a stance about 1 step wider than normal. Pause for a 1 count on the box. Maintain tension on the box.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 8.22.11
Happy Birthday, Julio G!
Check Out Lana Z talking about CrossFit South Brooklyn, The Post, Hyperbole, Community and Broken Feet
Upcoming Programming Template
For the next 4 weeks we’ll be running the following training template for our lifting. As always there will be additional conditioning or assistance work each day.
Mondays: Olympic Lift complexes alternating between Snatch and Clean each week. We’re looking to build better positions and speed on these days. Emphasis on clean movement and no missed lifts.
Wednesdays: Speed Box Squats. These will be light and fast and be based off your most recent 1RMs.
Thursdays: Push Presses. Two weeks of heavy triples, one week of heavy doubles, one week for a heavy single. No Missed Lifts
Saturdays: Front Squats. Two weeks of heavy triples, one week of heavy doubles, one week for a heavy single. No Missed Lifts
Sundays: Longer duration Metcons 15-20min+
Train Your Butt For Strength And Speed Greatist
Chris Spealer Explains Double Unders
Adrian Demos “No Arms Burpees”
The link to Lana's article is broken.
no mad cow disease at herondale farms! just saying, they don't feed the cows other cows.
The other gym.cub that I belong to made the daily news yesterday, and the new york times, and daily mail in uk, for a donnybrook of a brawl. I wasn't there, and I had nothing to do with it!
12:30, 16kg
yay helen
Here's a new link – http://www.brooklynpaleo.com/?p=178
6am with Coach Josh. Box squats were an exercise in logistics as it took at least 20 seconds for each partner to un-rack the bar, perform 2 squats and re-rack the bar. 155 on the squats and then hit Helen Rx'd in 8:42. A very nice improvement over my previous Helen PR of 9:44. The last run was markedly slower than the first two. Kettlebell swings were all unbroken. First two sets of pull-ups were unbroken and the last set broke down into 6-3-3.
Yay! It worked — I thought the blog was going to swallow my link. Thanks for sharing the post guys.
7am with Josh & David was excellent. Box squats were fun, but not as mentally & physically satisfying as lifting heavy π
Helen – sub ring rows -10:30. Pretty happy with this time. As usual, running was miserable, but what I like about Helen is that it's usually over pretty quickly.
I decided this morning that I am going to do a fucking pull up soon if it kills me. I am totally sick of not being able to write Rx next to my time just because I can't do them. Research on the best strategy to do this is currently in the works. Please share your successful pull up training method with me if you have one. Thanks!
Squat: 190x5x3
Bench: 120x5x3
Clean: 145x3x3
Feels pretty good to be approaching adult weight territory on my squats. Hand position adjustment on the bench made an improvement in comfort. Cleans started good but I lost my concentration at the end. I was hungry. Body weight still holding at 179 unfortunately. Just gotta keep eating I guess.
7 AM with Josh and Dave and first time doing Helen. (did it with rings, not pull ups…yet) and 24kg Kettle:13:02. Great workout, very tiring. Thanks to Keith, Tom and Dave for their help and encouragement.
Box Squats — 95#, definitely think I can step that up next time.
5th class and loving it.
pull-up strategy.
keep trying, work consistently, lose 100lbs (jk.. sorta π it wouldn't be hard to do a pullup if you weighed like 40 lbs!)
I still have issues with strict pull ups and upper body strength maintenance in general.
@asta, look up the fighter pullup by pavel. Simple volume program that worked for me a while back.
Thanks Asta, yes, I'm pretty sure the only reason I've gone down a band size is because I've lost weight. I'm not sure I'm much stronger in the pull up categories generally. I am going to start some sort of program.
JR, great recommendation. I am going to read more about that! Thanks!
Keep em coming.
This cool guy wrote an article here once about developing a pull up…
Great 12 o'clock. First time with David, first time with Helen.
Speed squats were interesting, I especially liked David's explanation (and Josh's after class expansion) on the utility and nuero-muscular adaptation of speed squats. David- you should consider writing a blog piece on it for all the poor folks who miss today's class.
Squats @ 135#
WOD 10:44 RX
Oh yeah, I did kipping pull-ups for the first time! I am becoming Crossfit.
Fox's article is a great, detailed, and methodical approach to getting that pullup, I highly recommend it, and many people at the gym have used it to get "over the bar."
The "greasing the groove" concept, made popular by Pavel Tsatsouline, basically has you doing lots of submax pullup work. So find the lightest band you can, and commit to doing a bunch of sets of pullups a day, never to failure- they should all be pretty easy.
Even less scientific- buy a door pullup bar and a band (for now) and every time you walk by it at home or the office (if you can put it there) do a set. Rob Orlando says he keeps a loaded bar in his house and pulls deadlift singles whenever he walks by it. This is a variation on grease the groove, just less measured.
The simplest answer is, of course, "do many pullups."
Took today off, so I enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in and going to noon class.
95# on box squats. Fun!
Helen 11:16 with 7 banded pullups/round. I wish there were a band in between the thin green and the thick green/black. I used the latter and the pullups were too easy, but when I warmed up with the thin green it was pretty clear the pullups would disappear on me fast if I used it.
Lana, I share your frustration!
Fun times at 7am with the usual pirates MINUS Stella, you were serious about not coming in today!!!! – we missed you. Dave – thanks ohsoverymuch for staying and cheering The Girls on as apparently we're slow. Suspicious as we went all NASCAR and such when changing out weights.
I would like to recommend a lovely snack I had today courtesy of Fleishers and Ariel. Take their rotisserie chicken wings and smoked ham: separate the drumette from the wingette and wrap smoked ham around THEN eat. Most excellent.
Lana – I second JR's, Fox's, and Noah's posts above, except the part about Fox being cool π
If I remember correctly, 70's Big had a post on programming push-ups and pull-ups on one of it's women's lifiting days. You could Google it. Oh, and the home-pull-up-bar-on-the-door method only works if you keep your pull-up bar somewhere other than the closet. Just a tip.
I'm trying to work up to at least 3 strict pull-ups before I start adding a kip. I want to be able to string a few kipping pull-ups together before I start doing them in WODs. So, it might be a while before I start doing the pull-up portion of a WOD as rx-ed. You will probably make faster progress as I have not been very disciplined about my "grease the groove."
Sorry it was a crazy day at work… and still is going but I have a second to post.
115# squats and Helen done in 11:54 with 20KG everything else RXed. Happy I did it in under 12.
last time I Helen was not quite a year ago from my note book and I did it with 16KG and was 14 minutes and change. So improvement there.
Thanks to Dave, Jason and Tom for the cheers and help all around.
Hope your leg and shoulder feels better soon Dave.
Missed you Stella but I did get to see the power trio of Kristin, Julie and Lana so it made it a little less painful. π
Squatting felt great (itβs awesome to be able to say that). Also super nice getting to partner with Sarah L! 135 went up nice and quick.
Helen in 11:10 Rx – I have no idea what my previous one was, seems like forever since Iβve done Helen.
Thanks guys!! I actually have a door pull up bar, maybe I will dig it out of the closet, though I think I'll have to buy a band to make it useful.
P.S. I just looked up my Helen time from a few months ago and I'm getting SOOOOOO much faster!
Then: 13:45 (12lb KB & Negative Pullups – 12 on first set 6 on second and third)
Today: 10:30 (16kg & Ring Rows)
First time I dropped a squat since december. Not happy that failed but ok with the jump. First time 405 felt good in a few week and I got a little aggressive. Didn't feel out of reach though
375x1x10 on the minute
Still easy and double overhand
Grip/ab combo
3 rounds of:
105kg axle hold 30 secs
Av wheel rollout 3 from feet
Strength Cycle
Squat – De-load day
WU 45×5 95×5 125×5
3×5 @ 165 it's sort of amazing how heavy a de-load can feel. super tight tonight more mobility work is needed
WU 45×5 65×5
3×5 @ 87.5 these felt good and like a little work
135×5 felt so much better than on Monday
185×3 ditto
225# would not go up again tonight even with Michele's magic mojo.
3 attempts with some tweaks and no dice.
more rest and maybe more mobility work.
oh well.
weighted chins with 35#
It felt good to squat again, its been a couple of weeks. took 7pm with Noah and Fox.
Worked the box squats at 185 which felt good.
Helen 8:43 Rx'd (26 second pr) came out of nowhere. I even stopped and tied my shoelaces. Really stoked about this considering how sore i felt prior to class.
Strength Cycle B
Squat (Intensity day): 335×3
Kept it conservative so as not to fail. The 3rd rep was the best and quickest.
Press: (Wendler 5 week): 135×8
Basically getting 8 every time on 5 week, so that's cool.
Chins: 6, 6, 7, 6 with thinest band. I'll ditch the band Friday– I couldn't even tell it was there and it kept slipping off.
Good, fast workout.
Speed squats @ 85#
Helen: 11:05 subbing ring rows for pull-ups. Thank you Asta and Joel for encouraging me to do the KB as RXed. Helen is one of those workouts that goes by really fast then makes you feel pukey afterwards.
Lana I found doing jumping negatives and negatives that pause at various points in the pull-up really helpful for developing my pull-ups the first time around. I plan to do the same this time around as soon as I get some other shoulder issues worked out.
@lana: I found the videos that David made for progression of pullups very useful. Also, doing some lat work really helped me get into kipping. I'm not great, but I'm working on it.
Great class w/DmaK! Speed squats at 125#, fast and light. I lost the pause on 2 or 3, despite the audio cue business that Dmak and I used. I'm a bad listener. Heh.
Did Helen Rx'd: 14:45 or so. Not very fast, but I'm happy I got through all the pullups. I got mad when my hand tore in the last set. Oh well. So thankful to all the cheering on, esp Marcos keeping me focused in the beginning.
Box Squats @170
Felt good, although 20 seconds is not a lot of rest!
Ran a loop in the park with Jess yesterday (Ragnar, here we come!) so elected to do:
100m Sprint
8 KB Swings 72#
5 Pull Ups
Box squats at 155#. Helen in 9:44 (16kg bell, 8 strict pullups).