For Time:
Run 1/3 mile
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Run 1/3 mile
30 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Bekka P Keeps the Bar Tight To Her Body While Cleaning
Happy Birthday, Jessica B!
History Channel Shoot Today
Today from about 2:30pm-8:00pm History Channel will be shooting an episode of “Lost Magic” where Hypnotist Brad Henderson will be using powers of the mind to “drain” weightlifters of their strength. There is still room to participate as a weightlifter or as part of the crowd watching. For more information, email or show up today around 2:30pm
Inspirational Training Video
On 2/25/2009 Olympic Weightlifter Zach Kyrch had a training accident that resulted in two fractured wrists. In this video, you see Zach go from the moment of injury, through his rehab and then eventually back to the platform. Very inspirational!
Core Stability: Training Around Disc Herniations and Bulges Eric Cressey
“Fran” + Running WOD Demo at CrossFit King Of Prussia CrossFit
So You Think You Can Squat? Pt 1 Elite FTS YouTube
So here I was thinking the hypnotism will be used to make people lift more, not less! I'm glad I didn't sign up! All you enjoy getting weak on national television. hahah.
Ditto to Sameer! It would be pretty cool to use hypnosis to look at the mental aspect of strength vs. the physical, talking people into being able to move loads they've never been able to move before – as long as the hypnotist was taking it slow and not cavalierly endangering lifters – but watching someone talk people into being weaker than they are doesn't seem so revelatory…
Loved the squat video! The "test subject" was someone without much experience squatting (they said) and he went up to 400lbs!!!! Who are these people?!?
1/3 mile run
30 pullups
1/3 mile run
30 burpees
Used the small green band and just got my chin over the bar. (10, 6, 3,3,3,3,2)
Burpees were pretty fast, with one short break in the middle.
Got some massive bruises on my legs from carrying the jerry cans around the block the other day.
This is unrelated to Crossfit, but for everyone who works in an office that might at any moment be under siege by zombies or just idiots, it is fantastic:
Was that Cressey video for me? Thanks!
And thanks to Jeremy and DO for letting me vent about my most recent injury and the advice on how to train through it. Those conversations nicely encapsulate why I go to SBK.
todays wod 8:42 rx'd
I did the first run faster than my usual pace, broke up the c2b pull ups 15 then 5's. Second run was a little slower, but did the burpee;'s unbroken.
Fun, fun, fun!!!
HA HA HA HA HA.. never thought I would see so many Delta Bravos/Tools at CrossFit South Brooklyn at one time. WOW what a funny sight it is
We have the jersey shore, the calisthenics kingz, the prissy aerobic princesses all in one "Box"
History Channel folks sure know how to pick'em
Late post – 7:50 Rx'd. Felt good to be back after a long layoff getting over a sinus infection.
later post..
9am with coach lady fox
pre wu
foam roll
droms intros
hip openers
mid hang snatch with pvc
ring rows
1pm ring strength class.
as always..awesome!
subbed 600m rows for the runs
strict C2B
oops. ring class after the WOD