Work up to submax heavy double. Use a slightly wider stance than you usually do. Perfect technique.
Post loads to comments.
Assitance Work
100 Banded Good Mornings
3×15 Pallof Press Each Side
Dan Rx’d Gives the 28kilo the old Heave Ho
Ken’s Ring Strength Series Returns
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training with an emphasis on developing a rudimentary ring routine. Each class will include a proper warm-up, stretching and then use both isometric and dynamic strength exercises to develop: core strength while learning transitions on the rings, levers, muscle-ups and planches. Students will also have strength and flexibility assignments to do on the outside of class. Space is limited so sign up today!
Physical Requirements:
1 Strict Pull-Up, Women
3 Strict Pull-Ups, Men
5 Push-Ups, Women
10 Push-Ups, Men
Class Dates and Times:
The start date will depend on how quickly people sign up. If you’re interested please contact Ken ASAP, we’ve already got a few folks from the last cycle pre-registered.
Sundays from 1pm-2pm (not Saturdays as previously posted)
$60 for 4 Weeks
6 Participants
To Register:
Please email hallerk(at)gmail(dot)com
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton Ma and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions, and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Sol Flower Farm CSA Sign Up
Attention all would-be CSA members! It is time to sign up for your share. Sol Flower Farm will begin weekly drop-offs on Wednesday, June 6 and they need to know whether you’re in. In order for CFSBK to remain a drop site, we need a minimum of 25 shares – so far, we have 6. If you want a variety of fantastic, affordable vegetables carefully selected and delivered to you each week, then sign up by May 1. Go here to find out the details.
Do you enjoy offering cooking tips, coordinating veggie swaps and chit-chatting with fellow food lovers? Are you interested in receiving a discount on your CSA share? If so, you might consider acting as a CSA shift manager for CFSBK. We are looking for 3 people to rotate managing the evening distribution of veggie shares during the June-November season. Once every three weeks, you would staff the 5-8pm pick up window; responsibilities include making sure each member gets their box, distributing any unclaimed veggies to (eager) gym members, breaking down and storing boxes at the end of the evening. For your work, you’ll receive a discounted share from Sol Flower Farm. This is a fun and easy way to get your veggies even cheaper!
Email margie(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com by May 1 if you’re interested.
Also remember to sign up for your meat share from Herondale Farm – the next cycle starts June 6 as well!
CFSBK is Extreme Fitness NY Post
Kettlebell Juggling On a Beach Youtube
World Champion Ivan Denisov does the 60kg (132lb) Kettlebell 1-arm jerk for 52 reps. in 5 minutes Youtube
Strength Cycle: The Texas Method. Intensity Day
Squat: 330×4 (PR)
I went down for the 5th and basically placed it on the safety bars. Jeremy thought I just spent too much time under the bar by that point. I had a hard time catching my breath after the 4th rep and just could not get tight, plus the bar slipped down my back too much. But it's a rep PR at 330– I only got 3 in February. But 6 weeks of work for 1 rep is a bit brutal.
Bench: 207.5 x3 (PR)
Really should have gotten 4. Forgot to use my legs until too late. I have been working on a better start position which is helping me dig in my heels, but I'm still not there yet.
Deadlift: 370×1
Gave up on the 2nd rep. No comment.
After completely bombing out on my squat at 325 two weeks ago, I was really happy with 330×4; especially how much more in control of the speed of the decent and my overall form. They were solid squats. None were fast, but they were not shit-shows either.
Box squats! Yay! I was thisclose to going back to bed, but once I saw they were on the menu I made up my mind (such as it is at 5:15 AM) to go. Sorry to miss the 7 AM crew.
115, 125, 130, 135, 135. Felt good.
Good mornings are so much harder than they look!
Post Paleo Challenge wrapup –
I know that I've probably put a lilttle back on since the end of the challenge, but I did finally get around to the tailor.
everything has to be taken in 2 inches in the midsection. That's good stuff right there! It's pretty amazing how that works.
Nice, JR!
PS, pro tip: If you think your motivation to do a morning workout might be lacking, go to sleep in your workout clothes. Not sure I would have done it this AM without that extra push of waking up already dressed for the gym!
Good work JR.
Stella you're awesome. That extra 15 minutes in the morning is really key.
Posted this late last night, hoping it won't get missed: Anyone ever get sore groin muscles from cleans. I thought I was going to pop a leg off at soccer last night (Tues) because of Sunday AM cleans. Suggestions welcome for strengthening and improving drom, esp where the groin inserts to the hip.
Dragged my ass in to join the 6:30 strength cycle crew today. I wasn't sure how much I'd get out of it, but it turns out I can squat just fine in a semi-conscious state. Happy to have pulled off three sets of 225×5. I'm not getting good depth consistently; I'm going to focus on being more intentional with my warm-up sets and see if that helps.
Pacing is a little slower in the morning, and unfortunately I had to leave before BP and chins to help 16 teenagers unpack Malthusian economics and the Rwandan genocide. They filed into class like zombies, and I needed a stretch, so I started with a few minutes of DROMs and gillys. Good for them, good for me!
JR, that's great.
To the Union btwn Smith and Hoyters, did any of you see the Beyonce flash storm that happened last night? Who knew Solange Knowles lived on our block.
yea, rob texted me after we passed theough the crowd of perspiring teenaged boys coagulating in front of her building. i knew solange was in bklyn but never heard she was on our block. wondr why i never see her (she is quite the clothes horse, albeit in much more of a bklyn vein than her sister.)
what's a clothes horse?
fun lifting with nypost star noah today.
box squatted 175-180-185-190-195
Yep – Solange lives on Union between about halfway down the street btwn Smith and Hoyt. She is across the street from friends of mine and they always have good gossip. Apparently the entourage are terrible at car parking.
7am with the usual crowd! A good morning for sure with Josh, we missed you Stella! And great tip for getting ready in the morning. Will try it.
MGMT – all that weird debris from the mops is getting insane. After wall walks Monday I blew my nose and some of that fuzz was in there. Gross and weird.
Good mornings sound so harmless, but after doing this yesterday, my hamstrings are NOT having a good morning. Hamstring outlook for the afternoon is also poor.
Squat: 180x5x3
Bench: 115x5x3
Clean: 140x3x3
Even though my allergies are kicking my ass in a major way and I only got maybe an hour of sleep today was a good day of working out. The weights are beginning to feel really comfortable and I feel as though my technique is getting close to decent. My body weight going up to 179# is helping I'm sure. I'm still not eating close to enough though. My back is a little tender here and there but overall it's holding up fine. Just need to keep eating and stay injury free. *fingers crossed*
I see JR is going for the summer body slim down. Good job man. I'll hop on that plan when I get my strength back.
you know how it goes, I listen to a lot of Right Said Fred. When are we working out together?!
bierkraft ben – is there a good email address for you?
Box Squats!
135X2 145X2 155X2 155X2 155X2
The good mornings with the black rouge band def. made it a little difficult.
Any one else find the NY Post article off putting? They really went for a focus on the stereotype shit you always hear people talk about (people that have never done Xfit).
By the way, I haven’t flipped a tire once in a WOD.
I also found the article super annoying, for the same reason – I wrote about it on my blog if you care to read my opinion. It's 2 posts down on brooklynpaleo(dot)com.
This morning's box squats were fun. I really enjoyed the challenge of getting good technique on them. As usual I had a lot of fun with Kristin as my squat partner 🙂
I'm super duper excited to do my next couple WODs in Seattle with my sister-in-law (who is new to CrossFit) can't wait. (Almost as excited as I am to get back to our regular lifting schedule)
Black band GMs. Phew.