25 Minutes Not For Rounds Of:
3 Wall Climbs (hold for a 2 count at the top)
6 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)
12 Hug a Twinkies (hold for a 1 count at the top)
24 Hollow Rocks
Post experience to comments.
“The Chanster” (Chris C) Gets Ready To Pull
“The Substitute” Premiers Tonight!
Season two of “The Substitute” a quiz show on MTV hosted by our own John Gabrus Premiers tonight at 7pm. Gather the whole neighborhood to sit
Check out the trailer for the second season of Gabrus’ TV Show, “The Substitute”. Season 2 premiers April 16th at 7pm
Great Training Video
Here you can see Caity Matter Henniger Clean and Jerking the following work weights. 145, 155, 175, 180, 190(f), 190, 190lbs. Caity was the 2008 CrossFit Games Female Champion and is coached in this video by US National Team and Team CrossFit Olympic Weightlifer Natalie Burgener. Watch Caity’s lifts, listen to the feedback she gets and see if she can make the corrections. Video courtesy CrossFit.com
Doctor Detective with Spencer Nadolsky Case Study #3: Missing Libido and Low Testosterone Precision Nutrition
Parallette Pass Throughs and Wall Climbs CrossFit
Hug a Twinkies CrossFit
I finally know what a hug-a-twinkie is! Fun 7 AM class. I have no idea how many rounds I got, just that I finished with shoot-throughs.
And now for a shameless plug: My choir, the Oratorio Society of New York, is having our spring concert on Thursday the 26th. It's an all-Czech program, opening with contemporary composer Juraj Filas and closing with "Stabat Mater" by Antonin Dvorak (which is GORGEOUS). 8 PM, Carnegie Hall. I have 3 rear-balcony tickets available at $20 each (regular price is $22). Email me (stellavision at gmail) if you'd like them.
Full concert details here: http://www.oratoriosocietyofny.org/scheduleSpring1.html
I finally know what a hug-a-twinkie is! Fun 7 AM class. I have no idea how many rounds I got, just that I finished with shoot-throughs.
And now for a shameless plug: My choir, the Oratorio Society of New York, is having our spring concert on Thursday the 26th. It's an all-Czech program, opening with contemporary composer Juraj Filas and closing with "Stabat Mater" by Antonin Dvorak (which is GORGEOUS). 8 PM, Carnegie Hall. I have 3 rear-balcony tickets available at $20 each (regular price is $22). Email me (stellavision at gmail) if you'd like them.
I'd post a link to the full details, but I tried that and of course it got my post swallowed by Captcha. Just Google "Oratorio Society of NY" and our website will come up.
The two instruction links above both go to the same video.
Squat: 175x5x3
Press: 85x5x3
Deadlift: 240×5
Weights are feeling good. I'm actually moving and feeling better now on the squats than the first week. Press is ok, this is usually around the time when we start the 2.5 jumps. Deadlift felt heavy but ok. I have one or two more sessions before I have to switch grips. Overall a good session. Still need to eat more.
I'm always amazed at how much O-lifters move at the bottom of their lifts. I imagine they have such technical proficiency that they can get away with it, and being static hurts them, but still it's fascinating to me.
Fun morning with Coach Josh and the 7am crew! I don't care what anyone tells me, I firmly believe that David named Hug a Twinkie. PS: Stella was a grand Twinkie buddy.
I super nerded out and finished out the WOD with a run around the block. You know, I just had extra SPRING in my step for some reason. Tip your waitresses, I'm here all night! ::taps microphone:: is this thing on?
@Jules I love it!
pretty interesting article on testosterone and sleep. There's really something to this sleep thing, huh!
Had a good time with this silly little WOD this morning – the wall climbs were the worst I think. I was proud of myself for being able to do the parallette pass throughs as Rx. I feel like my core strength is getting PRET-TAY PRET-TAY PRETTY good lately!
And now for my shameless self promotion: I just took my progress photos for April (yes, I do that). May I just say, I don't even look like the same person as the chick in last September's pictures 🙂 Very inspiring and exciting!
P.S. I've noticed we have a whole lot of new people starting classes lately, WELCOME! It makes me happy to see new people starting out and having fun.
P.P.S. I've been regularly posting on BrooklynPaleo again, so if anyone who used to follow it before it was hacked is interested, there are a couple new recipes up on there.
has anyone bought a kettlebell locally?
i ordered one via Amazon and it arrived already cracked and damage beyond utility. i'm sending it back, but i don't want to order another one, i just want to buy one.
Thanks for the shoutout management.
If you have kids/nephews/nieces let them know about the show too.
I appreciate it. I promise it will be funny, and MAYBE educational.
I am currently in New Orleans about to do a show at Tulane, doing pretty much the opposite of crossfit/paleo.
Strength Cycle A 5th week
WU 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×3
2×5 @190- tech. fail in second set woke my ass up and got the adrenaline pumping and pissed me off.
WU 45×5 65×5
3×5 @ 82.5 felt good
Dead lift
WU 135×5 185×3
215×5 loudly… apparently, I'm a screamer.
Now stuffing face with brisket, sweet potatoes and kale. Washing it down with milk. YUM.
Corbett, you and I both. I holler like nobody's business when the weight gets heavy!
corbett, i like where this is going.
AM Session: Row 7 x 1 min @26spm, 30sec recovery
Lifting Session:
5/3/1 Squat
Last two took some doing.
Dmbbl Overhead Press
475×1 On the minute x 10
@Michele: I got mine from Christian's Fitness Factory http://www.christiansfitnessfactory.com/
With shipping they're the cheapest I could find and it's out of NJ so they ship super quick. I've ordered twice and a friend did too, all without issues. They have plenty other fun Crossfit-ish stuff on their site for good prices too.
I do however recommend sand papering the handle for better grip.