4 Rounds NFT of:
8 1 Arm Swings, Right arm
8 Push Presses, Right Arm
8 Reverse Lunges, Right Leg, Front Rack Position
8 1 Arm Swings, Left arm
8 Push Presses, Left Arm
8 Reverse Lunges, Left Leg, Front Rack Position
Choose a medium/light weight and try to keep moving. This should get you sweaty and breathing heavier but not challenge you.
Work Up to a Heavy Single with Perfect Technique of the Following Complex:
High Hang Power Clean
High Hang Squat Clean
Focus on getting a good “Brush” at the top of your 3rd pull and pulling under quickly. If you start slowing down or missing positions pull the weight back. Every rep today should be crisp, no missing no grinding.
Post what you worked on and improved to comments.
Joy M Demonstrates Good Jump Rope Position: Neutral torso, elbows tucked, small efficient jumps
Back-Off Week is Here! Great work everyone over the course of the last cycle!
Back Off Weeks
By David Osorio
For most of us, it can be quite difficult to hit the Wods hard week in week out ad infinitum. Your ability to successfully train at high intensity over a period of time is determined by genetics, recovery, nutrition, injuries and training age. At CrossFit South Brooklyn we follow a 3/1/2/1 weekly microcycle which looks like this:
CFSBK Microcycle
Saturday On
Sunday On
Monday On
Tuesday Off (AM class does Monday or Wed make-up Wod)
Wednesday On
Thursday On
Friday Off
By allowing at least two non sequential days off we can train at high intensity over the course of a week. Consistently training CrossFit more than three days in a row can lead to a decrease in performance due to accumulated inflammation and a lack of recovery. Many of you guys have been following our 3/1/2/1 schedule with great success.
But what about training over longer periods of time than a week?
The type of training we do as CrossFitters leads to degrees of adaptation much more closely related to competitive athletics than traditional “fitness” programs. That being said, it’s important to note that most organized sports teams map out their yearly programming goals based around a competitive season. Conversely, CrossFit is a GPP program which aims to achieve a consistently high level of work capacity over a life time. There are many individuals who use CrossFit to train for their sport or occupation (MIL/LEO etc.) and an ever growing number of people who are competing in CrossFit as their primary sport. These individuals will generally modify variables of their programs to better prepare themselves for competition or deployment.
But what about “me”?
The majority of us are training CrossFit without any regard to a specific competition or training goal other than health, longevity and elite fitness. It’s therefore necessary for the average CF’er to take it upon themselves to consider their training over longer periods of time than a week. As mentioned earlier, hitting Wods hard can take a toll on us and we’ve got enough people coming more than three times a week that it has become prudent to formalize some cyclic recovery into our program. Starting today, we’re going to implement posted “Back Off” weeks every fourth week. We encourage our athletes who train with us three or more times per week or more to use this as a period to scale back intensity and give your body a chance to clean house. The workouts we post on back off weeks will not be dramatically different than traditional programming but will favor Max Effort days and shorter (sub 12 min) Metcons. Athletes who are following the back off should treat the workouts as maintenance and accordingly decrease intensity. If you train with us less frequently, perhaps once or twice a week and are not considerably active outside of CrossFit then you shouldn’t worry as much about the back off week and simply listen to your body.
CFSBK Mesocycle
Week 1 On
Week 2 On
Week 3 On
Week 4 On*
Week 5 Crush Week
Week 6 Back Off/Skill Week
*Note: We sometimes extend the training weeks from 4-8 depending on what we’re focusing on each cycle.
9:10am class (hehe). Worked up to 55 kilos on the power hang clean, and 65 kilos on the squat clean. Just 6 kilos from the gym leader board. Hope to get on the wall with the next exposure from the floor! Yes, I know, I am like the only person who thinks about the leaderboard, it is a little embarrassing, but I am oddly competitive, that kind of thing motivates me. 30 minutes of tennis against a wall after Crossfit. My chins are sore. Thinking of swimming it off in the pool after lunch.
Billy, I know a couple people who think it about it a lot, so don't think you're alone. I probably would, but I'm neither strong enough or fast enough to come close…
And yes, VIVA Sunday! Especially with this weather!
Strength Cycle: Recovery Day (the day I don't squat)
Press: Wendler "3" week. 140×4
I should have had 5 on this, but I stood on my toes as I got stuck: I think I did this unconsciously to protect my lower back (to keep it from compressing by lengthening my lumbar). Oh well, it's fine.
1 armed DB Press and Rows: 50x10x2 and 50x12x1
Moved up 5 pounds. I was surprised to have gotten 12 on my left arm. 10 was already the most I've done at that weight.
Cleans: 115×3, 125×3, 135×3
I actually was going to skip this but I started talking to Alyssa about how I was being lazy and once it came out of my mouth I realized I should at least do the drills so I did the footwork drill that Margie showed me and practiced jumping later from the hang with an empty bar that Fox showed me and then worked up to a heavyish but easy triple just try to ingrain the timing and movement in my head with manageable weight. Once again proof positive of why it's good to workout with other people.
Accessory Work: Waiter's walks (50 DB), farmers walks (24KG KB), DOH walk with one plate. This was probably the most 'complete' carry workout I've done. I was waiting for Michele to finish rowing, so I figured, what the hell. It was tough, especially the farmer's carry and the 2nd waiter's walk. Shoulder. Burn.
More Accessory Work: 1 mile walk to food truck rally (cut me some slack, it was uphill the whole way!) with Jeremy and Michele. Ate 6 tacos and then walked 1.5 miles home.
Final accessory work: Keg carry (the laundry bag) around the block and up 4 flights of stairs and then retrieved AC and carried that down a flight and installed it. Now that is functional strength. Dealing with screw driver was more difficult than moving the thing, but there was lots of sweating.
9am with coach nick
super couch stretch
4 rnds nft
20kg kb
power clean/squat clean prep
high hang power clean/ high hang squat clean
(75 95)
135 155 175 195 205PR
couldn't get over 200 for the longest time, definitely more there too. happy.
ken's ring strength class.
3rnds nft
5 dips
7 pull ups
straight arm 45lb plate lift
10 parallette push ups.
back levers, front levers
baby planches
L sits
all great!