For Time:
Run 1 Mile
Row 2000m
Run 1 Mile
Post time to comments.
Eric Siegel Does Jery in 22:19
WOD Demo with CrossFit Rubicon
There is No Active Recovery today while David is in Holland
Ken’s Ring Strength Series Returns
Join guest Gymnastics Coach Ken H as he takes you through 4 weeks of gymnastics strength training with an emphasis on developing a rudimentary ring routine. Each class will include a proper warm-up, stretching and then use both isometric and dynamic strength exercises to develop: core strength while learning transitions on the rings, levers, muscle-ups and planches. Students will also have strength and flexibility assignments to do on the outside of class. Space is limited so sign up today!
Physical Requirements:
1 Strict Pull-Up, Women
3 Strict Pull-Ups, Men
5 Push-Ups, Women
10 Push-Ups, Men
Class Dates and Times:
The start date will depend on how quickly people sign up. If you’re interested please contact Ken ASAP, we’ve already got a few folks from the last cycle pre-registered.
Saturdays from 1pm-2pm
$60 for 4 Weeks
6 Participants
To Register:
Please email hallerk(at)gmail(dot)com
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton Ma and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions, and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Men’s Ring Finals, Singapore 2010 Youtube
Strength Cycle: Texas Method Volume Day
Squat: 275x5x5
I added a set back in. Makes for a very long and grueling workout. Squats were strong though, form was solid and bar speed was good.
Bench: 187.5 x5x4
This is getting easier now that I'm descending at a somewhat normal speed.
Chins: 2 sets of 7 w/ thin red band and then 1 set of 4 unassisted. I got into an involved discussion with Samir during my bench and forgot to do my supersets. I'll have to make up some chins on Sunday.
I wish had time for more assistance work like RDL's, but this took 2 full hours including changing and all the warm-up, mobility and DROM I had to do to get my squat on.
Strength Cycle: Wendler 5-3-1, "Five" week: Deadlift Day
Rep out at 165: 10 (PR)
DB Bench Press
Rep out at 30: 11
Lying Tricep Extension, Breath Pause Method
35lbsx10, x4, x7
Prowler Sprints
w/50lbs on the prowler
100mx8 with 60 seconds rest in between.
Thanks 10AMers for the comradery!
22:36 I was hoping to be a little faster but allergies made my face feel like cement was in there and a few beers with some friends last night I think left me a little dehydrated. Oh well.
Jerry 26:42. I thought I'd be faster but oh. my. god. After the rowing, my legs just would not move during the second run! Eep.
jerry 22:16. first mile was 6:11 think that's the fastest timed mile in my life!
Squat Lockouts
515×1 On the Minute x 10 mins
Press Lockouts (worked to heavy single)
205, 225, 235, 245, 255
Deficit Deadlifts off a 4" block (heavy single)
355, 445
50 One Armed DL @155
Strict Dip Rep Out: 53
Productive day, got more done that I thought I would.
Jerry 24:50. Pretty happy with that time.
Hand stand: 0:42 fun!
Strength A
WU 45×5 95×9 135×5 160×3
3×5 @ 185
WU 45×5 95×5
3×5 @125
WU with bar
3×3 @ 80
Sandbag get up and KB swings with Noor. Good times.
Jerry this morning. Need the conditioning if I hope to actually run and not walk the Ragnar. Took it slow but it was a doozy after the squats. Totally surprised myself on the erg. Post workout re-fuel included oysters at Bierkraft and tongue and potatoes. I may have eaten a pancake, too. Or two.
8am with coach margie
barbell mash
hip openers
pre jerry run warmup
subbed 4k row 15:18
power 5 every 500m helped a lot.