3 Rounds For Time:
8 130m Hurricane Runs
60 Wall Ball Shots
Only 1 partner working at a time.
Post time, Rx and partner to comments.
Congratulations and Farewell!
Congratulations to Allen G and Justin who got married last Monday after the AM class. Today is Allen’s last day with CFSBK before him and Justin move to North Carolina. So long and thanks for all the memories!
Happy Birthday Mckensy S!
CrossFit Photo Shoot This Friday Night
The NY Post has been working on an article about CrossFit and the connection between community, nutrition and fitness. If you went to the last potluck you may remember they took some shots and interviewed members about their experiences at CFSBK. We just received word that they want to take a shot for the cover of the issue we’re featured in. So this Friday Jessica from the post will be at Open Gym from about 5:30-7:30pm taking shots for the cover. If you come in on Friday night and you’re open to being photographed please introduce yourself to her. They also asked folks to wear a little color if they want to be featured since blacks don’t pop as much on paper.
Volunteer For The CrossFit North East Regionals
Now that the Open is over, the top ranking individuals and teams move on to Regionals. The North East event takes place on May 25-27 at Reebok World Headquarters in Canton, Mass. Coaches David and Margie are on the event organizing team (Margie is actually at Reebok HQ today). If you’re interested in volunteering as a judge or support staff, please let us know and register here. We would appreciate it!
Only 1 more workout left in Crush Week. What do you think it will be?
Check out the CFSBK Flikr Page!
Drug Testing at Regionals CrossFit Games
PETA: Fat Shaming and Consequences Femeniste
The Best Ways to Beat Spring Allergies Greatist
In the Gym With Mark Verstegen, Athletes’ Performance Greatist
Congratulations Allen and Justin! Sorry I missed class this morning and couldn't give you a proper farewell hug. You will be missed. The 6 am class will not be the same without you!
Allen, I kind of love that you did CrossFit the day of your wedding. Congratulations!
CFSBK, Its been and honor and a pleasure to be part of your community. It was amazing! Thanks for EVERYTHING! See you guys around!
I'm off to the ATL (not North Carolina, although I'd like to visit sometime 😉
Best to all – Peace.
Allen — didn't realize yesterday was your last day. Good luck and congratulations!
Mgmt — what's a Hurricane Run?
Allen, not sure what part of ATL you'll be living in, but I have a friend who raves about CrossFit Kennesaw if that's nearby.
Congratulations Allen and Justin!! All the best to you, we’ll miss you up here.
Quiet night in there last night. De-loading for another wendler cycle to get back in the groove and get some reps up. Some sweet prowler love too. The gift that keeps on giving. Chins and press superset, deadlifts.
I'm not posting any numbers until I am a man again.
Congratulation on getting married, and good luck to everyone in their travels!
Hey wow, congratulations Allen and Justin. All best for what lies ahead. And yes, nice work hitting a CFSBK WOD the day of your wedding.
CONGRATS Justin & Allen!!
Congratulations Justin & Allen and good luck!
I've been at CFSB for almost a year now and Bradshaw + today are the only two, so far and I do 5-days a week, that have been frustratingly "grindy" with just two components: the PU's and HR's. If I could punch these two WOD's I would.
David – you were phenomenally on fire today. Approve. High fives to all 7amererers. Now it's time eat my weight in breakfast. Man, really wish that I had some CHOCOLATE BANANA BROWNIES to go with my tea. I wonder how to get that recipe..
Congratulations to you and Justin on your wedded bliss! Best of luck with your new life down south!
Belated post re: yesterday's workout:
That was really one of my favorite WODs we've done. I happened to set a PR on consecutive double unders, at 52, on the first round, but I think I would've loved it regardless. I also liked being a bit winded as I went to the clean and jerk, as it really forced me to focus on everything to get the weight up, but left me just tired enough to not "think" too much. I was really able to focus on the brush, and 160 went up easy for the last 3 reps. I really want to work on clean and jerks after watching the Olylmpics videos.
Congrats to Allen & Justin! I never really got to work out with you but I wish you guys all the best.
Noah A. – If you're reading this, what was the name of the lifting straps you recommended yesterday?
Congratulations Allen and Justin! Best of Luck!
I really enjoyed today's WOD. Running is not as awful as it used to be. It was fun working with Melissa as well and I was proud of our time! 22:01.
Can't wait for tomorrow morning and the last Crush Week WOD. My body is really, really ready for back off week. Foam roller please!
Indeed, what's a hurricane run?
Congrats Allen! You will be missed in the 6am class. Best of luck to you two in Atlanta.
Allen- I haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, but any sighted idiot can see that you are ridiculously photogenic. As a show of gratitude for being so divinely featured, I've decided to share the following tidbit: BTB Fitness is the best Crossfit gym in Atlanta. I was a member briefly before moving to Brooklyn. I liked it a lot. Good coaches, attractive members, a recently "Rogue-d out" gym. Plus they have three different boxes, and, as a member, you get access to all of them. Cool, right?
wishing you years of wedded bliss,
Congrats Alan and Justin!! Where are you guys registered? Maybe we can send you off with a nice set of kettlebells? 😉
Yes, I would really like to know what a hurricane run is as well.
MGMT is being a tease – I can't even get Google to give me the straight dope on hurricane runs.
My best guess: sprints to 3rd avenue and back? But then, why "hurricane"? The mystery deepens.
Perhaps you run spinning your arms in a flailing motion
Congrats Alan and Justin! Sorry to have missed you on this your last CF class but i am sure that NYC and CFSB will draw you back periodically and look forward to catching up with you then.
All the very best.
Perhaps you run raging on the outside while keeping the inside–the eye as it were–utterly calm?
Maybe some college football team in Miami uses them for training?
Perhaps some boxer, once sent to jail, and then released after a dramatic legal battle, used them for training?
It's been a pleasure having you as part of our community these last.. how long has it been? Months?? a year?? Anyway- best of luck and please stop by whenever you're up north. BTB sounds like a great gym. Also- when you're up bring Greta and me, you, Michele and Herschel/Greta/Louie will have a grand dachshund day. Sorry I couldn't give you a better goodbye but I was knee deep in 7amers
I'm leaving for Holland in a few hours (so unprepared) to go to the Roadburn Music Festival with my good buddy Adrian Bozman, his wife and some other rando. I wanted to say that I'll miss everyone and can't wait to read all the comments when I get back. I walked away from the gym watching people do Wall Ballz and Hurricane Runz and felt all warm and fuzzy about how great you all are and how lucky I am. Everybody be safe and keep the gym clean while I'm gone.. That means wash your cups and take your water bottles home!!!
You won't find Hurricane Runs online since I made them up. I did them in a few WODs after Irene and have been waiting for a chance to program them. Now that old man Fox is out of town and I get to program Crush and back off week I can throw them in. enjoy!
Thanks to for the shout out, JB. I think a lack of sleep makes me a little more delirious and hopefully entertaining. I do have to say.. Unger Games.. I was happy about that one!
i really do wish i could have one. sigh.
congrats to the new marrieds!
These hurricane runs sound like sandbag runs.
The Plight of Muscled Americans, via the Daily Show:
@David: Have fun at the Roadburn. Very envious. Bon voyage – give my love to the Dutch.
Congrats Allen. You will be very missed but . . . 6AM4life!
Congratulations Allen and Justin!
Can't wait for tomorrow.
Hurricane run
Set the treadmill at an incline 10% set the speed at 9 or 6:40 mile and sprint for the distance 130 meters or .082 and then rest for the same time it took do this 8 times and that is one set or round
Nice fun 7PM class with Josh and a great crew.
Partnered with the always-awesome DMak for this. We finished in either 22:14 or 22:40. I'm not sure which. We tried to split the wallballs into sets of 15 but in the second set, DMak did the last 20, and then in third set took over at 41 and did the last 19 (my form was starting to decay). Thanks DMak!
I love partner WOD’s. Partnered with the always awesome Samir.
22:40 20# wall ball and no idea on the sand bag… on the heavier side.
Have fun in Holland, David!
Congrats and best wishes to Allen and Justin!
David, have fun and enjoy a stroopwafel for me.
Team Asta & Bethany: 24:52 with the Again Faster sandbag and a 14lb wallball. A fun workout! I'm glad Asta picked the 14 pounder because left to my own devices I probably would have picked 8 pounds.
Next week I return to work and I have no idea how I'm going to fit gym visits into my schedule between work and breastfeeding but hopefully I will find a way at least one or two days a week.
Congrats Allen & Justin.
I ran 7miles today in prep for a half marathon in a few weeks and ragnar soon after. This is the longest distance I have ever run and I was running about 8:15-8:35 min miles.
This is astonishing to me as I am really pumped about how easy this run was and how strong I felt. I hated running, partly cause I was terrible and partly cause I always felt winded. I ran from my house 3rd street across bklyn bridge back around the manhattan and to SBK to foam roll after.
Of all the workouts that have left me feeling a bit overmatched, a bit weaker than others, today I felt strong, fast and in shape.
Today was a good day, didnt have to use my AK.
stroopwafelen! I miss stroopwafelen! David have 15 stroopwafelen on my behalf please. mmm
team chris and sameer: 24:11, 14lb ball. don't know which bag.
I wonder if the drug testing will inadvertently scare away Crossfit's transgender, intersexed, and/or masters athletes. This has been an ever-evolving issue in the NCAA and the Olympic games. Does anyone know if the have adopted the same "within normal ranges" position the NCAA often has for testosterone and estrogen levels?