If you’re a novice lifter with a few weeks of Deadlifting under your belt, go for a heavy single to get a bench mark. Don’t attempt a weight you’re not 100% sure will go up.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 12.11.11
Assistance Work
200 Hollow Rocks in as few sets as possible.
Is This What 200 Unbroken Hollow Rocks Feels Like?
Tomorrow’s Classes are on as normally scheduled except there will be No Teaser Class at 1:15pm
More Hop On The PR Train!
Isaac G 170
Traci I 55
DH3 170
Sarah J 71
Mike J 160
Chris G 130
Anand K 95
Barbara K 63
Sarah H 80
MeLo 100
Chris A 145
Teddi 63
Shawna S 62
Shaye L 62
Sarah 58
Teresa B 87
Gene D 285
Isaac G 350
Kristen H 190
MeLo 210
Julie B 135
Shaye L 145
Lana Z 210
Bekka P 155
Accomplishments Board Reminder
Over the last few days we’ve posted a bevy of PR’s you guys have hit but we haven’t seen those same names and numbers reflected on the Accomplishments Board. We want you guys to celebrate every time you get better in any capacity and share it with the rest of the community. The point of the A/B isn’t to brag or show off, it elevates our entire community to see the accomplishments of those around us. Humans are social creatures and respond to the environment around them. The more success we cultivate and celebrate, the more likely those around us are to succeed as well. You never know who might read your entry and realize they too might be possible of similar feats. Perhaps someone you often share a rack with reads of your new PRs and gets the mental confidence to break barriers they once thought impossible. So the next time you realize you’ve gotten better, do your fellow SBK’er a favor and let them know.
Since joining CFSBK, have you achieved things you would have never expected from yourself? Why?
CrossFit Saved My Life CrossFit Invictus
The Miracle Mile Future Shorts
Rebirth: MovNat BK Meet Up Tomorrow at 10am in Prospect Park Paleo NYC
Last night.
End of week three Strength Cycle A.
Short run to box, warm ups, mobility, etc.
WU 45×5 95×5 135×5
3×5 @ 170 and that, my friends, is a new PR. Onwards and Upwards.
WU 45×5 55×5 65×3
3×5 @ 77.5
Three weeks ago I didn't think I'd ever get past 65! Woot.
Snatches – cause cleans hurt my forearm
Lots of practice with the bar
3×3 @75 with more tips and practice – thanks Margie.
Evil suicide type metcon.
Yeah. Suicides are totally sadistic. I felt your pain, Corbett.
Fuck yeah.
That's the first time I've pulled 500 in more than 3 years. I've rediscovered how I pulled when I was at my best. 445 was a joke, which was I nutted up and made the jump
Glute Ham Raise
Blue bandx5x3
Banded Good Morning
Black bandx50x2
Hit my old non-competition PR of 375, before going for a PR PR of 395. It got above my knee and I just couldn't lock it out despite a real fight. It came off the floor quite nicely. I'll be focusing on the top half of the lift, whether rack pulls or banded lifts or assistance work for the next few months. I think I can get 405 up to the top half right now, so I'd love to make the second half happen.
Margie doesnt mess around. And it showed in my deadlift today. PRed 203 lbs! Who is this hulk in the making? I'm this much closer to reaching my lifelong goal of tearing a parking meter out of the ground with my bare hands.
Strength Cycle: Texas Method- Volume Day
Squat: 275x5x4
This was very strong and smooth. I had one funky rep where I came forward onto my toes, but all-in-all very solid and fast squats.
Bench: 185x5x4
I worked on descending more quickly. It's definitely harder to stay tight that way. Most reps were faster than last week, especially 4 and 5.
Chins: 5 sets of 7 with thin blue band scattered throughout workout.
Coaching, coaching, and more coaching. Did I mention our coaches, Josh and Noah? 335, a PR. Thanks, coaches. Fun cool-down at Bierkraft with Carlos, Joy, Corbett, and Judy.
Haven't lifted much in a while so just wanted to see where my 1 RM was at this point. (Wise? Unclear.)
(135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 255×1) 295×1, 315×1, 335F, 335F
while certainly below my PR, it's nice to know that I haven't lost that much. Great lifting with Bailey.
Thanks for letting us drop in! Your box is awesome.
Deadlift: 355,405,455,485,505
100 hollow rocks
I made it to the 8am class this morning and it was a small group so we got a chance to cheer each other through our final singles. It was amazing to watch everyone move an impressive amount of weight.
I'm happy with the 140 (PR) I got. Everything felt heavy this morning (including warm-up sets) so I wasn't sure what I was going to hit. I failed at 145 and then dropped down to 140 and fought to get that rep. It was a really great feeling and I can't wait to work on adding more weight to my DL.
Congrats to everyone who hit PRs this week!
Katie! Glad to hear you are back!