Gina C Goes Overhead
Mark your calendars! Memorial Day Murph is happening on Monday, May 28th. As always, we’ll be doing “Murph” and then finishing off with some Beers and BBQ!
Congratulations To All The Athetes Who PR’d Yesterday
Mike M 115
Jason B 125
Charlotte K 112
Peter M 185
Chris P 120
Joy M 73
Kristen H 78
Carlos G 135 (Match)
Ron W 135
Jon F 150
Alex from London 155
Steven from London 170
Nate R 110
Noah O 122
Joe M 125
Janelle R 51
Lesley O 75
Dan S 135
Josh M 180
Chris G 130
Ellie M 65
Sarah H 80
MeLo 100
Barbara K 63
Chris A 145
Did we miss you? It’s because *PR wasn’t indicated on the big board. Please let us know in the comments.
1/2 Hour Power Sessions
Insterested in getting some 1 on 1 time to work a particular skill? CFSBK offers 1/2 hour Personal Training Sessions for $55 with any of our fine coaches. Maybe you’d like to work on kipping pull-ups or fine tune your Back Squats. Perhaps you’ve got some mobility issues you’d like to get a personalized plan for. Whatever the case may be, shoot us a line and we’ll schedule a skill sesh.
Programming Moving Forward
Incase you missed it earlier this week, below are some pertinent dates for Group Class Programming moving forward. Please make note of them:
- 1RM Testing: April 4th-7th
- Wednesday: Squat, Thursday: Press, Saturday: Deadlift
- Crush Week: April 8th-14th
- Back Off/Skill Week: April 15th-21th
- New Training Cycle Begins: April 22nd
If you could go back in time 1 year and give yourself some advice, what would it be?
Siódme Poty (weightlifting) Youtube
Project Glass Google
Made up yesterday's presses with coach Nick at 6.
Press: 155, 165, 175,
180F, 177.5 PRIt's a 2.5lb PR, but I'm just happy to finally jump on the PR train! In all fairness I think all the screaming in the gym was more responsible for moving those last 2.5lb than I was, so thanks guys.
What's crush week?
Advice for myself a year ago: join Crossfit now!
oh wow that's easy, but it won't be creative. I would have bought AAPL and SHLD.
Came in to try 1RM at back squat, knowing it might not go so well after being sick this week.
I'm pleasantly surprised that I hit 180 on my first attempt and not at all surprised that I failed at 190 (previous PR). Hoping to try this again next week when I've eaten a little more (actually a LOT more), probably at Open Gym on Friday.
KB swings at 16kg in 3 sets (45/30/25). I was seriously queasy afterward. Ugh, so ready for this stomach bug to be all the way gone.
Advice for myself a year ago: Something shiny and new will be dangled in front of your face in the near future. Think long and hard about whether you really want it.
Based on last night's workout, my advice for me a year ago, or two years ago, or three years ago:
Get your f*&#@ing knees out early.
6am with Coach Nick.
Got started on crush week early with Sunday's wod. 8 rounds in 32:47. Lower back and hips got really tight toward the end. Tore a blister open on my finger. Good times. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Witnessed some awesome effort by Dan and Isaac on PRs this morning.
I would tell my year ago self to quit his comfortable job and go work at your own startup. You'll be much happier having done so.
Hmm.. advice for a year ago self. About a year ago is when I really started to get my self together regarding work and realizing I didn't have to be miserable just because I worked in architecture and, well, most everyone else was miserable. So I found a new job. I also started training for my first Ragnar which was really intimidating and ended up being really awesome. I'm not a terrible runner after all.
So I guess my advise to myself would have been:
"Keep pushing to improve your life, don't get too discouraged because it's going to definitely pay off".
Also: "get tested for allergies now, you're allergic to everything wonderful in life and might as well come to terms with this sooner than later".. hahahaha.
Advice to self: Don't worry, moving to NYC is the right thing to do.
My PR on my press was 100 on Wednesday. I finally went back into the archives on the blog from when I last honestly tested this (in July last summer) and it was 85, so 15# increase over the course of this past year is pretty awesome with me. I haven't focused on my press too much, but it was good to see where I am.
Despite all the sleep problems I'm suffering, this has been a pretty good week of PRs. Looking forward to DL this weekend.
Congrats everyone on the great work!
Hey Michelle, thanks for the kind words on last night's post, and yes, please keep me in the loop in regards to competitions. Joel dot wertheimer at gmail dot com.
PRed today by deadlifting 190, a 10# jump from my previous PR. Had a lot of fun today with the usual morning crew. Thanks to Coach Awesome (Fox) for motivating me by calling the small plates on my bar "magnets". And to Nick, we shouldn't feel bad for eveyone else just because they're right handed. Let's be a little more understanding, they can't help it.
Advice to self 4/6/11: take a walk on Degraw between 3rd and 4th Aves and see if you find any inspiration to lift you out of that workout rut you've been stuck in for the past couple of years. (Oh, and skip the tuna tartare at cousin Violet's wedding reception.)
Congrats to everyone on those terrific PRs. Today marks the end of week 3 of Strength Cycle, and I'm starting to move weights that match my previous 1RM for BSQ, press and DL. I'm really excited to see how far 5 more weeks of focused effort will take me and the rest of Team Strength Cycle A.
235×5, 265×5, 300×12
dips/chins SS
8/3, 8/3, 8/3
1 year ago advice…
Stop charging shit, and keep writing you fat fuck!
Today's deadlifts were super awesome. And my presses felt great like I never even had a shoulder injury (which is possibly more exciting than a PR would have been)
Attempt 1: 185# (previous PR)
Attempt 2: 195# ๐
Attempt 3: 205# ๐
Attempt 4: 215# Fail
Attempt 5: 210# YAY! PR!
The 210 PR was followed by an embarrassing display of giddy tippy toe dancing and uncontrollable smiles. Admittedly, it was less embarrassing than breaking into tears like I did at the last total, but weird none the less. Lifts are going well, I would like it if my emotions could keep up with shit.
Press, I didn't test, because I wanted to keep on the shoulder rehab I've been doing. Today I got myself back up 53# and it didn't even hurt or feel weird! Maybe in a week or two I'll try to test my 1RM to see where I stand. Anyway, very exciting not to have pain in my shoulder anymore.
1 year ago advise – Sure, take that job, you'll work on a cool project for a year and then you'll quit when it's over and be right back where you are now… but a whole lot more confident!
I think my last comment was eaten.
10pound press pr today at noon. 170#
Anyone interested in a having a drink saturday evening to celebrate my 31st, come to clover club on smith & baltic at 10:30.
@Nathan – Crush week is exactly what it sounds like ๐ Get ready for the fun!