Congratulations to the following athletes on their Grace PR’s
Kristen H: 4:56 (65lbs)
Melissa L: 2:44
Joe O: 3:23
DH3: 2:59
Matt H: 4:04 (and a 6:45.p 2K)
JZ1: 4:51 (45lbs)
Sarah LR: 2:46
Did you PR your Grace? A PR can be a lower time, a higher weight or just let us know if your Grace was somehow “better” than last time. If we didn’t get you in the list above, it’s only because you didn’t write it on the accomplishment’s board! Get writin!
Weightlifters are wanted to be part of filming for a new 2-hour special!
History Channel is looking to cast 20 fun, open-minded, healthy, experienced weightlifters to participate in a once-in a-lifetime event with world-renowned hypnotist Brad Henderson!
We’re also casting a crowd to watch and cheer along! (No hypnotizing involved.)
Apply only with full intent to participate. All weightlifters will be asked to sign an Appearance Release in the event they are chosen to participate in the televised special. There’s no payment but we will provide food and refreshments.
If you’re interested in taking part, you’ll need to email Weightlifters(at) with a photograph, some information about yourself and your contact details and one of the producers will be in touch with you. You can also call 646-688-7913.
Where: Crossfit South Brooklyn
When: 4-8pm Sunday, April 22nd
** Finishing time is a rough approximation – it may run later.
Part 1 of a 3-part video series from our very own Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon: Paleo For Everyone Precision Nutrition
Is Sugar Toxic? 60 Minutes
Meet Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir CrossFit Games
The Ultimate Guide To CrossFit Lingo Greatist
D'oh. That was 95#. I blame my handwriting on my parents wanting me to be a doctor.
LOL. I'm about as interested in being hypnotized on live television as I am in going on the Jerry Springer show. "Hi, we'd like to have you on the Jerry Springer Show. There's someone that has a special surprise for you, we'll tell you all about it on live tv!"
Congratulations on the Grace prs! that one always fries my forearms, weak grip I guess. Where did people rest, bars on the floor? did you keep your hands on it?
Why did I have to get sick just in time for Grace and 1RM squat test?
6am with coach lady fox
pre wu
foam roll
hip openers
8 mins
12 air sq
10 push ups
30 sec hollow
12 ring rows
3:58 rx
i took waaay too much rest. first 10 in 38 secs and the rest in 3's.
JR, i rested with bar on the floor, did not hold on to it.
I don't understand. If there's no hypnotizing involved then what is the deal with the hypnotist.
I looked here
I don't see any shows about extreme hypnotism.
Good job on those Grace numbers people!!! WOO! Very exciting!
P.S. I am so stupidly excited for the 1rm tests over the next few days. SO SO SO excited.
Oh cool.. I didn't PR Grace on time, was about mm.. 50 seconds slower, but went 20# heavier than last time. Approve. Congrats on all the PR's everyone!
Sameer – you really should look into hypnotic robots. Swirling eyes and all.
So why does the 60 minutes transcript list Sanjay Gupta and "Dr. Sanjay Gupta" but the other people only by their name? Is "Dr. Sanjay Gupta" the dude's actual name now. Or is that his trademark so they're only allowed to refer to him like that whereas everyone else doesn't get a "Dr" title because they're not the tv star that he is? I don't get it.
Jules: Yes!
ack, typo:
So why does the 60 minutes transcript list Sanjay Gupta as "Dr. Sanjay Gupta" but the other people only by their name? Is "Dr. Sanjay Gupta" the dude's actual name now. Or is that his trademark so they're only allowed to refer to him like that whereas everyone else doesn't get a "Dr" title because they're not the tv star that he is? I don't get it.
Jules: Yes!
@Sameer, it appeared to me that the no hypnotizing thing was in reference to the crowd, not the marquis participants. I think you'd be a great candidate, however, to be hypnotized, and I'd be there, cheering you on, in the non-hypnotized crowd.
6am with Lady Fox. Squat 1RM. Warm up:
290×1! (+5lb on my old PR)
Wtf just happened? My squat has felt weak recently and I only did 245×5 for sets across as my max during the cycle. I didn't even expect to hit my old PR today. Very psyched by these numbers, but also confused as to how I crushed my old PR.
I was there this morning at 6 a.m. and Peter made 290, 300, and 310 look positively easy.
i could basically copy McGrath's post verbatim.
6am with coach lady fox
pre wu
foam roll
hip openers
8 mins
12 air sq
10 push ups
30 sec hollow
12 ring rows
3:51 @ 85#
Did 8,4 then a lot of 2s and singles. Rested too long once I hit 20, should have just kept chipping away.
I am happy though, seeing that I did Grace at the beginning of January @ 75# in 4:03. Will work back up to doing RXed, still being a little cautious w my back.
Charlotte – CONGRATS on your incredible BSQ PR!!
I see JR. Makes sense. no way am I getting hypnotized on TV. For free. jeepers. Even if it might mean a hypnotized PR. Does a PR count if you were hypnotized when doing it? Or is that kind of like using steroids?
The conversion from 245x5x3 is not far from 305. If 245 was going up 15 times in a night, for 5 you might be somewhere around 255/265. Your 5RM is typically about 85% of your 1RM, which puts you in the 305 range. As Jeremy has pointed out, just like some people are sprinters and some people are distance runners, and there is variance in our talents, the conversion metrics are not perfect and the accuracy is inverse to the number of reps you're using to measure.
This is all to say that a) awesome, and b) maybe you even had room for more.
It was great seeing Peter and Charlotte get PRs. I can tell Peter is going to be in a good mood all day . . .
I got a PR of 275 but it was only an increase of 10 from the last total.
I did Grace Rx for the first time–third slowest in the class at 7:18–but it was very fun nonetheless.
I had the honor and privilege of sharing a squat rack with charlotte this morning. she hit a PR and made it look fun, while peter was right next door squatting a buick. I tried to tell myself that being absent from this (or any) gym for the last month, coupled with vacation eating (drinking) during that time should temper my expectations. nonetheless I was a little disappointed when I failed on my final attempt of 250. I think it was mostly mental and I'm pretty sure I have that weight, if not more. luckily this gives me the opportunity to dial in my training and nutrition and test again. who doesn't love goals? in the mean time, I'll take 240.
side note: joy was a beast this morning.
Although pleased with my 2:59 in grace, It's not a PR, but thx for blog love.
Looking forward to a rest day today.
Oh, so many nice notes! A great morning with a great 6am crew.
WU: 45×5, 115×3, 145×2, 175×1, 195×1
205, 215, 225.
215 was my previous 1RM from August…2010 I think?? 205 is what I hit (untrained) at Titsday. I was secretly hoping for 235 but I'll take it. 215 was an ugly fight so I was kind of worn out for 225 and decided not to go for another attempt.
Then, accessory work: 100 KB swings for time, 3:41 (I think), 20 kg. As I was at about 30 swings, Fox walked by and asked if I was doing 50 unbroken. My morning-addled brain heard, "50 for time," so I said, "No, 100!" So then Fox said I'd committed to doing 100 unbroken. He was kidding, of course, but I decided to take the challenge. It fried my grip, but it wasn't too bad. After about 65 swings I started letting go of the bell a little bit to relax my hands at the top of the swing (I was doing Russian-style, I wouldn't try that w/ overhead swings!).
Then, pullup work. I've been following Fox's pullup progressions and they work! Goal is 10 strict by April 30.
Awesome vibe in the gym this morning. A delight to share a rack with Yosh, who proved that he is a very strong fellow even somewhat detrained. And great to "spot" Peter on his PRs, which went up faster than most warmup sets. Nice work all!
4:50 @ 63# (PR for weight, not time)
Back in August, I did it at 42#. My notes say "learn to bail the bar." Too funny!
Congrats on the PRs all!!
The last time I was hypnotized, several of my alters re-emerged and wreaked havoc for months on end. My life was in shambles when I returned.
"I got a PR of 275 but it was only an increase of 10 from the last total."
Nice job on the PRs, people. Puleeeeease, be happy with any PR. Better is better.
Charlotte – TFBA. You've set the bar for the accessory work.
@Coaches: I've tested my 1RMs quite recently and would prefer not do so again this week. I'm hoping I can just come in and do some sets-across work. Hope that'll be OK.
Interesting to see Krista Scott-Dixon working with Precision Nutrition. The Paleo For Everyone lecture above is a great use of principles from "Motivational Interviewing" and "Switch" applied to Primal Nutrition.
@ David
Krista Scott Dixon has been a Precision Nutrition coach for a while now. I think it was a couple of years ago that I discovered that…
Today started out rough and ended great. Classic story of CFSBK coming in and getting me through a rough patch. I backsquatted today because I got in a good nights sleep and felt I probably wouldnt tomorrow.
wu: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×2, 210×1
250×1 fail
242×1 fail
PR: 250×1
I was a bundle of nerves about this today. I was psyched out about my f'd up sleep schedule, my poor backsquat performance and fails of the last two weeks… Basically a mess. I went into the initial 250 too fast didn't remain tight in the bottom. The 242 I kept it tight in the bottom, but dipped my chest forward, got scared and bailed. Matt, Ellie and Mel walked up on me attempting to hold back angry tears. Per suggestion i put on a lifting belt and attacked the bar with jeremy, margie et al in my corner. After that I went after 250 and got my 10# PR.
I really couldn't have done that without you guys today, you helped me get out of my head and find the strength that I know is in me. I really love our group.
AR was awesome, as usual. The partner hip stretch really helped out my psoas. But the sled! Oh, man, I really like that thing. Ended the evening with some lollipop guild action. Today was a good day. <3
Great to meet and work out with Alyssa today! Inspiring lifter, wow. Can't wait to see what she can do!
Strength Cycle B, week 3
I'm in week 3 of my first-ever Wendler 5-3-1 cycle and I am loving it. Part of me wishes I'd never even done Texas Method – it fucked me up in a lot of ways (made me miserable, really drove some pretty excessive eating and possibly broke my ability to sleep all night, which I have yet to recover.) There's precious little "data" on such things, but based on my reading on Rip's forum and the friends I've made there, I think I'd be very hesitant to prescribe Texas to any over-40 woman except for the exceptionally talented/gifted. Hell, even the most talented athlete I know (who isn't even 40) had trouble with it, and I'm not half the athlete she is.
Squat rep out at 160 tonight: got 7 which is a PR, but I totally, totally pussied out when I racked the bar at rep 7. I don't know what he hell is wrong with my head sometimes. I did sleep like shit last night, so eh. Maybe that.
Maybe I need a Method called THE STOP PUNKING OUT METHOD.
gimpy quad lifting time…
ab roll-outs: 3×7 alt w/ hip/psoas openers
squat (2nd time squatting in 6-7 weeks): 45×5, 95×5, 95×5, 115×5, 135x5x4
bench: 45×5, 95×5, 120×5, 120×5, 120×11
DB rows w/ 40#: 5, 5, 10 ea side
DB presses w/ 30#: 5, 5, 8