Post loads to comments.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps For Time Of:
Kettlbell Swings
Post time and Rx to comments.
“I tagged a chairlift at McConkey’s Bowl with a CFSBK sticker… we’re nationwide!”
-Tom S
New Coaches in Training
We let the cat out of the bag! In an effort to keep up with the demands of our awesome population, we’ve brought on two top notch people to step up as CFSBK Coaches. Melissa Loranger and McDowell Myers have been working behind the scenes for about a month learning the ins and outs of coaching. They’ll be ramping up for a total of 3 months before going live, stay tuned for more developments! Congrats MeLo and McDowell!
Alternate Training For This Weekend
We will not be holding normally scheduled classes this weekend while he host the CrossFit Powerlifting Certification with Shane and Laura Phelps-Sweatt. As an alternative to our members not attending the certification, we’re offering training options on both days:
Saturday 3/31
What: Track WOD
When: 9:30-11:00am
Where: Red Hook Track
Organizers: CFSBK Coach-In-Training Melissa Loranger and Rickke Manazala
RSVP: Please email: Loranger_Melissa(at)yahoo(dot)com so we can get an accurate head count
Cost: None, This will not count as one of your weekly classes if you’re on a recurring membership or punch card.
Sunday 4/1
What: Open Gym
When: 6-9:30pm
Where: CFSBK!
Coach: David
Cost: 1 Drop in or weekly class
Brooklyn Half Marathon
Feel The Burn 70’s Big
February 10th, 2001 the First WOD goes live online
Just went to see The Raid: Redemption. If you're action/martial arts movie fan, GO SEE IT. Incredible fight scenes.
Excited for the double lift and for the WOD.
Excited for McDowell and Melissa to get official. Good additions for sure.
Melissa a coach!? very nice!!! Cannot wait for that! 🙂 I am very excited to be returning to the gym soon!
Planning to see RAID redemption this weekend
Excellent 6am with Coach Osorio. Missed presses last week, so did my 3 week:
75×3, 85×3, 95×5. Got 7 for 90 2 weeks ago so pleased with this.
Having missed all deadlifts in all cycles, I worked up to a heavy 5: (95×5, 135×5) 165, 185, 205. 1RM calculators put my max at ~240 based on that, which is cool since that's what I hit at Tough Titsday. So at least I'm not backsliding.
Then, WOD w/ 1.5-pood (Russian swings): 4:05. Liked this one.
In Kaiser-Peterson family news: Linus needs glasses! Apparently the poor kid has been running around with +4 astigmatism his whole life. Wow.
Ahh this morning. I see other people swear so I'm joining in – what a fucking disaster. I literally, for the 2nd time ever at CFSB, was in tears and had to walk away from my DL. Luckily Shane wasn't here to see my mini blubber fest as he was the proud (not) recipient of the first one many months ago.
I literally flipped my bar off today. I thought about kicking it but as I'm pretty accident prone didn't think a broken toe would be a good idea.
It's absolutely amazing when things are not fully together how quickly they can slide. DL – couldn't pull a weight that I knew I could and have done before. Press – total morning math bullshit mess up – LOVE Stella for making me feel better about it. The WOD was fine, I tacked extra KB's on the end just because. Such a disaster..egads..
I would like to re-do this entire morning, please.
Congrats to McDowell and Melissa! Exciting!
PS those of us in noon classes have known about the new coaches for a while now, but here are my public congrats–can't think of 2 better folks to be taking this step. Yay!
Julie, if I had a dollar for every time during strength cycle that I or someone else loaded my bar with more weight on one side than the other (which is WAY dumber than simply loading the wrong weight overall), I'd have at least enough to buy myself an ice cream sandwich at Bierkraft. Happens to the best of us! (Okay, it never happens to the BEST of us, because the best of us is Jeremy, and I have never seen anyone who can do bar math as fast as he can…but it happens to everyone who isn't Jeremy.)
Press: 68×4. Thanks Julie for telling me to go for #4, which brought out my now-infamous tennis-player-style bellow.
Deadlift: 195x1x3. Surprised at how easy this was, given that I haven't deadlifted since the total on 2/29.
WOD 16kg bell, 4:28. Plus an extra rep because David caught me not getting the KB off the ground properly. Bad Stella, no biscuit.
I'll be back tomorrow morning to do the squats I missed yesterday.
Looking forward to gym tonight. I haven't been on a Thursday in FOREVER.
congrats to the coaches-in-training! that's very exciting. you'll both be great!
great 6am class, and great seeing strong Charlotte 2x this week!
press: 64×7 for my rep out.
deadlift: 185x1x3. this felt great. it's been a long time since i've been doing heavy singles bc of the bad back.
wod: 4:35 w/ 20k american swings. thank you Charlotte for making me use the 20k bell 🙂
congrats to the C2B (Coaches 2 Be!) excellent peeps.
Congrats to MCDowell as well!!!
nice additions to the box!
Major props to McDowell and Melissa!!
I must say that I was there at least one time when Stella loaded too much weight on one side of her barbell preparing to dead lift. I'm not sure now who was dumber. Stella, for doing it to herself, or me for thinking to myself," Hmmm. That doesn't look right. She must have a really good reason for dead lifting more weight on one side."
I'm terrible at barbell math especially when I run out of fingers.
Just wanted to share a great interview with Kathrine Switzer, who in 1967 became the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon.
I have certainly messed up the weight on each side of the bar (did it to Rickke last night in fact) but it is always out of absent-mindedness/post-work heavy-breathingness. Bar math, however, is always straightforward. Take the weight you want, subtract the bar weight, and divide by two. That's what you want on each side.
@Joel: It SEEMS like it's that easy. And then you get gym brain and somehow the simplest arithmetic becomes so easy to screw up. Especially at 7 AM.
@Corbett: Yeah, I remember that one. D'oh.
I promise, I'm actually really good at quick calculations…OUTSIDE of the context of working out.
Yeah. Math in the head is kinda hard. At Strength Cycle, I call Brandon, Jeff and myself "The Three Stooges" as we're always doing the math wrong and having to re-load and re-strip. I think Jeremy may think we're cumulatively dumb.
Though, I will say when Brandon and I did our work yesterday at noon without Jeff, our math was spot-on.
Now that i think about it though… when Brandon was in Aruba getting baked (in the sun; not the other way), Jeff and I also had stellar math.
I guess the common factor when the math is solid is me. Jeff and Brandon, y'all are still fun partners though. No hate.
tried to jump back in on the cycle today, and e'rrything felt heavy…
340×1 (was looking for 5 for a 5RM)
155×2 (F3)
Fuck that. 2 failures was enough for me.
I haven't done shit except the Sectionals WODs in a few weeks and it showed. Looking forward to getting back on track, soon.
And, lest I seem too melancholy with today's post…I have to say that the PS Food Co-op piece on the Daily Show was the funniest shit I've seen in a while…y'all are crazy!
Congrats to Melissa and MacDowell, you guys are going to be great!
I found out that I have a torn labrum (probably from way back last summer and not caused by CF), so I'm going under the knife next Friday. I've been out of the gym for a month and I already feel stir-crazy. Can't wait to train (slowly) with all of you again once I'm on the way to recovery!
Safety Bar Squats
Butt ugly on that last one
215 jumped but I felt pines under 225. 190×5 was a new 5RM though
Deficit Pulls 4"
A hearty welcome to the two new coaches who I suspect are going to be awesome! Damn nice to have you as a part of the stellar team we are so lucky to have spoiling us to all others.
Yesterday on squats, I did:
255×2 (this was a disappointment, I was hoping for at least 6 or 7!? – dunno what went wrong, but I felt weak from the get-go and just failed on the third)
125×3 (also disappointing, hoping for five)
275×3 (Josh suggested I use a belt, and I did, and it helped)
Accessory WOD. Went light on the KB as my back was fried. Used a 1 pood and finished in 3:45
I certainly have brain-farted plenty of times loading bars, so now I always check that the two sides are are at least even.
But for those who want an app that does that:
Had a rough night squatting yesterday and realized I've been having a very tough time getting into good positions. My job has become much more sedentary over the last year and I haven't really adjusted. I spend way too much time sitting, don't move a lot, etc. So I resolved to recommit to mobility work, which I've always been a reluctant supporter of. As someone who has decent natural flexibility I always have avoided it, and its beginning to keep me from doing stuff I want.
I can work out at work, but never do because they have shit for weights, etc. So today I foam rolled (wow my IT bands were tight) and then went all the way back to MWOD #1 and did 10 min at the bottom of a squat, which was way harder and more uncomfortable than I anticipated, but felt GREAT afterward. 2 min of couch stretch per side after that. I felt amazing for the rest of the day.
I'm going to be so flexible in a month that I'll be awarded a free pair of lululemon booty shorts, mark my words.
Congrats, McD and McLo, y'all are alright, I guess.
So this morning was a bad scene and I didn't make it in for 8am class, but I was able to get off my lazy ass and show up for 6pm class, a task made easier because I had to go to NYC Resistor in the evening anyway. Sort of stupid that, but there you go.
Deadlifted at 270 (315 reference 1RM), pressed at 85.5×5
wod at 16kg, 4:07