If you’re following a linear progression, add 2-5lbs and perform 3 work sets of 5 reps.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 3.7.12, 2.8.12, 1.18.12
21-15-9 Reps for Time of:
Front Squat 155/110
Choose a Front Squat load that you can do at least 10 reps unbroken with. All Front Squats are taken from the Deck. After this workout, spend 2:00 in the Couch Stretch for each leg.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Marco Goes Chest To Bar for 12.5
Alternate Training For This Weekend
We will not be holding normally scheduled classes this weekend while he host the CrossFit Powerlifting Certification with Shane and Laura Phelps-Sweatt. As an alternative to our members not attending the certification, we’re offering training options on both days:
Saturday 3/31
What: Track WOD
When: 9:30-11:00am
Where: TBD- Red Hook Park (Possibly Closed) or Prospect Park, we’ll confirm tomorrow.
Organizers: CFSBK Coach-In-Training Melissa Loranger and Rickke Manazala
RSVP: Please email: Loranger_Melissa(at)yahoo(dot)com so we can get an accurate head count
Cost: None, This will not count as one of your weekly classes if you’re on a recurring membership or punch card.
Sunday 4/1
What: Open Gym
When: 6-9:30pm
Where: CFSBK!
Coach: David
Cost: 1 Drop in or weekly class
Why did we evolve to experience “runner’s high”? io9
Plan Your Weekly Meals Stress Free Lifehacker
Shoulder Savers Pt 1 with Eric Cressy T-Nation (WFS Version)
Shoulder Savers Pt 2 with Eric Cressy T-Nation (WFS Version)
Shoulder Savers Pt 3 with Eric Cressy T-Nation (WFS Version)
Awesome t-nation share.
Strength cycle B: Texas Method Intensity Day
Squat:: 320×5
faster and stronger than last week's 315. I sort of wished I went for 6 for a rep PR.
Bench:: 202.5×3(F on 4) and 202.5×2
This was disappointing. Realized later I'm behind from last cycle which is a bummer. My bench reps just completely drop off after 200. I hope micro-loading this time gets me somewhere. Thinking of adding a set back in on volume day. Maybe I can make the triples last longer this time.
Halting Deadlifths:: 275×9
As hard as I remember them. Serious back work on these.
Overall felt much better than the last two weeks.
Thanks for making the weekend arrangements, MGMT!
Dr. Kurt Harris is maintaining his reputation for being waaay ahead of the curve over at Paleohacks. If you're into the way the "movement" is bending and turning, read this:
Excellent 7am class with Josh!
I destroyed my squats today and am VERY VERY happy with my new PR of 160 x 8! I can not wait to test our 1RMs. According to the 1RM calculators I should be at around 200# (which would blow my mind and make me beyond proud)
The WOD was hard – 8:27 (I think….) . I did 75# on the front squats and 15,9,6 on the fat green band for pull-ups. I did all the squats unbroken. The pull-ups were absolute hell – going down to singles at the end. Extra thanks to Kristen for the cheering, counting, and motivation ๐
squats 240×5
wod 8:09 @115#
Sunday open gym – Nice! Thanks for doing that guys!
Squatted yesterday at 6am with lady fox. 195×6, woot! This was my previous 3RM from before all the Wendler-ing so I am looking forward to testing a 1RM soon…
Then, started warming up front squats. Picked up 95# and decided, there's no effing way I'm doing 45 of these, let alone at 110#. I was totally fried from the repout and a lingering cold. Live to fight another day.
Woah…. P.S. "CFSBK Coach-In-Training Melissa Loranger" WOW! That's so exciting!
Squats: 160x5x5
Bench: 100X5X5
Clean: 110x3x3
Did some hamstring and hip flexor stretching beforehand. I hate stretching and the feeling is apparently mutual. Overall another good session everything felt fine on the squats. Bench was comfortable but I can feel my left shoulder getting antsy already. Cleans felt really good, on most of them it felt like i actually know what I was doing. Of course I'm still working with baby weights so we'll see. And as usual I need to eat more food.
Today was a great day for me… First in a long time I felt.
195 with 5 reps I think I should have pushed for 6.
I got 5 chained kips as well. I think I am getting the feeling I need.
Front Squat with 95 (this maybe could have been 5-10 pounds heavier but not sure I could have done the first 10 unbroken coming off the back squats I did. 7:54
I am really annoyed that I am once again missing 1RM testing since I will be in Panama. I really don't want to have to go another 6 months before I figure out what they are and just go off of estimates from an iphone app.
Big Congrats to Melissa Loranger in starting her path to trainer at the Box!
Yeah they really burried the lead on the Melissa thing, which is awesome.
Very excited for tonight's workout, all of it. Repping out at 330 tonight, which is, er, exciting. The last time we tested 1-RMs I was a disaster, having pulled an all nighter at the office just a couple days before. I knew I wasn't going to come anywhere near a PR, but the confirmation is still crappy. I think I hit 335 and missed at 345. Tonight, I'd love to hit 5 at 330, maybe even 6. Also, I just love the design of tonight's WOD, as it's two movements I quite like.
Because so many CFSBK members are also PArk Slope Coop members I figured they might be interested in the Daily Show's take on current events there via EW.
I wish I could've squatted with my 7 AM crew this morning! I have a good excuse, but if I told you what it was, I'd have to kill you.
I'm thinking I will come in tomorrow and Friday, and see if I can squat one of those two days. I get plenty of running without coming out for more on Saturday ๐
Keith–enjoy Panama! That old 1RM will be here when you get back. Heck, maybe it'll even be more than it would have been this time anyway.
BTW, I was totally bummed with my WOD today–went too light on the front squats because I was nervous (I finished really fast but I didn't work as hard as I would have liked to) and (I think) figured my weight wrong on the squats (me and Julie, my ace partner, were both bumming out–we both think we could have done more) Anyway, 105 x5 for the rep out
great choice for a coaching addition, one of the nicest people in there.
Yeah Melissa.
For those that don't want to participate in the track workout Saturday. I will be hosting an optional but not that brutal workout for time.
Yes, I am moving. I have 3 pieces that need some help maneuvering, a couch, a bookshelf, and a desk.
Anyone that wants to or can help there is a dinner for 2 in it at the restaurant of your choice.
If there are multiple people that want to help Dinner on me at the appropriate time.
If that is not enough, I will also do as many burpees as steps you complete.
200×10 (rep out)
7:55 @ 110# Strict pull-ups (15,9,6)
Felt good but still having trouble getting my elbows up. Josh showed me a front cross rack position for my last front squat set which made the formerly tough weight feel light. Melissa (my awesome partner) told me my form also improved a lot with that grip.
Love the For Time WODs that include a bigger lift. Keep 'em coming!
BSQ: 140# x 3. My previous 1RM before starting Wendler was 145# so I am psyched to see what happens next week.
WOD: 8:37, I did 21-15-9 FSQ @ 75# and 15-12-9 pull-ups with the green band. My forearms were pumped afterwards. Thanks to my partner in crime Lana for cheering and helping me up on those last brutal pull ups ๐
looks like a fun wod, eh…
Trying to post more often here.
Backsquat: 175# 3×5 (though coach fox let me know I did 4 on the last set, lost count!). My previous weeks set was 185#, but have been feeling a bit weak the past few days, dropped it down to 175#.
WOD: 9:40 95lb/Ring Rows
Off to a good start with the first set, but slowed significantly during the 2nd and 3rd sets.
Just wanted to get something heavyish for a single. 415 felt better than 405
Barbell Rows
Strength A
Totally running late and low on fuel today (as in I forgot to eat pretty much all day – yes, I know, that's totally not good). Upside – I jammed some milk, bananas and left over coffee in the blender and that seemed to do the trick – I'll need to perfect this technique.
WU 45×5 75×5 115×5
3×5 @ 150
WU 45×5 65×5
3×5 @ 70
Weighted chins 15#
5, 5, 8
Little jog home to a pile of bbq. Yum.
That WOD was everything I hoped it would be. 330×5 on the rep out, and then 7:13 Rx'd on the wod, with a nice date with pukey afterwards. Usually my muscles go first and limit my speed. Not on this one.
9:32 on the wod done rx'd. BRUTAL after the 5-3-1 back squat.
Today was really rough.
BQST: 185×5, 207×3, 230×1
I was sore from yesterday, and I really didn't have it in me to do more than 1. I remember picking the bar up at 207 and thinking it felt heavy. Since I've just recovered from food poisoning, and i'm trying to get used to working nights, i'm going to blame it on that. It's frustrating, however. I do have to say I was scared of failing another rep, so I just did one and called it a day.
WOD: 9:27 I rx'd the weight, but then took it easy on the pullups and did 15-9-6. This, also, felt really heavy. My first set was unbroken, but slow. I broke up the other sets by 5s or so, just to get through it faster.
Overall, I'm pleased with my pullups, they're coming along, The next 21-15-9 I want to do outright, but I was a bit worried that I would tear my hands and I couldn't go onto a 12 hour shift at the hospital like that. I do, however, feel like my grip is improving. I feel like my forearms are stronger and I'm really working on holding the bar further forward, instead of in the middle of my palm.