WOD 12.5 Announced
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the rep scheme below:
3 Barbell Thrusters
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
6 Barbell Thrusters
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
9 Barbell Thrusters
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
12 Barbell Thrusters
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Barbell Thrusters
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
18 Barbell Thrusters
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
21 Barbell Thrusters
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
If you competed in this workout last year, any helpful advice on first timers? What is your plan for this year?
Tips for 12.5
Neal Maddox does 12.5 (146 Reps)
Kristen Clever and Jason Khalipa Do 12.5 (137 and 155 Respectively)
10 Stubborn Exercise Myths that Won’t Die, Debunked by Science Lifehacker
Why Not Train Through Pain Begin2Dig
Bad WOD? CrossFit Merge
Made up yesterday's WOD
Press – 150 x 3 – Shoulders were a little fried from Wednesday
WOD – 8:14 30#, 24" box, 30 pull-ups
I'm really disappointed in myself. Only getting 31.
I couldn't get my kip right until the last 4.
I also tweaked my left wrist on the thrusters. 2/3rds body weight is not fun to thrust.
Thanks Kristin for the counting and making it look easy.
Hope you feel better Julie I know allergies can be hell.
Jamal, it was impressive to see you get through so many and make it look like cake.
Thanks coach Nick for the encouragement.
I should of done yesterdays workout.
WOD 12.5 with the emo-lovin' Coach Nick this morning.
Got 66 reps, Rxed the thrusters but still working on pull ups so I needed the green band. The 7 minutes went pretty quickly actually but my forearms were fried after. Thanks to my boy Keith for keeping me on the bar and counting, don't be frustrated with your score. Getting the kip on those pull ups was brutal! I ended up only 3 reps behind Charmel – watch your back buddy! Julie and Melissa rocked the workout as well and beat all of us on reps.
I also was given the nickname "Top Cave Woman" this morning which I am going to try to stick with until people get really sick of me. I figure I have until Paleo 2013 to ride this glory wave…
Ahhhh, every time I decide to WOD on Saturday instead of Friday, I KNOW it's better for my sleep schedule and for my overall training plan, but I wish I could've been there with my 7 AM crew!
I will try this hot mess tomorrow at 9 (or 10, depending on my ambition or lack thereof) and report back.
Keith, I think 31 reps Rx'ed, for someone your size, is kind of awesome.
I guess… I still should have done more pullups.
Bench Press
330×1 (PR)
330 was easier than I thought it would be, came off the chest fast, slowed some through the middle and locked out fine
Lying Tricep Extension (12 breath rest pause)
Axle Curls ( 12 breath rest pause)
Jeremy did you eat some kind of rattlesnake entrails or drink deer blood down in Texas? what's up with all of the PRs?!
Press: 85×3, 100×3, 115 rep out: 6
Did yesterdays WOD. Dare I say that it was actually kinda fun? 30# slam ball, 24" box in 9:25.
looks like the dude on the maddox vid is wearing a CFSBK hoodie
He is! That's Adrian Bozman, one of my best friends!
Speed Prowling with Dave Byrd and Gabrus: 8 rounds @ 70lbs.
This was the fastest, no-rest prowling I've ever done. Barely 60sec rest between runs – brutal! Thanks to the boys for working with me to adjust the weight between their sets and mine; I really appreciated that.
Just trying to get some shit in on a beautiful friday
power cleans
Press (had to clean it due to no rack)
speed prowling
8 sprints at 90#
7'amers, you said "be here or else" so I followed instructions. For once. I must kinda like the early crew or something – this includes those who bounced today. Anyway, everyone ruled, much badassery was in Le House. Coach Nick – most excellent tunes selection to date. X?!?!? Approve.
Good luck tomorrow everyone and bring the noise Stella!
Hello world. Was feeling super quiet at the gym tonight. Always interesting to stand back a bit and see what other folks are up to. Worked out in minimal shoes rough adjustment from lifting shoes.
Almost pullups with the thinner black band. Was a able to get a few inches, cool.
Snatch balance with long stretch/pause in the bottom. Felt some tightness release in the second set! Got at least another inch down as a result.
A few standing snatches at 30 kilos with pause at top working on big forward arm pits and wrists back.
A few light cleans.
A few light clean pulls.
Push Presses w/ long pause at top
Snatch Pulls
5×75 kilos
3×85 kilos
Working as usual these days on going up instead of out. 🙂