If you’re following a linear progression add 2-5lbs as appropriate.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 3.8.12 or 2.23.12
3 Attempts at:
500m Row
400m Run
Rest about 3 minutes between attempts. Choose your weakest modality or mix and match.
Post times to comments.
Coach Margie stays fit while her broken foot heals
Speaking of Coach Margie, her, Coach Jeremy and former CFSBK Coach Gillian M are all in Witchita this week training with Mark Rippetoe. Have fun and train hard, guys!
WOD 12.4 Announced
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
Women’s Rx Wall Ball: 14lbs to 9′ target
Men’s Rx Wall Ball: 20lbs to 10′ target
This workout is reminiscent of the Bar Facing Burpee, Overhead Squat, Muscle-Up workout from last year where it works more like a chipper than a traditional AMRAP. To even clear 1 round is a huge accomplishment and only a small percentile will get to the second round. What is your strategy to get through the Wall Balls? How far do you think you’ll get?
Watch 2010 Men’s CrossFit Games Champ Graham Holmberg perform this workout here.
Workout Demo: “Karen” 150 Wall Ball Shots For Time CrossFit
Scaling Karen CrossFit
Sweet Sweat (For Dan B)
hi from DC where I did presses and "speed squats" at Crossfit Dupont Circle. Repped out at 90# x6 for the press. Hope to make up my Wendler squats sometime this weekend.
OMG 12.4. How will they score, I wonder? Total reps? Everyone will otherwise just get a zero rounds.
12.4 made me laugh when I read it. Then I promptly closed the page so I wouldn't be tempted to curl up in a fetal position on the floor.
AWESOME freaking morning with 7amers/Coach David! Man, I'm loving this running thing. The dude at Gorilla as soon as I walked in was "woah – did you win the lottery or what?!?!" so apparently I'm shiny with happiness. Zooom!
Stella: Inov8's will be in-house tomorrow. Bex: will let you know how it goes.
Charlotte, def total reps. All the open wods have to be total reps just due to the sheer volume of competitors.
I did some math on this work out yesterday and broke the workout down into seconds.
There are 720 seconds for this workout. For me, I want to try to get to the muscle station with at least 1 minute. So I allotted 120 seconds for double unders, 120 seconds for muscle ups. Which leaves 480 seconds to do 150 wall balls or 1 every 3.2 seconds.
I think this is reasonable.
That'd be non-stop wall ball! Can't wait to see this WOD in action and me hiding behind my camera.. 😉
I think I'll attempt this but scale everything as there aren't any muscle-ups happening with my little chicken arms. At least not YET.
Not sure how long a wall ball actually takes. But the video on 12.4 posted Graham holmberg finishes in 5:24 the wallballs.
I wrote this post today and since it had something to do with Crossfit, thought I would post it here:
Have I been spoiled by CFSBK programming? Why does the CFG programming suck?
6am with coach david
pre wu
foam roll
kb swings
wall balls
hip opener goodness
(45 95) followed by tricep mashing btw each rnd
115×5 135×5 155×8
130m jerry can walk
1st unbroken, 2nd 1 drop
good stuff.
One of the benefits of being a fan of Mark Rippetoe/Wichita on the FB, you get a peek at Margie being very serious about some bench pressing: http://www.wfac-gym.com/?p=2118
Yes, I am a nerd. I loves me some Rip. AWESOME Margie!
I am actually a fan of the 12.4 programming- I liked the similar WOD last year which was an AMRAP in name only- for most people it was a game to see how far you could get before either fatigue or technique prevented you from moving forward. I like this WOD in this sense:
150 Wallballs- Well, its Karen, and its something anyone can do. Low skill, high muscular endurance and motor demand.
90 DU: Medium skill movement, high accuracy component (always interesting when fatigued)
30 MU: High skill, high strength, high accuracy movement
Most people will just end up doing Karen, which is no joke on its own. Some will get to test DUs under considerable duress, and some will get to separate themselves by attempting a few muscleups. I think this workout will give pretty broad dispersion, and be fun for all.
I just wanna get one muscleup. Just one.
Love you, Samir.
We are moving forward with the hoodies. If you didn't get an email from me about it, please hit me up at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
HAHAHA i just snorted out loud at work!
Okay! I just looked at 12.4. Seriously? WTH!??! I feel like that guy who was talked by his friends into boarding one of those insanely high roller coaster like Six Flags' Kinda Ka and then once he's strapped in and can't get off.. the realization of just how crazy it's going to be sinks in.
David, thanks for talking me into this. LOL!
I will capitulate that I always do feel good once the endorphins kick in… AFTER THE EVENTS! 🙂
I agree with Noah (well, about this WOD at least). I'm okay with this one. I've never done Karen, so I have no idea how long the 150 wall balls will take me. I'm guessing a very long time, so I'm not even planning on getting to the double unders. My master plan is to just keep doing wall balls, even if I'm moving at a glacial pace. Less precise than DH3’s plan (Dan, you are adorable, by the way), but I think it's an effective plan nonetheless.
12.4 is a great WOD. A mix of basic (wall ball) skill (DU's) and strength/skill (MU's).
Muscle Ups will do the same as the 165 set of snatches in 12.2 did and that's separate the competitors. This will be the seond time where MUs are a deciding factor. (Actually the OHS in 11.4 were the deciding factor for me.) For those complaining just be glad we're not throwing a softball for distance or L-Sit Holds…. Then again there IS one more WOD.
#JustSaying BE READY!
This is a strange selection series.
So far the time domains of the competition workouts have been 7, 10, 18 and 12 minutes. All of the movements have been light and high rep.
I don't understand how this is CrossFit. Isn't CrossFit supposed to be about broad time and modal domains. This competition seems like it is designed to test for one energy pathway + shoulder health.
Thanks for the Sweet Sweat link, MGMT. I've been looking for some kind of topical ointment that would substantially improve my sweating. I also really like the 12.4 programming and am looking forward to hitting it!
Yes this wod does provide dispersion at least. Maybe I am annoyed because I can do all these movements and would like to be able to take advantage of this skill, but I won't be able to because I'll never get past the wallball. MUs aren't the deciding factor here, wallball is. If you can't do >20 wallball/minute you're never going to get a chance to even try to do muscle ups. therefore those of us who won't get past the wallbals won't get the opportunity to scale up in technical complexity as the wod progresses.
again I feel like the designers are giggling to themselves about how 'interesting' the workouts they've designed are and aren't thinking much beyond that.
I am not signing up for the open next year. Interestingly they will probably see a huge uptick in the # of people signing up in 2013 vs 2012. This they will think of as a "success" however my prediction is that the growth of the open will be vastly slower than the growth of crossfit as a whole, in which case I would consider that a failure to thrive.
i blame reebok!
LOL at Luca!
Digressing away from the raging Open debate for a sec… I was just invited to this Yelp Elite event at this place: http://bukanewyork.com/
They promise no dairy and gluten. Will let y'all know how paleo the selection is if I go. (FYI, Sameer… if you wan't, I can nominate you for an elite badge. It's kind of a neat perk. I get loads of free meals with it.)
And for anyone, who was at yesterday's 5 pm class, my answer when Fox asked what we're doing to enjoy the re-emergence of spring and extended daylight is totally paleo-minded. Seriously. As a dark-skinned individual, it's clearly evident that a good portion of my ancestors lived near the equator in the Paleolothic Era. I'm not adapted to these infernal northeastern North American winters with hardly any UV rays. I gotta make up the Vitamin D-deficit as soon and as much as I can every year. Hence, my rooftop activity.
Honestly, I don't feel like doing 150 wallballs – strikes me as kinda boring. I'd like to sub the following when we do this on Saturday:
AMRAP 12 minutes:
20 wallballs
30 double-unders
1-2 muscle-ups
How does that sound? I'm not competing in the games.
BTW, the blog is eating comments again.
Sadly, I think I am going to have to forgo 12.4 – I'm signed up for a marathon on Saturday and I don't think the wall ball / run 26 miles combo is going to go over well (although I've been seriously considering it).
Kind of a bummer because I'm with Noah/KMo/Marcos on this one and I'm really curious to see if I can get past the wall balls – maybe I'll give it a shot next week (or the following week, depending on what kind of shape I'm in…)
I like Samir's substitute WOD! 150 wall balls for us mere mortals sounds like a slog, I'd rather mix it up with DUs and some appropriate MU sub.
I like 12.4 The format for the Open is that all the workouts are AMRAPs so that an easy 1 point per rep system can be used for scoring. Working within those confines, they programmed ones like these which are never intended to work like traditional AMRAPs, rather they're chipper style workouts to see how far you can get in the allotted time. If this workout was something like 3 rounds of 30 WB/30DU/10MU it would be even more exclusive because you'd get a ton of people doing 30/30 and then stopping at muscle-ups. Much like the Snatch workout, you'd quickly come to a roadblock.
If you don't think you'll get passed the Wall Balls (Honestly, I might not myself, I tend to break wall balls up into sets of slow 5's) Use this as an opportunity to see how well you can manage getting through as many reps as you can. It's a good test of pacing, muscular stamina and cardio respiratory endurance. These workouts aren't supposed to cater to anyone's personal preferences, they're tests that seem to throw some wrenches into the typical workouts we're used to doing. These are only 5 workouts out of your entire training career, give them a shot and see how you do.
We'll be running 12.4 as written on Saturday. Like mentioned above, this isn't an opportunity to re-write the workout for what you think might be more stimulating, it's to deal with what comes out of the hopper and see how you stack up. It's not always supposed to be fun!
<Start Arm Chair Rant>
I don't think these are bad workouts, it is as tests that I object to them. CrossFit has hung its hat on 'Broad Time and Modal Domains'. Nothing we have seen yet tests breadth in an athlete. What it does test is how healthy someones shoulders are, and how they do in a very specific energy pathway.
Making every workout an AMRAP does have the advantage that it makes scoring simple, but means that the tests that have been concocted will be worse at differentiating athletes if the true goal is getting a broadly able athlete. I guess I would be content if CrossFit gave up the 'Fittest on earth' title, but as it is I want to see attention on all of the energy pathways.
<Stop Arm Chair Rant>
KMo: I'm going to try Bekka's strategy of 10 sets of 15.
If this workout was something like 3 rounds of 30 WB/30DU/10MU it would be even more exclusive because you'd get a ton of people doing 30/30 and then stopping at muscle-ups.
I think David has shown that my objection to this wod is purely selfish. =( I guess you're right, I have muscle-ups so I want to get my score up above those people who don't!
Time to go be sad.
Rahsaan: I knew your name looked familiar when I responded to your yelp email! Buka looks cool, would love to be elite =) (If I can't be elite at crossfit at least I can be elite on yelp!)
Wall Ball 101
Double Under 101
(45×5, 75×5, 85×3)
130m Jerry Can Carry, 1 Foul @ 3rd Ave
270 Heavy Sandbag Run, harder than anticipated
130m Mellissa Loranger Fireman's Carry, Fun!
65M BEING carried by Gabrus with Melissa, Demoralizing
Haven't pressed since before Mexico so I dropped 5lbs from my last exposure
Wall Balls Felt so so hard. Even fresh I had a hard time stringing together 5 reps to 10'. Trust me Sameer, I would have done 30/30/10 in a heartbeat. WB is a top 3 goat of mine.
Assistance work was fun today!
so I missed AM class today on account of sleepiness. Good thing I had a 10:30am meeting otherwise I would not have gotten up. =) Made it to 6pm class which was a good time.
Press stayed at the same level as last month, 76.5×8 which is a good improvement.
Run didn't suck as much as I thought it would. 1:27
My wb strategy: 5 at a time. Try to get 10 per minute for the first few minutes then drop down to 15 per 2 minutes. So if the first 4 minutes give me 40 reps and the last 8 minutes give me 60 then I would have 100 total. That seems like a reasonable target. But so damn boring!
Further chatting has led me to retract my confession that my objection is completely selfish. I think that it's highly appropriate for the wods to test skill together with strength and conditioning, rather than strength and conditioning above skill. I feel like if I do have muscle-ups and double unders there should at least be one workout in the open that gives me a better score than someone who is stronger and has better conditioning than I do but he doesn't have muscle-ups and/or double unders. That is totally fair. So, ok, it's selfish, but I think it's a reasonable selfishness.
btw the proposal is 50/30/10, that is a simple 1/3rd of the qty in the actual wod.
200 reps for 12.4
I got through "Karen" in 8:30min and struggled to get through double unders, ended up having to do some shitty pulling of my knees to get through 50. DU are still my enemy.
After having done the workout, this is what I feel about it:
I was way more gassed after the wallballs than expected.
My hip extension would get lost when I started to fatigue, I kept trying to remind myself to pay attention to that as I worked.
After 40 unbroken, I started to break them into 5s. This was manageable for me, because I was able to reduce the amount of no reps I would get by maintaining accuracy. I did not rest for long, really just dropped the ball, picked it back up and did another 5.
Between 75-125 on the wall balls, it just felt like forever to go.
Overall, I think this workout is a great challenge. Thanks to Matt K. for doing it with me today. I already knew that I need to work my DU, so that's back on the block to try and improve on. Best of luck all the SBK crew this weekend!
I fear for tomorrow but I will face it.
In reference to the comments about the workouts we have been given.
I don't know if anyone else has read the crossfit blogs talking about this competition so I will drop some info I picked up.
The US doubled the amount of competitors this year, England tripled theirs.
This ment that they need workouts that could accommodate a lot of competitors and also separate the wheat from the chafe.
Its not about fun its about competition so its not going to be a walk in the park and all easy for you and I. Was I mad that I faced I think my 2 best activities (box jumps and toe to bar) along with my worst if not second worst push press (with 12.3)? No I knew going into that that I would do sub 1 min for the former and the rest of the time killing myself to try and do the later.
With this WOD like David said, its actually not about the amount of wallballs, its how you ration out your energy and time to work in. Can you set a good pace and keep at it? I think that is really the test of this one. Unless you can just beast your way through the wall balls then its all about strength and skill with the muscle ups.
Good luck everyone. I am sure I will be limping after class tomorrow.
Keith: 12.3 sucked, but in a good way. 115lb push presses destroyed me. but it was a good solid wod. i was at the back of the pack but it was solid. and competition should be fun. It's not like we're doing this 'cause we want the 250k prize at the end. it doesn't have to be easy for it to be fun. 12.3 was horribly painful, but it was still fun and interesting. 12.2 was boring as all hell because all I did was sit around for 8 minutes after I got my initial 30 reps.
You can separate the wheat from the chaff with a differently designed workout that is still inclusive of the broad crossfit community. they could make a decision that the games open is only for the elite crossfitters. However that's not what they said. They claim that the open is for everyone. If it is for everyone, then they should make it for everyone.
I beg to differ Sameer.
I had a horrible time with 12.3 because I couldn't get through the toes to bar, whereas 12.2 was great for me.
It all depends upon who you are and what are your strengths and weaknesses. There are always going to be pieces that challenge you, so I just take it as a lesson on what I need to work on…
Most of us won't ever get to the level that some of these athletes reach on a regular basis, but I see the competition as a good test and it exposes stuff that we may not be aware of or be ignoring that we need to work on.
Yeah muscle ups!! I did Noah’s muscle up class today and it was just fantastic! I got my first three mu’s and I can not tell you how f’in jazzed I am. Added bonus was getting to do a class with David McG after what seems like years! Great job to everyone in the class with a bunch of firsts and some almost there’s.
Prior to that did todays workout – very light on the presses as the shoulder wasn’t feeling that awesome. Then a couple of 500m rows with my fastest being 1:30.2
12.4 (the even worse than I expected WOD)
207 reps
WB in about 9:30. Awful.
DUs felt god awful-er after with seizing quads o' fire.
Thanks to Joe, who smoked this, for doing your best to keep me on track.
I've enjoyed the programming thus far and feel like it will be a good test of who advances. There's been nothing heavy yet, it's been about gas and some skill. Yeah, some people snatched 135 and 165 demonstrating a low level of skill but they didn't get far. In 12.4 the 150 WB is about efficiency and mental toughness. If you are sloppy and inefficient you will not do very well. If you are sloppy on your doubles you will not go very far. If you have been efficient (and have a motor) on the first two movements you'll have time to use a higher level of skill on the muscle up. In the CF continuum the first thing to work on, or the base of the pyramid, is nutrition. After that it's metabolic conditioning. If you have a relatively poor level of conditioning then these WODs all so far will have smoked you. I'm exhausted physically and mentally so maybe I'm not making sense at all but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in the ring.
BTW – I openly admit that none of these WODs so far have played to my strengths, but I don't expect them to. My fitness goals are pretty different that Rich Froning or Annie T or anyone else who hopes to do well in the Games, it is fun to play along though.
I second that, Dmak. Awesome Muscle-Up Workshop, Noah. Congrats to everyone who attended as everybody did a bang-up job. I doubt that I'll actually get to apply what I learned tonight during Open event 12.4 (I hope to at least make it to the double-unders. LOL.), but it will definitely be used in future WODs and throughout my own personal CrossFit journey.
Congrats DMAK!!!
dmak, gratulacje 🙂
425×1 (PR)
Felt good, came out of the hole fast. Kind of awesome to hit a squat PR at WFAC
Followed by some singles at same. Rip is helping me to unfuck my deadlift. U won't say it's there yet, but I got some shit figured out
Little bit of prowler work. Time to eat a very late dinner
110 3×5 press